Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7290: : Xiaocheng

"This...this..." Nanxue lowered her head, her cheeks red to the base of her neck, but unexpectedly, she nodded without much hesitation. When she finally raised her head, she was already serious: "I...know Now, I will let Dao Master Xia collect the data without reservation. Nan Xue will cooperate with Dao Master Xia what he wants to do. As for the resistance... I definitely won't."

Instead, I let her calm down. The scene was obviously a bit unable to go on. I thought she would jump up and leave. I could explain the joke better, but I didn't expect her to take it seriously.

I thought about it, and finally decided not to explain it at all. If I explain it, I am afraid that the little girl will not cry. This is a big joke, so it is better to use actual proof to speak. When the time comes, the theory and practice will be somewhat different. The fool passed.

"Well, since you have already thought about it, let's start." I pretended to be relaxed, and then went into a meditative posture, but I never expected the little girl to hesitate and start undressing.

When I opened my eyes suddenly, the ruddy position of her dress was already in view. I hurriedly grabbed her hand and smiled awkwardly: "Hold on, you have to wait for my instructions."

"Oh...but shouldn't it be...there is no barrier to do what..." Nanxue replied in a low voice, showing that she was already very shy.

I secretly said that I have played with fire this time. Although I knew that the little girl would take it seriously, I didn’t expect it to be the real axis. I swallowed my saliva and my eyes were a little bit too much to move. But I still said: "Theoretically, this is the case, but We have to take it step by step. We can't worry about this kind of thing. When there are obstacles, we can take the materials with the obstacles. When there are no obstacles, we naturally take the information when there are none."

"So that's it... That's the hard work of Dao Xia. If there is something... I can't do it well, please let me know immediately. I will do my best... to cooperate." Nan Xue was already somewhat calm this time, from rejection to A process of acceptance.

I know that this little girl might be really interesting to me. I was wondering why her gaze is always placed on me naturally. With my keen sixth sense, of course, this cannot be hidden from my detection. Now I understand it. .

Maybe from the time when I appeared in front of her, I swept through all obstacles for her and rescued her from the dire straits. It is estimated that she has been enamored with me, so she took the joke just now, and tried to make herself. Cooperate with me.

I didn't tease her anymore. Since I made things difficult to deal with before, I reduced the damage to the lightest, so holding her hand, I slowly guided her to run her own exercises.

Nan Xue was a well-behaved and obedient little girl. She immediately followed my instructions and showed the Nan family's magical skills step by step, including the spiritual skills, tricks, mental skills, physical skills, and supernatural powers of this set of exercises.

Although it hasn’t been a long time since I practiced this set of exercises, I haven’t been able to master it, but it’s enough for me to make a deduction from the shallower to the deeper. A similar ground-level exercise is as simple as writing a few sentences for me, so she doesn't need to do extra things at all.

Of course, the exploration of the spiritual veins and her willingness to cooperate are still very important, and the collection process is also indispensable for some spiritual vein blind dates. For the little girl, it can be regarded as the skin being touched, so I change it to someone I don’t like. Will definitely refuse.

Because she did not achieve great results in her cultivation, and the collection work did not go too deep to achieve the goal, so I quickly withdrew the spirit vein tentacles, and at this moment, Nanxue opened her eyes and asked a little shyly: "Then now ...Are you going to... undress..."

"Wide...cough cough, no need, originally I thought you had a small achievement in magical skills, maybe you need to do that step, but now it seems too early, with these, it should be enough for me to decompile, so I collected this. So far." I coughed lightly, and then helped her to pull the clothes that had slipped to her shoulders back into place.

"Ah...it's all...I blamed me for being in a bad mood recently. I've been too inconvenienced to cultivate, so Dao Master Xia couldn't collect it completely... Nanxue promised that once I get to Fenglan City, I will seriously practice this set of exercises. Xiaocheng, let Dao Master Xia completely... collect it again, okay? By then, I... I shouldn't be the same as today..." Nan Xue turned her head and looked disappointed.

I looked at her expression, stunned for a moment, and almost nodded, but at the critical moment, I finally held the bottom line and said: "Nan Xue, your contribution to this matter is far beyond my imagination. If I reach this level, I can’t If the compilation is successful, it would be a blasphemy against you, so..."

But while explaining, Nan Xue suddenly took my hand.

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