Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7291: : Clue

I will inevitably start to take the initiative because of confusion: "What's the matter?"

Nan Xue was a little embarrassed to loosen it, but still said, "Tao Master Xia...you take me to Fenglan City, not to let me...let me..."

I looked at her with some doubts and said, "What do you want?"

"Naturally...yes...to follow your body...because you saved me and helped us so much, I...I haven't thanked you yet...and I have nothing to pay for it, so what Nanxue can think of now...and this is the only thing Now, I'm not a kid who doesn't know anything... Yongqiu didn't come and I didn't let her come..." Nan Xue said embarrassingly.

I was stunned. It turned out that this little girl came alone with some special thoughts. I smiled bitterly and said: "I am not someone who has done something and wants to reciprocate. I am not purely for this time. You come to save you just by the way, and you don’t need to have any psychological pressure. I am definitely not that kind of person."

"Yes... Am I not good enough?" Nan Xue said anxiously.

I immediately shook my head and said, "You are very good, the country is beautiful, and you are very intellectual. It is inevitable that a gentleman will be awkward when a man sees you, otherwise the Blue Mountain Sect will not chase you? Nan Mei has a leg, and even his son can't make it."

"Ah..." Nan Xue was stunned, and then chuckled: "You... Dao Master, you are really good at joking."

Seeing her trembling with laughter, my heart was stunned. The little girl looked really attractive, so she said again, "Especially when she laughs, she is more beautiful. It can be described as Hua Kaiyue shame. ."

My icing on the cake, on the contrary, made Nan Xue's face reddened. This ambiguous approach is like a curious little cute cat that has just been full moon. It is both serious and adventurous in her eyes. Among.

I would inevitably retreat, but made her take a step forward proudly, and finally pressed me under her body: "Dao Master... Nanxue is in your mind, is this really the case?"

I swallowed, and said, "Little girl, I'm an old driver. If I play with fire like this, I'll be careful when I go down the stairs with someone to help me."

"Ah? Why do people need to be supported? It's not that only men are..." Nan Xue didn't understand this black story, so the aggression would inevitably cease temporarily.

I took the opportunity to leave, and at this moment someone appeared on the balcony. I hurriedly got up and raised my head, and Nan Xue was also shocked. Because I got up and fell on my back, I knew she was in an unbalanced state, so I lost it. Embrace her in his arms.

Seeing the person clearly, I breathed a sigh of relief.

However, at the same time, it was extremely embarrassing. Because the person here was Yong Qiu, she gasped as if to say something, but when she saw me holding Nan Xue, she turned her back for a while: "You...I …I’ll come back later, anyway, someone who seems to be able to wait a while..."

"No, we didn't... nothing, tell me what happened." I let go of Nan Xue with a wry smile, her face flushed and she didn't know what to explain, so she could only sit restrained and wandered.

"Okay, Dao Master, the Blue Mountain Sect is here. I am talking with the Nanlin Patriarch in the main hall at the moment. I originally planned to come over, but I think... I think you should be with the young lady, so I will come here on my own terms. It's...but it still disturbs a good thing." Yong Qiu said reproachfully.

I smiled awkwardly and said, "What's disturbing a good thing? You have misunderstood. Okay, since the Blue Mountain Sect is here, let's go and have a look."

Yong Qiu turned around and glanced at Nan Xue with embarrassment. Nan Xue sorted out her clothes as if nothing had happened. On the way together, she couldn't help but mutter carefully: "If there is a main entrance, you must go through Flying in from the terrace, Yongqiu, you did it on purpose."

"Miss, I...I think this should be an urgent matter... If it's a four-story staircase, I'm afraid I won't waste a lot of time..." When Yong Qiu explained, she was still very guilty. It seems that this matter was planned by her. Otherwise, I won't regret it like this.

I coughed lightly and said, "Gathering spirit veins is very successful. I already have some clues. After a while, this set of exercises should show up in a new look."

"Really? That's great!" Yong Qiu was very happy, but Nan Xue just uttered an ‘oh’, a little disappointed anyway.

I smiled and said, "Since the Blue Mountain Sect is here, we want to come and we will soon be able to get to Fenglan City. You will love Fenglan City, usually. It’s just in the sky, but it’s like a paradise. It should be a perfect journey in life."

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