Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7292: : Ming Fu

As he was speaking, Nan Lin couldn't wait to bring the Blue Mountain Sect's immortal family over there. Those Blue Mountain Sect's fairy family did not show a face of vengeance, which was actually in my expectation.

The fairy family world pays attention to strong strength. When the strength reaches a certain level, let alone the first-class sect, the top-level sect should be lowered when the head is bowed. It is like a top-level sect such as the original residence. Don't even dare to fart.

Because each level of sect has strengths and weaknesses, and the gap is very huge.

The Blue Mountain Sect is not a top-tier existence, so when I heard that it was a terrifying sect like Fenglan City, I was naturally scared. Not to mention that the lord had died of his son, I was afraid that I would die. It is not his turn to speak, the old ancestors are not vegetarians, and it is the great elders who have really mastered the sect.

So it is not surprising that such a decision will be made.

A middle-aged man and Nan Lin flew parallel in the air. Behind him, apart from the great academicians of the Nan family, there are also some powerful mentors. Of course, the Blue Mountain Sect has actually come to more than a dozen Divine Transformations, with varying strengths. Qi, but the clothes are considered luxurious.

It was inevitable that it would be difficult to talk head-on, Nan Lin hurriedly stepped forward and greeted: "Dao Master Xia, why don't we just go to the hall below to chat? Otherwise, it will be really troublesome."

"Alright." I did not refuse, and Nan Lin decisively led us to an open-air hall below in order to prevent us from forming a team.

While descending, he introduced: "Dao Master Xia, this is the Sect Master of the Blue Mountain Sect, Lan Li, who came here to apologize for what happened a few days ago."

The middle-aged man, the leader of the Blue Mountain Sect who landed with the landing, was slightly embarrassed, and his expression was more blunt. The Taoist master cleared the door for Lan Li in time, otherwise it would definitely bring endless disasters to my Blue Mountain Sect. Lan Li was really grateful. This time, to express his gratitude, he also brought twenty Heavenly Ingots and a few blue stones. The mountain sect’s ethnic resource, the Blue Mountain Iron, expresses his heart, and hopes that Dao Master Xia will never be polite, please accept it with your smile."

After Lan Li said, someone immediately offered a storage bag and twenty stacked Tianyuan Baoyu. This scene ruined the three views of the two little girls, Nanxue and Yongqiu, their son was killed, and his mistress was killed. Being annihilated, he actually had to give a generous gift, which is simply unthinkable.

"Sect Master Lan, you can come here, I killed your son, shouldn't you retaliate against me?" I smiled lightly and looked up and down the middle-aged man. It seemed that he had been psychologically depressed for a long time.

Lan Li quickly said: "Dare not, Dao Xia is not convinced by Lan Li. I did think of revenge for the first time, but after thinking about it seriously, I couldn't help but think of what Lan Xiang had done over the years. It is all caused by my constant indulgence and indulgence. Compared with the other children, this child is simply a model of ineffectiveness. He has been spurned by many elders. Alas, my Blue Mountain Sect Master has been deceived for so many years. However, after several great elders cleared the way, Lan Li has now re-appointed the third child as the young master. This child is relatively more upright, and this should be the master of our Blue Mountain Sect."

I smiled, looked at a group of immortals behind him, and said, "Do you think so too? This hatred is really unrequited? Now I am standing here alone. If it is based on cultivation, there are 90% of you. I’m all tall, and if there is a thunder blow, it may not be without a chance."

As a result, a group of people hurriedly waved their hands with expressions that they absolutely dare not, including Lan Li's expression of bitterness, and said: "Dao Master Xia, how can we dare to take the cultivation as a way to win people? The strength of Dao Xia is obvious to all. Why is it second, not to mention that Fenglan City is now in full swing. Even Wind City has to think about it now before daring to make a big fight. How dare we, a small sect like us, dare to do this?"

I didn’t intend to bully him, so I said, “Lan Li, I don’t care what you really think in your heart, but your son has already paid the cost of this matter. I don’t intend to know about it. These people are not just damned because they bumped into me, but they’ve done enough to make them die several times, but they just happened to run into me and you can’t seek revenge. I Knowing that if you replace them with other people, you are afraid that they will not kill them, but you will also do something to find face. As for the things that are given to me, I will not accept them. Take them back. If one day you want to do more It’s to stimulate me, and I’ll go to you to get it again, but maybe it’s more than just counting.”

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