Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7293: : Giant City

Lan Li's breathing was stagnant, and it took a long time before he said: "This is of course, but it's something, I still ask Dao Master Xia to accept it, otherwise..."

"Do you think I'm such a person? If you hit people without slapping your face, this time you can ask for the crime. This is the end of the matter. You don't have to do unnecessary things. Go back to the Blue Mountain Sect." I said. Waved, he didn't plan to take care of their behavior anymore.

Lan Li was a little confused about what I was thinking. He could only look at the relatively calm old men behind him. These few nodded to each other, and then one of the representatives said, "Sect Master, let's go back. Since Daozhu Xia does not intend to pursue investigations, he naturally disdains to investigate the faults of our Blue Mountain Sect. The door fell into an irreversible thing."

"Well, Lu Yutai taught him that Lan Li knew that he was wrong, and he will definitely be good at giving birth to godsons in the future, and no longer let them give birth to today's disaster." Lan Li said along the ladder.

"Well, you can go now, before I change my mind." I looked at Lan Li, he hurriedly saluted, and then said goodbye to Nan Lin before leaving.

In this goodbye, it is indispensable to feel gratified that Nanlin can go to Fenglan City. I hope to strengthen contact with Yunyun in the future. I guess I also want to attach to the relationship of Nanlin along the way. These immortals are frantic about the worship of power.

After the lord of the Blue Mountain Sect left, I also looked to Nanlin and asked about the relocation.

"This time I thought that there were not too many children coming, but who thought it was not just the third child who had to send many children over, and even the second child was begging me bitterly. Alas, have you ever seen it all these years? This kind of wonder? They don’t even blame Xia Daozhu at all now, they are full of praise, and they also sent their own children to Fenglan City, but the Dao Master, please don’t worry. Most of the children declined to Nan Lin. Only a few of them I grew up watching. They were of good character. Because of the affection, they couldn’t refuse, so Nan Lin had to make his own decision." Lin said cautiously.

"Since you think it's good, just take it with you. What's the situation with the students?" I asked blankly.

Nan Lin hurriedly said: "Students are even more enthusiastic to sign up, and some have even got the approval of their parents. Nan Lin can't stop this because they can't stop them. I really don't know which one to leave behind. Alas, Now they all know that Fenglan City will be there immediately, and the threshold has been trampled on me. If I have to set this quota, I am really embarrassed. Some of them are children of large families. How can this be a good birth?"

"Since you have to come, you can bring it all with you, but the character must be strictly controlled. If something happens under your door, I will take you as a question. In Fenglan City, no matter what kind of relationship you have with relatives and friends, only the sect. Rules, do you understand?" I asked with a deep eyebrow.

"Of course, Nan Lin will definitely stick to the character level, and will definitely not cause trouble to Dao Xia." If Nan Lin is still middle-aged on the surface, I will overlap him with the old scholarship.

I took a look at the surrounding environment and said, "Have you taken care of the relocation? Is there a big boat to and from?"

"Yes, Nanlin has been in business for many years, and I still have little family resources. This time I have prepared three big immortal boats to go to Fenglan City. I think there should be enough children to board. The rest can be packed in storage bags. Yes, we all use storage bags to store them, like some books, teaching tools, etc." Nan Lin said.

I nodded, and then said, "If that's the case, let's set off tomorrow."

Nan Lin nodded immediately, then retreated and left.

The next day, two or three hundred people took off from Nanjia on three blue immortal boats to Fenglan City. Nanjia was taken over by the second child. Before leaving, the second child dragged Yongqiu to send 20 pieces of Tianyuan Baoyu. It is to take care of the children and children.

The third child was even more cunning. Not only did he forcibly stuffed thirty pieces of Tian Yuan Baoyu, he also let the little Peugeot girls who he had brought on board the boat in disguise. After being recognized, he drove off, saying that he planned to find a chance to approach me.

I don't bother to care about these two unhealthy minds in the Nan family, and I don't plan to take them with me.

Within a few days, we arrived at the northern land, the only way to enter the Demon Realm, and waited for the arrival of Sky City.

However, Fenglan City did not wait, but waited for a magnificent giant city in the sky.

This city is seven or eight times the size of Fenglan City, or even more than ten times the size. Even if you look up, the huge sky city feels like a black sun. No wonder everyone knows what Tiancheng does. It's not easy to keep a low profile.

Because it is not in the clouds at the moment, but has dropped to a height that is no different from Fenglan City!

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