Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7295: :arrogant

"Of course, I know that for Dao Master Xia, such an invitation is regrettable, but Dao Master should also be considerate. To achieve this situation, I have already tried my best to invite Dao Master Xia. Tiancheng, I'm afraid I can't help Fu Yu speak." Fu Yu looked at the two people beside him.

"Xia Daozhu, Tiancheng Tianjiao, they are all one in a thousand. Brother Fuyu is like this, so are you. We Tiancheng cherish talents, naturally we pay special attention to Tianjiao like you, because if any Tianjiao is let go Self-flowing will lead to a change in Mu Xianzhou. Therefore, you come and come, and if you don't come, please don't mistake yourself." The female fairy who has not spoken said lightly.

"It's okay to go, wait until I'm done." I said lightly.

After hearing this, Fu Yu was anxious, and said hurriedly: "Dao Master Xia, please don't have such thoughts again. Tiancheng won't treat the people you brought from Nanjia this time, but if you want to return to the wind Lancheng, then relying on the Zhentian formation made by Peeping Stone, I am afraid that even I can’t help you. Tiancheng is not afraid of the Zhentian formation, let alone all the strange facilities that you have in Feng Lan. Even excellent talents, because Tiancheng would not pay attention to them at all, and did not think that they would bring any threat to Mu Xianzhou, but you are not the same as you are not born in the world. The call of Tiancheng must not be violated, otherwise, The power of the Heavenly City will immediately descend. Even if Dao Xia is fine by then, can you guarantee that everyone here will be fine?"

I stared at the three people in front of me, and sneered: "Your Celestial City's policy is advanced. Capture the thieves first. Without the king, no matter how big the power is, there will be no leader. You are so sure that you will have no me. Can Fenglan City not be able to catch any waves?"

"This is not in our care. Dao Xia and Tiancheng are here. It can be seen that the city lord attaches great importance to you. Even I was sent to welcome you after knowing you. Otherwise, it would belong to the generation of other teachers and uncles. , So please don't refuse any more." Fu Yu's tone was sincere and fearful.

Even the first stage of enlightenment is so careful, it can be seen how powerful the Celestial power is, and knowing that my Fenglan City is not afraid of watching the stone town Celestial Formation, it can be seen that Celestial City has a killer.

Actually, I didn’t refuse to go up. It’s just that the courtesy of such an invitation was wrong. Although I don’t want to admit it, it’s actually the most effective. Now the people around me are too weak, and if they see the situation is wrong, I’ll bow my head, or I’ll hurt myself. Oh no.

Maybe Tiancheng thought that if it solved me, Fenglan City would be scattered and scattered like flies headless. In fact, under my creation, the various rules and regulations of Fenglan City were written in accordance with the various stages of Tianyi's martial governance. Yes, so there is no problem in operation, and Tianyi does not rely on me to operate alone all the year round, there is no such thing as collapse.

In addition, there are a lot of capable ministers, so I can rest assured for a while, and now it’s okay to enter the Celestial City, paralyze their nerves, and let the Fenglan City enter the Demon Realm to find the blood, take the opportunity to become stronger, and I will disintegrate from the inside or disintegrate. Tiancheng has assimilated, and then I don’t know who will suffer if I charge me.

Of course, some necessary things still need to be explained and planned, so I said: "It's okay to let me go to the Sky City. Give me a half hour. I have to explain something. Isn't this always okay?"

Fu Yu looked at the two around him and said after getting the approval, "Of course, but I still hope that Dao Master Xia will not do some unnecessary things during this period of time, and cause some trouble for himself."

"Hehe, don't worry, don't be so afraid of me. You should go back to your boat first. When the time comes, I will naturally follow you." I sneered.

Fu Yu nodded happily, and then returned to his warship.

When I turned back, everyone behind me was worried, Lingzhao, Nan Jin, and Nan Xue even more sad.

"I want to go with you!" Lingzhao said anxiously.

I shook my head, and then said, "They will not let anyone enter the Celestial City easily. You have also seen that those who can enter the Celestial City are mostly top-level talents, or they may not be able to pick one out of the ten sects. I have to say that the system adopted by Tiancheng is still excellent. This also ensures that Tianjiao is in his hands. Those who do not go to Tiancheng will naturally not be able to bring much storm to Muxianzhou, even if there is a slippage. Zhiyu, it is enough to send the same Tianjiao to deal with it, so I am afraid I have to go, and I can't stop it."

"But you are no longer in Fenglan City, what shall we do?" Nan Xue said anxiously.

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