Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7296: : God

"Even if I'm not in Fenglan City, your Nan family will be reused. As for other things, I'll talk about it when I go back. It's OK. I won't talk about these little things. Lingzhao, Nanjin, Nanxue, you guys The three come with me. I need you to complete some tasks. "The reason why I chose them is that they are the most trustworthy people around me, at least they will not betray me.

Of course, Yong Qiu is also one, but she listened to her own lady, and it was enough to call Shang Nanxue.

After entering the cabin, I immediately took the formation of Zhentian formation, the formation of Fenglan City, the formation of Yunmeng Wonderland Xingtiansi, and a pile of storage bags containing wealth and supplies that I didn't think I needed. Came out and placed in front of them.

"Before returning to Fenglan City, these three formation plates will be handed over to you for safekeeping. You don't need to control them, nor can you control them, because there are already people who control them in Fenglan City. You only need to hand them in. Just give it to my disciple Bai Cheng, Tianyi, you don’t have to worry, everything is in the plan, even if I leave for a few years, it will be able to operate normally, as for these materials, they will also be handed over to my disciples intact. Let her use it for the construction of martial arts as appropriate, nothing can't be used." I said.

I'm sneaking into the enemy. These formations are still dangerous to stay with me. In case someone is controlled externally, even though I have a password, there should be no shortage of talents in Tiancheng.

After finishing these explanations, I took out a jade card and entered some personal arrangements and explanations in it, and then asked Nanxue to hand it over to my disciple, because I was not here, my disciple was the lord of Fenglan City. Only she can avoid being unselfish.

These arrangements even include the rules of doing things in the Demon Realm, and there are all kinds of things that must not be done. I believe Bai Cheng can definitely check it for me. After all, everyone treats this child differently.

After a short while, the three enlightened states came to the boat again. They saw me walking out, and Fu Yu smiled and said, "Don’t worry, Dao Master Xia, since you promised us to go to the sky city, our sky city will not turn back. If you hit anyone other than you, at least our Heavenly City has stood up to this day, and it shouldn't have left a blood debt in the classics."

"I hope so, I don't know what about my Fenglan City?" I asked.

"This is not something we can decide." Fu Yu looked sorry, it seemed that this guy didn't look like a random person, and he was still acting in a very orderly manner.

I nodded, and then followed them to the flagship. As the three immortal ships moved, several ships of the Nan family gradually disappeared from view.

The huge land area looks like a fairyland from a distance. The green area of ​​Tiancheng is still quite large, and the scale of the mountain guard is not small, and it is similar to the shape of Fenglan City. It is said that Fenglan City is also built according to the style of Tiancheng, so big. It's hard not to be encountered by the Xian family of Mu Xianzhou.

Of course, Tiancheng would never worry about being found, because it existed like a Tyrannosaurus in the sect of Muxianzhou.

The three giant ships quickly flew into the sky city and berthed in the dock. The design style here is extremely sophisticated, using a large number of sapphire and white jade, and stroking with gold glittering metal. The hollowed out place is delicate and unusual. Mu Xianzhou was afraid that no sect could make such a big capital.

Tiancheng’s financial management capabilities may have penetrated into all parts of Muxianzhou, because according to the survey of Yuelin Society, even they have some sources of funds that are difficult to trace. They operate and influence all aspects of Muxianzhou, even in the past. Such super-materials have disappeared on a large scale. Except for some buried places, there are also many mysteries of whereabouts.

And these spearheads are likely to be directed at Tiancheng, only in this way can all speculations be met.

The disciples on the boat quickly dispersed. When they left, almost everyone gave me a glance. I treated them with a blank expression. Don’t look at the dozens of people who looked like they were here to make soy sauce. Maybe Some of them will be met in the future, because they are all the top princes selected to the Celestial City from all over the world.

Even ordinary Tianjiao can't come in yet, so this group of people can be said to be the qualifications of the pinnacle of Mu Xianzhou, or else they won't be able to help Yu.

After the other two middle-aged men and women let the other disciples disperse, they said they had to hand over their tasks first.

Only Fu Yu wanted to take me into the city. It was obvious that the Heavenly City gave them so much confidence.

So when the two of us were left, Fu Yu naturally let out a sigh of relief: "Hehe, although Tiancheng has taken such a big battle to invite Dao Xia up this time, I am still worried about you, Dao Xia. In a fit of anger, something like the last time happened again, and I really don’t know how to end it."

"I'm alone now, are you afraid that I will regret it again?" I couldn't help but sneer.

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