Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7300: :herring

"When you go out to practice, you will know who is strong and who is weak!" The fourth man raised his head and hummed. This young man looked like Kong Wu was strong and strong.

The second girl chuckled and said, "Then do it like this! You! Come out with me!"

Seeing that I didn't mean to leave, the second girl came over to grab me, and I flew out the door very lightly, and the second girl rushed towards me at an astonishing speed for a moment. I don’t know when With a long sword, it stab at me with a swish!

I also released the martial arts umbrella, and collided with her long sword, sparks exploded, and the weapons of both sides broke each other. I lowered my eyebrows to know that the blade part of this martial arts umbrella was mixed with sunken sky stone. Yes, although the blade is negligible, the opponent's weapon is already a magic weapon.

"Ah! My Herring Sword!" When Er Niu saw that her weapon was actually sharply curled, it was inevitable that she was anxious. She stepped aside to check the condition of the gods. Seeing that it was difficult to repair, she stomped and rushed towards me: " This herring sword was made five years ago! Do you dare to destroy my magic sword, I will fight with you!"


Bang bang bang!

The herring sword had more and more blades. As soon as Er Niu got angry, she couldn't stop it at all. Under the fierce attack, the herring sword suffered more and more injuries, and in the end it was almost useless.

I was actually very surprised in my heart. The cultivation of these two girls is indeed outrageous, and every blow is very fast, and the release of sword aura is also very powerful. I entered the initial stage of the transformation of the soul of the soul of the soul, mobilization The strength is not at the same level as the Nascent Soul, but it is still a bit difficult for the Great Perfection of the Upper Enlightenment Realm, and it is very difficult even to get a distance.

Er Niu's close combat attack is compact, the sword intent is fast, the far attack and the sword energy is randomly released, the combat experience is very skilled, and it can hardly be said that there are not many weaknesses. This is the comparison between Tianjiao and ordinary immortals, even if they are equally enlightened. Tianjiao's fighting style is remarkable.

I was forced to retreat continuously, and the martial arts umbrella was constantly switching. When the sword energy was high, I opened the umbrella and directly resisted. When I attacked in close quarters, I switched to the sword and spear to attack. Of course, after inducing her to use up all the routines, I also lost the patience to continue the fight. The moment the martial arts umbrella was recovered, the spiritual skill ball had been replaced, and the next one-finger deconstruction technique lost Er Niu's arm on the spot!

The second girl screamed, still not understanding what happened, hurriedly took her hand back, I said coldly: "It's almost done, try harder, next time I will just take your head off."

The second girl was startled, and finally realized my danger, but at this moment, it would be difficult to step down if I didn't find a spot.

"Second Senior Sister! Stop it, click until you finish!" Fu Yu said hurriedly.

"I don't! I'm going to beat him!" The two girls flicked their long sword angrily, and then pulled away and pointed at me.

"I said he was dangerous." The boss murmured.

"Ha, okay, stop it, Er Niu, you can't beat him. He is the spiritual root of heaven and earth. As far as the aura in the body is purer than mine, you are not an opponent. Don't let go of your supernatural powers. Now." Fu Yang yawned, looking like I'm tired of seeing it.

"Master!" The second girl was anxious again, and the boss said: "Master said right. He is really dangerous. Don't fight dangerous guys."

The second girl pouted, dropped her herring sword so angry, and ran away.

The third child walked over and picked up the sword, looked at it and shook his head, and said, "It's a pity that I have a good sword, but the second senior sister actually didn't need it..."

"In fact, the sword is already cracked, and it can't be broken without a single blow. This man is a good soldier, not that the second senior sister is not strong enough!" The fourth snorted.

"That's the Peeping Stone Divine Soldier. They have a lot of Fenglan City. I have seen Shen Tianshi before." Fu Yu reminded. All the disciples were taken aback. It turned out that I just thought I might be a little bit shocked. Weird, but I didn't expect to even have Shen Tianshi's divine weapon, it was simply terrifying.

I took out the gold sac. When the martial arts umbrella was thrown in and then taken out, it was completely repaired. Everyone refreshed the three views again. After all, the herring sword is finished. I originally thought that at least it would give me a glimpse. The Shiwu Umbrella was partially broken, but now it seems that only the herring sword is the victim.

"Let me repair the herring sword." I stretched out my hand, the fourth one glanced at the sword in his hand, and then threw it to me: "Can you still fix things? It's amazing!"

I drew the gourd and repaired the herring sword. This magic soldier was really mixed with some peeping stone crystals, no wonder it was able to beat my martial arts umbrella.

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