Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7301: :rhizome

He threw the herring sword to the fourth child. He looked at him dumbfounded for a long time. He even flicked the sword with his hand before he couldn't help but say loudly, "God! You deserve to be recognized by Xiao Liu, no wonder he went Let's help Cangshan! If he becomes the seventh, we can save a lot of trouble!"

The third child also said: "Well, I have to let him work every day."

The boss thought for a while, but shook his head: "He won't join us, he is afraid that he is better than Master."

"Big brother, what are you talking about?" Fu Yu asked anxiously.

"Give some face, okay? I'm your master!" Fu Yang walked over and kicked, but the boss squatted down directly holding his head: "Master, the disciple is wrong."

"Huh, it's not stupid to know that you are wrong!" Fu Yang snorted, and then stood in front of a group of disciples, and said, "Tell me, in a place like Tiancheng, what do you plan to do if you don't hold a group for warmth?"

"It's not that I don't hug the group, but that I don't plan to be a teacher. Moreover, I will worship Fucang Mountain, but I will only have one more disciple. If I lay down another mountain, then there will be one more mountain." I smiled.

"Oh? Are you planning to attack the mountain alone?" Fu Yang looked at me up and down, and then said: "A mountain attacker needs to be up and down. In addition to his cultivation strength, he can only be at the same level or lower than the mountain head he is attacking, and the number of disciples is also You have to be less than the other party, so that you can get the resources of that mountain if you lay down someone else’s mountain. Do you know why we all have to fight for a bigger mountain?"

I thought for a while, and said: "Naturally I want the resources of the Celestial City."

"Hehe, that’s right, but in fact, the reason why we are fighting for the largest mountain is because the fruit of the earth celestial tree grows in the roots of the earth celestial tree. Once one is eaten, it can be extremely The cultivation speed is greatly improved, and the larger the mountain, the more the roots of the earth fairy tree extend, the larger and the longer, the more earth fairy fruit that can be picked naturally, of course, the growth of the earth fairy fruit also takes time, which is a long year. Although there are continuous results, the number is not large. For example, the small mountain of Fucang Mountain has only 30 or 40 a year, and now we have only four ripe fruits on the roots."

"The fairy tree?" I looked up in surprise and looked into the distance, while Fu Yu said: "Dao Master Xia, this fairy tree is born underground, but it does not show the landscape outside, does not have leaves, does not bloom, but can The result in the underground is very magical. It is precisely because of the fairy tree that we can fly to the sky, and the spiritual energy is born from the fairy tree. I still don’t know the reason for the result, and there is a steady flow of power. What is the root cause."

"Although an earth fairy fruit can't make itself much stronger, it can easily break through the realm and speed up the speed of cultivation. The reason is that it can complement the missing important power of the Yuan Ying, once it eats enough quantity , You can break through the imprisonment of the spiritual root and complete the immortalization of the real spiritual root." The third oldest said straightforwardly.

"After the spirit root is immortalized, the strength will also increase." Fu Yu said.

"So amazing? Well, give me the remaining fruits. After I take down another mountain, I will give you a part of the fairy fruit on that mountain. How about?" I laughed.

"You're a bargain! Want to be beautiful!" the fourth eldest said loudly.

"Four...Then four of us don't have enough ground fairy fruit this year, I, Xiaosi, Xiaowu, Xiaoliu." The third child couldn't help but said.

"I don't care. Now that I have entered the realm of enlightenment, I also need to stabilize my spiritual roots." Fu Yu seemed to be ready to take out his share, which made many disciples all look at him.

But I looked at Fuyang: "Fuyang Mountain Lord, make a decision. Let me practice in the mountains and digest the earth fairy fruit. I will give you all the remaining earth fairy fruit from the first mountain I seized by then."

"Should I choose the hill to attack?" Fu Yang chuckled. She was charming and charming when she came to her spirits.

I nodded and said, "As long as it is a hill I can beat, naturally you are free to choose."

"Okay, it's done. The ground celestial fruit is not easy to digest. Four ground celestial fruits are enough for you to digest for a while, but my patience can only wait until you finish digesting the fruit. If you use various methods to delay the time, we will help. Cangshan won't let you go, come with me, and I will take you to get the fruit." Fu Yang flicked his sleeve and walked towards the hall.

I followed her and returned to the stone hall. She walked to the faceless stone statue and pushed the statue directly away, revealing the passage below. This passage is dark, but there is a steady stream of aura coming out of this mountain. The roots of aura are general.

As Fu Yang led us into it, part of the roots and stems of the fairy tree came into my sight.

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