Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7302: : Xianhe

We flew into the bottom of the tunnel and were in an artificially excavated underground cave. Except for some futons and some fresh fruits for practice and meditation, there was an underground river beside it, and the rhizomes of this fairy tree Part of it is exposed on the surface of the underground river.

However, most of the rhizome submerged into the river again. I was actually very sensitive to time and space. In an instant, I discovered that the rhizome, which was so thick that three or four people could not reach it, moved a bit, and it seemed that it came out. The part from the river surface is just a breath of air.

"Alive will move?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's alive, but it moves slowly, and the underground river is also very quiet. After all, this is the underground fairy river circulating in the sky city." Fu Yu said.

"If it's an underground fairy river and it's cyclic, wouldn't it be possible to swim to other waters to steal other mountain fruits?" I curiously asked.

"Everyone thinks about the fairy tree the first time you see it, but this fairy tree can't be messed with by you." The fourth snorted, sneered at my statement.

"Yes, in addition to the large formations on each hill, which separates the solid regions, the fruit of each hill only bears at the end of the rhizome. Moreover, the **** of river Guan in Tiancheng will be able to know who gets off the river. I saw that if a disciple on any mountain dared to pick and pick, he would also be punished. Only the owner of the mountain can bring a special token to pick up the fruit. If you change into a general disciple, you will be punished severely, or even killed on the spot. Yuan Ying, he was tortured for seven or forty-nine days, causing his soul to collapse, do you understand?" The third child explained straightforwardly.

"That's cruel enough." I chuckled, and at this time Fu Yang had already floated into the water with her skirt.

Not long after, Fu Yang walked out of the steps with four transparent boxes drenched.

Inside the box are four very strange-looking fruits, which look like cucumbers. The roots of the rhizomes should form chrysanthemums or the shape of dandelions. The ripe fruits will be slightly larger, and the four fruits will look similar. , But there are still some differences.

After handing the box into my hand, Fu Yang said with a disheveled hair: "This fruit should not be pierced by the peel when it is taken, otherwise the air of the earth immortal will be sprayed out. It is best to swallow it directly, so in the body. Only by refining can you not let go of the slightest air of immortality."

I was stunned for a moment and looked at the fruit that was about the same size as my little hand. I was unavoidably embarrassed. Isn't this cucumber too big?

"Forget it, I'll try to show it to you. It's too much trouble." Fu Yang opened one of the boxes. When I was still in a daze, the whole cucumber was stuffed in her mouth like this, closing her mouth again. After opening, she pulled out the fairy cucumber casually, with a lot of saliva sticking to it, looking at everyone in embarrassment, but the beautiful Fu Yang didn't feel it at all, and said, "Did you see it? Follow? My method is good."

All the disciples looked at Fu Yang with admiring eyes.

"I..." I took the cucumber, swallowed, and then looked at the underground river, ready to wash it, but Fu Yang shook his head, instantly pinched my mouth, and put the cucumber into my mouth. Richey: "I know you newcomers can't make up their minds, so let me help."

I stuffed this thick cucumber into my throat and almost didn't roll my eyes. You must know that this thing is easy to swallow regardless of the beauty of Fu Yang, it is thick enough for me!

And the point is that this is still covered with beautiful women's saliva, which is tantamount to indirect kissing. I knew I shouldn't hesitate just now.

But now it’s not vomiting, and I can’t bite it off. At last I watched the little beauty stuff it into my mouth. I couldn’t help but a few drops of tears came out, but fortunately I swallowed it immediately. , Otherwise I am afraid it will be worse.

After Dixianguo entered the stomach, under the peristalsis of the stomach, it soon exuded a strange power, began to nourish my body constantly, and noticed the change in my expression, the beautiful Fuyang giggled and talked to me. Before, I directly covered my mouth, feeling the beautiful white and tender palms with a slightly fragrant palm, and my heart beat faster.

"Don’t talk, I know you feel it, but it’s not easy to fully refine it. Just meditate here. If you really feel that your stomach is boiling hot, just drink a sip of water from the fairy river, but I advise you not to drink too much or open your mouth too much. Or if you drink too much, it will squeeze the space in the abdomen and leak the air of the earth, and the refining will not be so complete, and even the nose breathing must be reduced as much as possible before the refining is completed." Fuyang beautiful woman reminded.

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