Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7320: : Luli

"I don't know this. The Seventy-two Peaks of Tiancheng, or because the mountains are not the same, or the moist atmosphere brought by the clouds, may leave water from the cracks in the mountain. This is only my immortal. You know that he doesn't care, and I don't intend to say it. Anyway, it will simply become an unsolved case. After all, what can I do if I know that it is a bug? At best, I will not put the bitter and fruitless underneath for cleaning in the future."Fu Yu Smile slyly.

"Then why did you tell your aunt?"

"Originally, I was thinking about letting my aunt take that Luli Mountain, and then I had the opportunity to do a research, but that Luli Mountain is not easy to attack, there is an Eclosion Realm boss guarding it, so my aunt has been waiting. After breaking through the Eclosion Realm, and then heading for the mountain, it has not been able to make the trip so far." Fu Yu said with some regret.

"The old monster of the Eclosion Realm? Isn't this mountain a very important existence in the Seventy-two Mountain?" I wondered.

"It is important to say that it is also important, and it is not important to say that it is not important. At the beginning of the emergence stage, Luli Mountain is not the only one. Friends are also unwilling to distribute the fruits, the old monster in the Feathering Realm is too cruel." Fu Yu said.

"Then I will go to Luli Mountain, can you go with me?" I asked with a smile.

"Ah? Go attacking the mountain now?" Fu Yu was extremely surprised, he said casually, I was actually going to attack the mountain, which is simply too hard and pay attention.

"Naturally, I am in a hurry to cultivate a fairy tree, and I must grasp the opportunity." I said my brain went through the map, and then flew towards Luli Mountain. Fu Yu hesitated on the top of the mountain, and immediately chased after it. I `m coming out.

"Dao Master Xia, I will go with you!" Fu Yu said hurriedly.

We chatted for a while on the road, and soon we came to the area of ​​Luli Mountain.

From a distance, let’s not say that this Luli Mountain is different from other fairy mountains. The bottom of the mountain is black. Plants grow from above the mountainside. The vegetation here is strangely shaped, and there are many exotic flowers and fruits. The colors are mixed with purple and green, and occasionally there are other colors, so it looks colorful.

The bottom of the mountain is not bare, but the humidity is too high, the area below the mountainside is not suitable for the growth of some vegetation, so it seems that the color below the mountainside is darker, no wonder it is called Luli Mountain.

There are many reasons for the excessive humidity, but thinking of Fu Yu’s explanation before, I couldn’t help but connect with these bugs, but now I can’t study the condition of the mountain without taking the mountain, so we just fell on it. There is the archway on the top of the mountain.

The huge "Luli Mountain" is carved on the boulder, which is covered with moss and plants. The clouds and mist around the mountain are very heavy. This place should be a place with a lot of water vapor. It is located in the sky. Area, so it will be easy to accumulate water vapor.

When we landed on the top of the mountain, the two disciples immediately came to inquire, and Fu Yu was straightforward, and smiled and said that I was going to attack the mountain. When this word came out, the two disciples suddenly smiled.

"Fu Yu, what are you kidding? We are very busy today. If you want to cross the valley, I will find the kid for you, and stop talking here to make us happy." The disciple waved his hand and smiled.

Fu Yu glanced around with a wry smile, and then said: "I'm afraid you really want to summon the disciples. Uncle Dongchen has come out. This Dao Master Xia is the one who attacked the mountain this time."

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with this disciple of Luli Mountain. I was familiar with the road and hit the pillar next to the martial arts field with a spiritual light. This time one of the disciples finally believed, but I saw that I was only enlightened at the moment. The cultivation base anxiously said: "Is your kid looking for death, or is there any other purpose?! Just like your cultivation base, even our master doesn't need to be called. The weakest Dugu can smash you out of shit, believe it or not! ?"

"Let's go together, I'm relatively busy." I chuckled, and then walked slowly towards the martial arts field.

Luli Mountain is much larger than Fucang Mountain. As one of the gate faces of the entire mountain gate, the performance field is naturally large and well-built, and maybe because of the Dongchen old monster sitting in the town, the performance field looks like a lot of mud and dust. It can be seen that no one dares to come here and find it unhappy.

But today is different. I only have the little shrimp from the realm of enlightenment to play in the gym, and this can directly pull the opponent's nerves to the limit!

"Let's go together? Don't you want to be so crazy?! Don't worry, today's talk is over. No one is allowed to rush for a while, I will come first! See if I won't screw his head off!"

"Damn it! You come first, of course I smashed him out first and talk about other things!"

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