Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7321: : Dragon Snake

The two disciples who were guarding the door in the gatehouse outside the courtyard have the level of the early stage of enlightenment. It can be seen that Luli Mountain is really strong, but I did not take it seriously. I dare to come and touch the Yuhua Realm, and I want to try it. Strength, anyway, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, just can't beat and run.

Standing on the martial arts arena, the brawny man who said he was going to **** me snorted and pulled away. Of course, such a big movement attracted many disciples. Not to mention, the later disciples were really good at it. There are disciples in the middle and late stages of enlightenment.

According to Fu Yu, the number of disciples seems to be eight, including Old Monster Dongchen. No wonder he dared to persuade his aunt to attack the mountain, but I was one step ahead and he didn’t care. You can learn some experience without help.

So Fu Yu is still very smart.

"You one? Enough?" I asked with a sneer. This made the brawny man so angry that he stomped his foot and immediately hit him with a punch, booming!

Quan Ying followed the hammer and smashed heavily on the floor, directly hitting the dust, but this martial arts field was indeed very good, and even the cracks did not appear under such a fierce attack. It can be seen that a lot of money was spent.

I didn't directly use the power of Dao Soul. I instantly reached behind him with a sonic boom, slapped him on the head, and directly slapped his head!

You must know that even if I am in the first stage of enlightenment, because of the terrifying heaven and earth spiritual root bonus, I don’t know what realm the strength is equivalent to. This is also the reason why I came to test the emergence realm. At least I have to connect my strength with the strength of the opponent. Together.

The brawny man lost his head, and he instinctively rubbed and rolled on the ground, while Yuan Ying reacted fairly quickly and burst out in an instant, but the **** scene scared the surrounding immortals, including Fu Yu. .

"Is this slap hit harder? Although your mouth is so stinky, it doesn't count, it doesn't seem to be of any use." I chuckled, then looked at the other disciple and said, "You are not going to Is my head twisted off? It's your turn."

The disciple was already frightened and stupid, standing with a bewildered look, he waved his hand quickly and said, "Father of Daoist anger, I'm not serious, I'm just impulsive..."

Regardless of the level of cultivation of the other disciples, at this time I already knew how strong I was. I was able to wipe out opponents of the same level with a single blow. This kind of power was definitely not something that could be dealt with in the middle of enlightenment.

So one of the disciples who were onlookers quickly appeared in the field, looked at me and said, "Boy, although you don’t know what method you are using, at most you have a strange power. Realm, even the instability of the Dao Soul is nothing. Today, let you know that the realm of Enlightenment is not as fun as you think!"

The elder who had completed the enlightenment said in a loud voice, a steady stream of flames burst out of his body, his eyes instantly turned red, the surrounding water vapor directly evaporated, and the temperature of the martial arts field rose linearly.

The onlookers all stepped back, yelling for some, and many admired them even more.

After the power of the Flame Dao Soul was released, the surrounding flame dragons and snakes wandered around in the entire martial arts field. Some were as small as an arm, and some were as big as swallowing humans. In fact, it is also a characteristic of the domain. Controlling Dao Soul power attacks is a common method, and this type of attack can naturally block any power outside the Dao Soul.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of flame dragons and snakes rushed towards me. However, after the other party released the Dao Soul, I also began to release my two-Yi Dao Soul. The power of my Dao Soul is like a circular cover, following it. As it continued to expand, the fire-attribute Dao Soul power that had attacked me began to gradually disintegrate. No dragon and snake could attack successfully. As soon as it approached the barrier, it was immediately deconstructed as if it was turned into powder.

I can deconstruct and reconstruct any matter and energy within the scope of my Dao Soul. It is easy to deconstruct these dragons, snakes or fire attributes. Therefore, the old man was stunned when he saw this scene, but he just couldn’t get off. Can desperately release the fire field power to my side.

Not to mention anything else, the old man's attack looked like a sea of ​​flames. The waves of fire were really beautiful, and even the color of the flames drowned me, making the applause outside.

It’s a pity that it doesn’t represent practicality. As my realm of Taoism gradually expanded, the red flames finally began to look thin. The disciples who watched naturally saw the problem, and their expressions changed from joyful to inhumane. Then it became fear.

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