Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7335: : Silt

Wutong and I exchanged a glance. After getting my consent, he was extremely happy. After repeated thanks, he went over to hear who Qinping was looking for.

Watching him leave, I picked up the hairpin made by Tianyuan Baoyu and read everything that Qin Ping had done in Tiancheng and Tiange over the years. Not to mention, the amount of information in it is huge, even every piece. Things are described very carefully.

Don’t look at the sky city is not big, but the dark tide is turbulent, and Qin Ping has experienced more things like crucian carp crossing the river, ups and downs, rushing forward bravely, this does not seem to be a strong old woman, she is definitely not a simple figure, otherwise How can you stand out from the many treasure pavilions? Only eat so much black market share?

The trust of others will bring into the bag things that other treasure pavilions would not dare to take. It is precisely because of the special background of the Tian pavilion that it can unscrupulously sell some tricky things in the form of auctions, and even do many things. I have to catch the splashing water without leaking. The terrible conspiracy of this old woman made me compliment a few words in my heart.

I suppressed the shock in my heart, because at this moment, Qin Ping was already a little fidgeted because of the delay in finding the two juniors.

Fu Yu stood beside me, saw my gaze, and asked in a low voice: "Dao Master Xia, if otherwise I would also participate in helping to find something? I still know more about Celestial City than Wutong. Something, he is also a good friend of mine."

"Well, that's fine, then you can help me find it." I didn't refuse. I originally wanted to explain that Fu Yu helped Ruan Yu'er hand over this heavenly pavilion together, but now it seems that Qinping's matter makes me feel a little bit more uncomfortable. .

After Fu Yu said hello, she got the names of the two juniors that Qin Ping was looking for, and immediately set off, but Qin Ping had forgotten to also use ten Celestial Crystals to bribe it, showing that she could not sit still at this moment.

Because of this, Qin Ping stood up after all, and said to me: "Although the delivery has not really ended, but I really don't worry about the safety of the two children, Lezhi and Gongliu, if Xia Daozhu can believe it..."

"I'll go with friend Qinxian." I nodded. Now I am waiting for Ruan Yuer to complete the delivery. I am afraid it will be a long time. Qin Ping has been very resistant to waiting for so long. If I can't find it anymore. , Something must have happened.

"Thank you." Qin Ping looked grateful, but was about to go out, Fu Yu and the nervous five-tongs rushed upstairs from downstairs.

"Where is the person?" Qin Ping's eyes widened, one can imagine anxious.

"I went to the steaming cage mountain that my senior told me. Who knows that I haven't entered the mountain yet. From a distance, there are traces of fighting everywhere. If there is still some dangerous aura spreading out from the mountain, what I practice is to see through. Jue, I was the most critical of the danger, I didn't dare to enter it. As expected, the three immortal families who were at least feathered flew to other places before I waited a while. Only then did I cautiously dive into Zhulong Mountain and found the sky. Pavilion's waiter brand..." Wutong said hurriedly.

Qin Ping took the sign, and her teeth rattled suddenly: "I'm afraid that the old man has indirectly harmed the servant of Xia Daozhu's servant."

"I will properly settle this matter, and I will go to Zhuanshan Mountain to have a look before discussing it." I said immediately.

"Let's go too?!" Wutong hurriedly asked, and Fu Yu stopped and said: "Wutong, since the other party is in the Eclosion Realm, I am afraid that it is not you and I can deal with it. It is better to stay here to deal with the possible chaos, by Xia. Dao Master and Senior Qin go to investigate?"

"You stay behind, but you can call your aunt and brother to help here first." I suggested that one more person now can stabilize the situation.

Fuyu nodded: "Okay, I'll find my aunt now."

Qin Ping had already taken the lead to fly a long distance, and I could only chase behind, and I was ashamed after a while after chasing. The horror of this old lady's cultivation was evident.

In the end I could only vaguely fly to Zhulong Mountain according to the map I remembered, but when I was about to reach my destination, the old lady's roar shocked me. It seemed that something serious happened this time.

I hurriedly landed on the devastated Steamer Mountain. Except for the stone temple, which was still intact, all other places were ruined.

When I fell to the bottom of the mountain, the old lady was holding a handful of soil, tearful, and murmured: "Gong Liu...Gong Liu, my dear boy..."

I was taken aback. It seemed that this muddy soil should be the relic of someone she cherished, but if the Nascent Infant is destroyed, it may not leave a trace, let alone leave such a handful of mud and it is determined to be a dead person. .

Therefore, I comforted me and said, "Or maybe the people are still there. Does friend Qinxian have any clues? If there is, we may have time to chase them right away."

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