Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7336: : Cents resistance

"Dao Master Xia, that is the Yuan Ying heavy qi... If it is destroyed here, the heavy qi will remain... It is only when you die..." Qin Ping sighed bitterly, and then gritted her teeth and said, "Explain this secret. Xin Zhe must be Zhulan. No one knows that Gong Liu is my grandson... Otherwise, I would not know that killing him will cause my Dao Xin to be hit hard. Alas, injustice, Zhu Lan was my disciple back then, I treat her With immense trust, she told her that she was born and caring about her. Apart from her, there is only Taoist Xia at this moment! Otherwise, who would kill Gong Liu? And take my granddaughter Lezhi away?"

"It turns out that these two children are actually your grandsons, friend Qinxian. I didn't expect you to hide like this." I followed with a sigh. The pavilion owner of the black market is not so easy to behave. Living is terrible, and Qinping can go to this day without relatives and no reason is the biggest bargaining chip.

But once there are signs, relatives and friends will immediately become their most vulnerable part.

Sure enough, Qin Ping smiled sadly, and said, "Next, I am afraid she is going to coerce me to hand over the Tiange to her, but how does she know that I no longer have the Tiange?"

"Why did she do this?" I asked.

"She feels that I owe her what I owe her. When I owned the Tiange, I wiped out all the immortal houses in Yishan for some enmity. Only she was a little girl who was waiting to be fed by me and was left behind. I thought it was good. Raising is not going to follow in the footsteps of her parents. Who knows where she got the secrets of the year when she grew up, so she started to hate me to the bone, and showdown with me that I raised her, she can not regard me As a mortal enemy, after all, her parents did not pay attention to the first thing, but they asked me to hand over the Tiange to her. Only then did I let go of this enmity. I naturally refused, and eventually made her betray the Tiange and join me. The opposing Tianfang opposes me all day long." Qin Ping carried a trace of hostility on her face.

"Such a white-eyed wolf is killed, so why bother?" I said lightly.

"If it is possible, do you think I will not take action? Zhu Lan, a child who is very intelligent since childhood, is very good at pleasing people, if not, how can he know my life experience? So in the sky, with her beauty and resourcefulness, Not only eventually became the lord of Tianfang, but also wandered between several big hills, recruiting dragons and floods, and became a big force. It was not good for my Tiange repeatedly, which is why I planned to get out of Tiancheng. , The reason why she doesn’t want to get involved... Over the years, she has known that I am powerful and dare not recruit people to face me directly. Now that I am about to leave, how can she let me go? She has already begun to jump and can't stop, right? Ha ha, she is sure of her move today!" Qin Ping's face became a little distorted, she was really killing her.

"What does friend Qinxian want to do?" I asked.

"Whoever killed my good grandson, I will pay his life!" Qin Ping felt the breath, and then immediately disappeared with a whistle. I saw her flying away. The direction can only be anxious to catch up.

But when I came to a mountain, the battle here was almost over. Qin Ping was equipped with a spiritual skill ball made by Shen Tianshi, and actually slapped all the low-level immortals on the mountain to death with his palms. The remaining face The knife in the hands of the panic-stricken Feathering Realm Xianjia had been cut off by half.

"Qin...friend Qinxian, I didn't kill people! I just go and sit here, who thought that the Cangyu Brotherhood would shoot your grandson to death as soon as they shot? It was also me who drank and left a baby girl behind. There is only room!" the middle-aged man said anxiously.

"You are only in the first stage of emergence, who gives you the courage!?" However, Qin Ping didn't say much, and roared, under the coverage of the Taoist realm, palm prints spread all over the world!

With the blessing of Spirit Skill Ball, the power of the domain is amazing. The opponent seems to be nailed in the domain, only a bang was heard, the weapon in his hand was interrupted, and the body of the middle-aged person was directly patted into meatloaf!

Qin Ping did not stop, and immediately flew in another direction. I was planning to say a few words, but in the end I could only chase after because the old lady found the murderer at this moment and did not kill the person named Cangyu. Will not give up.

But when I came to the other side's hill, all the disciples of the mountain were slaughtered, and no trace of that person was found, but I didn't hesitate to see where the old lady was going. I knew that I must have received other information.

And such a big killing of the disciples of Tiancheng was like a provocation to Tiancheng, even if the old lady had red eyes, but Tiancheng would not ignore it.

So before reaching the third mountain, the men and women who were in the same realm as Qin Ping, but dressed like high-ranking Heavenly City, stopped her.

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