Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7337: : Sinking

"Mountains are difficult to overcome, and if you go on a different path, you will advance and retreat. Qinping Taoist friends, please stay here. If you have anything, let us go to Tiancheng and say, such a big killing is really unruly." The young fairy reached out and stopped Qin Ping. further.

"There are cyclists on the cloud, and the sky and the city are all chasing each other. They are all the same, so why are they embarrassed." The male immortal carried his hand on his back, with the sword on his waist, standing in the wind like a god.

Qin Ping laughed and said coldly: "Stop telling me these great truths. Today, I can only stop by letting me kill and slaughter the immortal family who killed my grandson. The remaining people hinder me. !"

"That means there is nothing to say?" The young female fairy stretched out two fingers, and the vines immediately entangled the two fingers, forming a finger protection similar to a small sword, which seemed to be a wood spirit root finger repairer.

But the male fairy didn't dare to neglect, and slowly drew out the long sword, the sword aura seemed like a spring, and soon diffused, the yellow orange orange immediately filled himself in, and the yellow sand billowed the sky and obscured the sun. , Is undoubtedly an earth spirit root sword repairer.

Being able to cultivate to the level of full eclosion is no longer an ordinary genius. There are many immortal families in Mu Xianzhou, but relative to the heavenly city, but the immortal family, who can stand at the highest position in the heavenly city, all are the top geniuses and wonders, so they can It is not difficult to understand the vast realm of Dao Soul.

The rune on Qin Ping's spiritual skill ball suddenly appeared, which was a sign of power injection, and the next moment, her body suddenly flashed with thunder and fire, and the power of the Taoist spirit also burst out at this moment.

Shen Tianshi's spiritual skill ball is not only the first in strength in Mu Xianzhou, even if it is the increase of spiritual power and the ability to gather it, it can also be called the top level. Tian Cai confronted her, afraid that it would be a bit inferior.

Sure enough, Qin Ping didn't intend to waste time at all, stepped forward in an instant, swiping straight to the young woman!


The thunder and fire **** was like a cutting knife in an instant, and it directly collided with the energy released by the woman's fingers. There was a loud bang, and the strength between the two was competing, and the spirit skill ball was really better. Of the two energy, the wood spirit root The power is like a wood being opened to a flower on the spot, sputtering countless rays of light on the spot, but the thunder and fire attribute unbridled impact on the woman's wood-entangled fingers!

Fortunately, after the male immortal's short hesitation, he immediately turned into a dust storm and covered everything around him, allowing the woman to escape the direct impact, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.


But before the yellow sand was tortured, the flame burned the yellow sand directly into a sea of ​​fire, and the male fairy yelled, ‘Are you crazy, even burning yourself? ’And then they can only get out of the realm of flames.

Standing in the flames of the sandstorm, Qin Ping smiled coldly. She was like an emperor born in a fire, as if she didn't know the raging flames. There was no doubt that this was because of the defensive ability of the Spirit Skill Ball itself.

Regardless of the small area covered by Shen Tianshi, its energy attribute intensity is very high. Once the heart vein is protected, it is difficult for outside forces to cause damage to her unless she breaks through the defense. This is why she is unscrupulous at the moment.

Chi Chi Chi!

Several **** beams hit the men and women directly. The two can only block the left and the right, but there is a gap. They immediately release the **** of the wood attribute, or swing countless sword qi, but Qin Ping does not care at all, and uses a two-point and one-line method. Directly in front of the opponent's eyes, while advancing, he switched into the weapon of fist repair.


The woman’s finger was broken by a hammer on the spot until half of her hand was broken, her delicate face was distorted from the pain and misery, but it was not over yet, the continuous close-range fist bombardment made her hug her head, if it weren’t for a fierce sword attack, it might even begin. I'm afraid Qin Ping doesn't plan to take care of the magical powers that can break the defense.

The two sides are facing each other, especially among the strong of the same level, they must save the enemy when attacking, but if one party has enough defense ability, it does not bother to save himself, and the speed is the same as himself, then it is basically a one-sided crush. In the male fairy Before the giant sword came down, the sky full of flame palms and thunder palmprints slammed at him like money. If the male immortal eats hard at this time, he will surely let the opponent eat a magical power. Shen Tianshi was also impacted, but it was equally likely to be invalid. No one knew how strong Shen Tianshi could reach!

Therefore, the male fairy canceled the condensing supernatural power without hesitation, and turned around and ran away, because at this moment, the female fairy also fled and did not know where to go.

"This is Shen Tianshi's magical tool, which can not be transformed but can be done, but if it weren't for it, how could the old body fall into today's situation?" Qin Ping is very clear why he has come to this step.

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