Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7338: : Evil and good

I shook my head and said, "It just advances what should have happened, or without it, you may not even be able to get revenge. Of course, it is indeed the worst situation right now."

"You're right." Qin Ping nodded slowly, and then disappeared in an instant. She went straight to the destination again this time.

I quickly followed her breath and came to another mountain. Before I could see the situation on the mountain clearly, the sound of explosions and smoke filled the mountain top, and the rumbling sound was endless. The two rays of light either impacted, or intersected, or directly collided. Extremely intense.

And the disciples below are either in the state of Nascent Soul, or the state of spiritual energy rushing, and the huge mountain gate and the luxury of the summit indicate that this is by no means a small gate, and it is by no means a weak person who can fight against Qin Ping.


However, after only holding for a few rounds, the opponent slammed to the ground, and Qin Ping took a photo with the palm of his hand, while the opponent was defensive with both hands, with fear in his face: "The Lord Qin is merciful!"

"Zang Yu, you dare to catch my grandson, have you ever thought that I won't let you go? Where did the child go!?" Qin Ping didn't take a picture, it seems that the child is really not here.

"Heaven... Tianfang in Tiancheng! I have sent someone to send that child to Tiancheng! In the hands of your disciple Zhulan! Not in my hands! I have nothing to do with this matter anymore! Please also read the pavilion master Qin... …" Zang Yu said anxiously.

"Anyone involved in this matter is a comrade." Qin Ping smiled coldly, and immediately blasted out his tricks. He only heard the roar of the earth, and the thunder flames immediately rose into the sky. In the end, the Tibetan feather screamed before it was too late. There was a burst of green smoke.

My expression was also condensed, because I knew Qin Ping's mood at the moment, and Qin Ping glanced at the panic-faced Xianjia around her, and the murderous aura was unscrupulously exposed in her hideous eyes.

There are not only young boys and girls, but also some disciples who actually don't know. On such a big mountain, everyone will definitely not participate. If they all participate, the reputation will not improve.

But Qin Ping was already in a state of venting his anger at this time, and instantly raised his palm again, and a palm blasted towards the place where several disciples were hugged.

Although I am accustomed to vendettas, my heart is like a stone, but it does not mean that I am a person who cannot save me. So instantly I stood in the place where the palm wind was the most violent, and the deconstruction technique directly decomposed the monstrous palm sea.

Qin Ping looked at me with condensed eyebrows, and asked in a cold voice, "Dao Master Xia, they are not sorry for their deaths."

"There are always one or two who shouldn't die. If you want to save someone, it will only waste time." I looked back in the direction of Tiancheng, and didn't intend to make her angry all day.

Qin Ping nodded slowly, and then instantly turned to the Tiancheng area. I looked at the group of scared and paralyzed disciples. These disciples couldn't say anything but thank you very much.

I can only follow to return to Tiancheng. Zhu Lan is very clear about the character of her master and will definitely use other means. I can't just watch Qin Ping fail to save people.

The speed of the immortal family with its full eclosion is unimaginable. When I arrived in Tiancheng, there were already several flying immortals on the west side of the pavilion flew away, and the buildings there fell one by one, including the guards. Alarmed.

"Qinping! Are you crazy!? Did you know that this is a heavenly city!?" A 25- or 6-year-old woman kidnapped a little girl who was only 13 or 14 years old. Surrounded by home.

And one of the people standing in the forefront actually had a post-emergence cultivation base. It was he who stopped Qin Ping's offensive, but facing a Shen Tianshi-armed opponent, he also suffered a lot.

Qin Ping watched this scene and said with her eyebrows: "Give Le Zhi back to me. I will spare you my life. It's the death of your parents, how about it?"

The woman was dressed in jeweled jewels, and on the sapphire blue dress, there were even more than 20 jade carved with Tianyuan Jade. After she heard this, she suddenly smiled gloomily: "Hehe, do you think I will believe you?" You can even sell the pavilion. What else can you keep now? I'm afraid it's just this little thing, right? You don't have to fool me. I have served you for so many years. Do you think I don't know your temperament? How can it be so easy to want to die? However, since you have given birth to a determination to die, I can't help you. I can let this child live her way, but you have to die in front of me in the worst way! "

"Zhu Lan, your parents acted so viciously that I didn’t show any mercy. I only left you a baby who was waiting to be fed. I thought that the good and evil of human nature are all things acquired, but I was still wrong in the end, and I should erase it at that time. Everything is not what it is today." Qinping showed regret on her face.

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