Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7339: : Shaved

"Hehe, I know what you think, but no matter what your old thing says, it's too late. You are only a dead end. If you want to save a little bit of skin, immediately commit suicide in front of me, otherwise, take what you do today Because, the city lord of Tiancheng will not forgive you, and in the end, he will torture the Tiancheng and thwart you! As for you think I want your heavenly pavilion? You are indeed right. At the beginning, I wanted that thing very much. But then I thought that what's the use of that messy mess? It's just an achievement you are proud of. I got it or lost it, and it doesn't make much sense to me!" Zhu Lan grinned gloomily. stand up.

Qin Ping's face condensed, and she gritted her teeth and said, "You don't want my Tiange? Don't think that I will believe you, if you don't want Tiange..."

"Sad, really sad, my own Baoge Tianfang, do you know why it was named Tianfang? It is precisely one day that I will stand on top of your head! It proves that I can surpass you without the help of your master at all and let you lead you. What I’m proud of is crushed under my feet! But hasn’t it been proved so now? After all these years of chase and interception, how do you think your Tianfang compares to mine? I’m afraid you still don’t know what you owe. The debt of the creditor, in fact, is your disciple me, right? Hahaha...you said you are not sad?" Zhu Lan's words were like a sharp knife, directly pierced into Qin Ping's heart.

Qin Ping's cheeks turned red from the excitement before, but now they turned pale. She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Citizen, you are so to me, you are really not afraid of being spurned by the immortals in the heavens!?"

"Hey, I'm scared, I'm very scared, but isn't it right now? Everyone only knows that you are retaliating against me and surrendering the Tiange. It's just annoyance into anger, thinking that you can vent your anger if you move the Tiange, but in the end, you are because of it. How ridiculous is it that failed?" Zhulan smiled triumphantly, seeing Qin Ping trembling with anger, and pressing the last straw that had been prepared on the other party: "As for the change of the Tiange, in fact, I was early Even if it comes, because I pushed you step by step to where you are today, the Tiange Black Market, a place that can’t stand up to the table, if you add to the flames, you will fall into a situation of enemies on all sides. Then, how can I use you? Charity? Back when I asked you to give it to me, when you didn't give it, I had already planned to take it back by myself! Only you naively thought that I was driven away by you, it was extremely stupid!"

"You! You!" Qin Ping was so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, but when she heard the little girl Le Zhi's neck being pinched so that it changed its shape, she snorted, suddenly she didn't dare to go in again.

At this time, the guardian Immortal Chief of Tiancheng had already appeared around him, looking at all this blankly.

Qin Ping did not dare to act rashly. The child's life and death were the most important to her. As for her, life and death were ignored.

"Qin Ping! You have lost! If you suicide now, I can let go of this child. In return for keeping me alive, so that the fairy family in Tiancheng will know, I'm just complaining!" Zhu Lan said loudly.

None of the immortal family onlookers dared to move, because at this moment, a big deal could happen at any time.

I checked the situation in front of me left and right, this Zhulan was really not easy, he surrounded himself in the center, besides pinching the little girl’s neck, the fairy house in the Feathering Realm next to him all took some treasures carved with spontaneously exploding spiritual patterns. It should be the reason why Qinping didn't dare to do it without authorization.

"Qin Ping, the city lord would like you to take a trip." The female fairy who was interrupted a hand earlier suddenly appeared behind Qin Ping at this moment, and has now returned to her original state.

And not far from me, the male immortal holding the sword is already in place. The surrounding is not a treasure pavilion or a key infrastructure. The immortal family that has a perfect eclosion has great destructive power. They dare not do it in the sky city. Of course, if they can persuade them to come down. It's best.

"If you don't put your hands together, you will be here today! We have already knocked off the city lord, he must be there soon!" The male immortal also said.

"Then what about my child?" Qin Ping dropped her hands and looked at the nun who was beside her.

The female fairy glanced at Zhulan, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zhulan, you abducted people whom the Master Qinping cherished, and caused today's fault. Shouldn't you do something to recover? Or you should wait until we report the matter to the city lord. , To condemn you again?"

"Hehe, I didn't do anything. If you don't believe me, ask her?" Zhu Lan raised her hands, as if she didn't care about her.

Qin Ping's eyes were cold, but the next moment she wanted to save someone, a female fairy next to Zhulan put her hand on the child's shoulder: "I do everything regardless of the owner."

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