Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7349: : Fallen angel

"You actually... drank the old man's fallen wine! You dare to drink so much!? With so many poisons, you are looking for death!" While the old man was surprised, he quickly laughed out loudly: "This is not the old man's harm You! Although this wine is a tonic, once it’s on your stomach, you will immediately feel like falling from the sky, endlessly, until the wine is completely gone! But usually drinking so much, basically because of endless fall Go underground and the soul dies!"

"Is there anything like this?" I shook the wine in the jug. It was already empty. In fact, it was about three or two, but this wine was really not a joke. I didn’t feel like it when I drank it. Now the old man finished. I immediately felt the soul sink, and the movement of the spiritual veins changed from Zhoutian to fall directly to the soles of the feet, which is like emptying the head and increasing the soles of the feet!

Unexpectedly, this wine contains such a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth spiritual roots, which is simply a tonic!

I immediately meditated and ran the spirit pulses of the alcohol circulation of the Fallen Heavenly Wine. My cultivation base also rose quickly. As my soul fell from the sky to the ground, I suddenly realized more Liangyi spiritual roots. Power.

"Hey, you know that's wrong, right? The old man is not going to lie to you. This wine is made by collecting all kinds of heaven and earth spirits from the heaven city, supplemented by the water of the earth river unique to the heaven city. , Fermented, fetched wine, stored for a few times, only then came to the conclusion that this aura contains the attributes of Liangyi, even if it is an old man, at the beginning, it will only drink drop by drop. After several years, he can drink only from a drop of alcohol. Seven drops, and now that a hundred years have passed, every year you make wine, but you can drink a small amount of it at most! Your kid just drank a pot and used the auxiliary poison to drink together, it is almost a dead end !" The old man said proudly.

While the old man whispered, while waiting for me to finish, I had already refined the rich spiritual power in this wine, and directly broke through from the original enlightenment first stage to the middle stage, and my cultivation level suddenly grew. For a while, the old man looked at me as if he saw a monster.

I stood up swayingly and said with a grin: "There are good wines and good dishes. Seniors make wine every year, why not bring out more?"

"You...you...impossible, how could you be okay!?" The old man was startled, and hurriedly reached out to pinch my palm to check it out. I immediately avoided him.

"Bring the wine, I'll tell you." I stretched out my hand and smiled.

"You can still drink?! How did you do it? This is the wine of heaven and earth power! No spiritual roots between heaven and earth can be digested so quickly! Could it be that you, like the old man, have made up all the spiritual roots the day after tomorrow? !?" The old man exclaimed.

I was shocked. This old man is really extraordinary. No wonder he is so powerful. Although he is certainly not high in purity and even mixed, it is enough to be able to digest this fallen wine to prove that his own attributes are already very comprehensive. NS.

Otherwise, this thing is poisonous wine, because a body with incomplete attributes drinks this wine, in addition to absorbing the attributes it wants, it also needs to eliminate the attributes it does not have. This means multiple processes. The most important thing is wine. Apart from digesting it, there is no way to conquer the body by oneself. Once the means to eliminate different attributes are not available, the result is self-evident.

But because I am the spiritual root of the congenital two rituals, the various attributes are very balanced. Even if I consume a lot of Fallen Wine, I don’t need to be distracted to digest its different attributes, so I can directly absorb it completely, without even wasting a little bit of it. Good wine.

"Hey, take wine for the answer." I laughed.

The old man snorted, and immediately took out another jug ​​of wine from his hand, and threw it into my hand with a look of dismay.

I picked up the wine and drank three or two again. For a moment, my head felt dizzy and heavy. It seemed that my feet were a little heavier when I walked. This is the limit of my drinking capacity.

"You still drink!? After a while, how can you explain to me why you can drink so much Falling Wine?" The old man rushed over to grab my hip flask.

I immediately put the flask away, and then said vigorously: "I... the spiritual root of the congenital two rituals! You have not completed the two rituals of the acquired... of course you can't be like me!"

The old man's chin was about to fall in shock: "You...Xiantian Liangyi...Linggen? This...how is this possible? How is it possible?!"

The old man said as he rushed towards me, and he reached out and grabbed me, but I instantly activated the sonic boom, and went directly out of the old man’s capture range. After I was empty, the old man continued to chase, but I didn’t intend to catch him. Live, the speed has become faster again.

The speed of me, who has realized the middle realm of Dao, has also improved, and it is almost impossible for him to catch me.

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