Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7350: : Reincarnation

"Senior, still don't move your hands. How do we two big men touch each other?" I joked as I escaped the pursuit.

Sure enough, the old man was still a straight man. He coughed and stopped: "You kid, there are so many secrets all over you. Not only is the spiritual root of the congenital Liangyi, but also the spiritual root of the poisonous attribute, which is not invaded by all poisons. Guards! Tell me, how did you do it?!"

"Hey, are you interested in chatting with me?" I happily said.

"Well, your kid is afraid that it is not the reincarnation of an old monster? There are people who are innately known between the world and the earth. You are afraid that it is not like that?" The old man suddenly realized.

I sneered and said: "If you can think so, it seems that you still have some knowledge. If so, there is nothing wrong with talking to you. Find a quiet place. This barren mountain is really not a place to discuss the Tao."

The old man glanced around, pointed to one of the hills, and said, "Go there! Cross the fairy mountain."

"Duxian Mountain? The name fits the deep meaning. You choose this mountain, I'm afraid that you don't want me to cross you, or I will cross you for a while!" I laughed, and then volleyed towards Duxian Mountain.

The old man looked unwilling and sipped: "The old man still uses you to ferry? If it hadn't been for the balance of the spiritual roots of Liangyi Heaven and Earth to the extreme, the old man would have already been to Zhongyuanzhou!"

Not long after, the two of us stood on the Duxian Mountain that the old man was talking about. This Duxian Mountain is also different from other peaks. This is a rare double peak. There is a small peak, and the tops of the two peaks are connected by a pontoon bridge, and the peaks of the two peaks are different in height, so in the cloud and fog, there is quite a peak that is mortal, and the other is a sense of immortality.

In addition, the mountain gate is on a lower peak, looking far to the other peak, it feels like crossing immortals.

No wonder the old man would choose here, sitting here and talking about it is just in line with the mood.

It seems that this is not the first time. After the old man took me to the ground, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the two disciples who were guarding the gate. He smiled contemptuously and said: "You can borrow this mountain for a few days from the old man."

"You..." A young disciple's face suddenly pulled down, fearing that he might not know who the old man is, and was about to reprimand him for a few words. As a result, a slightly older one beside him directly covered his mouth, and then said respectfully to the old man. : "Yes, senior, wait a minute, the disciple immediately went back to report the mountain master and all the brothers and sisters to evacuate, and asked senior to go to the mountain, and we will leave."

"Huh, hurry up, don't provoke me to attack the mountain!" The old man walked in with his hands behind his back, and I followed him. As a result, he attracted a lot of attention. The disciples pretended to clean up while talking. I've seen the old man come to play by himself, but where did I see the old man bring fellow daoists?

Random cultivating is not for nothing, and the old man doesn't even bother to make friends.

Walking along the trail to another mountain, the old man always carried his hands behind his back. While looking around, I couldn’t help but ask: "I said, senpai, you keep going to other mountains to play, but it’s a place where you can gather wine. Qi? It's like the moving position of a good heaven, like a battle of stars, and finally a certain mountain meets to form a big array of heaven and earth, so that you can easily collect the aura of the innate heaven and earth and use it to brew good wine? This fallen wine... well, I see It contains the aura of Infinite Heaven and Earth. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid it would be difficult to digest."

"You..." The old man's face changed in an instant, and then he drew his eyebrows: "You really have the attributes of innate and two rites. If not, how can you realize the innate aura? But if you can guess the old man's thoughts, is it true that it is reincarnation? Here?"

"Hey, after I tell you that it is, you call me senior?" I laughed.

"You kid, you can take advantage of the old man! But if you want to be beautiful, the old man is also reincarnated from Zhongyuanzhou!" The old man said suddenly.

"You are Zhong Yuanzhou reincarnated?" I looked at him in surprise.

"Haha, do you think? And Tiancheng is not only the old man and you reincarnated, but also a third reincarnated person! The old man fills up the roots of heaven and earth, precisely because the old man knows some of the secrets of Zhongyuanzhou! If it does not complement the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, it may not be comparable to the previous life! Unfortunately, the old man is not very good at this reincarnation. He has cast a non-immortal baby, otherwise, would he waste so many years of youth?" The old man laughed at himself.

"You reincarnated and devoted yourself to Mu Xianzhou, are you not a fairy?" I said in surprise.

"Who said I came from Muxianzhou? I walked here one step at a time from Yunmozhou! If not, I would have entered Central Yuanzhou at my age now!" the old man said categorically.

"Who is the third reincarnation?" I asked curiously.

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