Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7352: :Walking

"Your kid is indeed a banter, so you can use such a tyrannical spiritual skill, but even so, is it possible that you can escape the old man's thunderous spear?" The old man finished speaking, and there were two more imaginary ones in his hand. The guns, these two guns actually gave birth to long thorns all over the body. When he shot at me from the left and right bows, the guns rolled and disintegrated immediately! In the end it became thousands of thorns!

Chi Chi Chi!

As if the alarm sounded, the roaring thorns accompanied by the rainstorm all flew towards me in the form of spiral shooting. I secretly said that the old man’s thundering spear was really extraordinary. If I hadn't had deconstruction, I would have planted it here today!

After the thorns entered the range of my Liangyi Dao soul, it quickly disintegrated under the scope deconstruction technique. The old man's attack completely failed, and he yelled in surprise and directly took out a real spear, this one. With a wave of the spear at me, the head of the spear and the body of the spear were separated, and there was a transparent rope in the middle. Under his chaotic swing, the transparent rope had the power to break through the air, and the sound of sneer breaking the wind made me instantaneous. Can read its true power!

The strong one is by no means the spear head, but the transparent rope, so no matter what kind of fairy body it is, I am afraid that it will be tangled in half!

"Hey, boy, do you know where this baby came from? This is a rare and rare constant dragon tendon! Even a magic weapon can't be easily cut off, plus a peeping on the dragon tendon Shi Tiefen, so I was caught by the old man, and any artifact must be pulled off! Your kid is now handing over the things obediently, and I will let you suffer less!" The old man was smug.

"Use peeping stone crystal powder to stick to this dragon tendon? You can't figure it out. Wouldn't it be a lot of powder for the magic soldier who is involved in others?" I said silently, the old man is not bad for money.

"Of course it will fall, but that also depends on what kind of magical soldier you are. It is relatively cost-effective to destroy a magical soldier. The crystal powder dropped is still very cost-effective." The old man continued to swing the gun, and the tip of the gun was also tens of meters away. There are spear shadows everywhere in the dragon's tendons, and even the magical soldiers will be broken, let alone people.

As the old man’s attacks became more and more unscrupulous, when he felt that I might have no other way to use the dragon tendons to entangle me, he took out the Shentian Stone Sword and let his dragon go. The tendons are wrapped around it and rolled several times.

The old man was so happy that he immediately pulled the dragon's tendons and laughed loudly: "Hey! Haha, kid, you are so clever, but you are too bold, but you don't believe in this evil, right? Let you..."

In the end, the words didn't fall. As the two of us wrestled with each other, there was a crackling noise. Not only the dragon tendons were cut off by my Shentianshi divine sword, but the spearhead fell into my hands!

"Old man, how do you feel now?" I took the half of the dragon's tendons wrapped around the spear head, and took it back after a few twists. The old man yelled out of anger, but changed his mind. He is a top-notch artifact that constantly combines dragon tendons and peeping stones into one, how could it be easily broken by me, so in an instant he called out the three words'Shen Tianshi'.

Whether in the contest of spiritual skills or the battle of weapons, the old man has lost completely. Now only the cultivation base can be compared, but he has already improved a lot of cultivation base because of drinking Fallen Wine. At this moment, I am not afraid of the old man in the late stage of emergence.

The spiritual roots of heaven and earth are stronger than ordinary multi-spiritual roots or single ones, but the strength of the spiritual roots is incomparable to my congenital two-medicine spiritual roots, because the purity of the spiritual roots of each attribute is uneven, which will cause incompatibility between water and fire. If you don't use the intergrowth attribute to deal with me, it is better to use a single attribute. After all, if you use all six attributes, it is tantamount to suicide.

The old man couldn't take me down, his eyes blushed suddenly, but his eyes were not red when he was angry, but the baby was ruined by me, so he cried.

"My sharp spear! My sharp spear! Ooo...you kid, pay me for the sharp spear!" The old man sobbed and ran after me.

I looked speechless and could only use the sonic boom to walk him in the realm of the Dao Soul. This old man was so furious that he was not much different from the child, and his free and easy temper was simply an old naughty boy.

I can only say: "Just now you calmly talked to me, and for a reasonable price, how could this whip be ruined? You can even get a lot of Sky Patching Pills to supplement your own attributes. Is it too late for me to pay? But it's not that I can't compensate you, but we still have to talk about the conditions. I am not a charity, am I?"

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