Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7353: :random

"You return my weapon! Otherwise I won't talk to you!" the old man cried stubbornly.

I was speechless to this old man. He was crying like a child for the sake of a magic weapon. He held me in a posture of holding me unresolved. I could only say: "The dragon's tendons are broken, and I want to kill it. If the connection is good, it is not as easy to use as the original one. Why don't I rebuild you a magic weapon that is similar but with better results?

"What you said is true? It's up to you?" The old man stopped very suspiciously, but looked at the baby in his hand and became sad again.

"Of course it's true. Look at the Shentian Stone Sword in my hand, isn't it all made by me?" I smiled.

"Show the old man your sword!" The old man hooked his fingers, but his eyes were filled with imperceptible excitement.

I immediately put it away and said with a smile: "Thinking is beautiful, do you think I might show you such an expensive thing?"

"You!" The old man stomped his feet with anger, but soon he smiled and said: "Huh, then you will repair the dragon spear for me first. Is Shi Jian here to mortgage me? I want it, right? By the way, I can play it for the old man. It's fun."

"Hehe, then you won't pay me back after you get it? Anyway, you can't beat me, but you don't think I can beat you either?" I saw through his expression.

The old man was said to have broken his mind, and suddenly said with an aura: "Then you kid must take out some sincere baby to pledge, you are afraid that I will take your baby, I am afraid that you will also take my Tianlong gun and not pay it back! Or else, let us take a step back, you give me the Heavenly Pills, each holding ten pills, yes, I don’t need water attributes, it's equal to fifty. I'll give you the patching pill again!"

"Old man, are you afraid that it is not innocent and innocent? This kind of old dragon borrows meat and borrows but can't repay it, you can tell?" I was surprised that the old man's face was comparable to a city wall.

"Cough cough, just forget it, look at what you said! Then you have to show some sincerity?" The old man hummed.

I took out a piece of Peeping Stone Crystal Mine and said, "You are a broken weapon, you can earn a crystal mine if you trade it! You love to change it or not."

When the old man saw the Peeping Stone Crystal Mine, his eyes lit up. Shen Tianshi Shenbing knew he could not think about it, but he still wanted to get the Peeping Stone Crystal Mine, so he hooked his finger and deliberately With a disdainful face, he said, "Come on, I don't care about you like you!"

"We haven't established trust, so we throw everything into the abyss, and get it ourselves, how about it?" I said that I had to throw it away on the edge of the cliff.

"Of course! I'm afraid that you will pit the old man!" The old man was refreshed and threw it aside. We exchanged positions and immediately flew to each other's baby. This old man was also insidious. Flying towards the whip as if it were still flying, if it weren't for my sonic boom, which could be called a teleport in short-range acceleration, it would have succeeded for him a long time ago.

Back on the edge of the cliff, the old man whistled and played with the peeping stone crystal mine. I was going to repair the magic weapon, but the old man turned around and said with a smile: "I said, kid, I won’t repair it, I won’t repair it, and I will make more money. I won't ask you to pay it, just use this peeping stone crystal mine! Let's talk about the next exchange quickly!"

"This is what you said, don't regret it." I sighed, no wonder being called a casual cultivator, this is simply reckless! But he thought he had earned it. In fact, I can rebuild this gun. It is definitely worth more than before, and it is not even a peeping stone crystal mine that can buy it.

"What are you regretting! I am taking care of you as a junior! Come on, talk about how to make up for the old man for nothing? If you always use Fallen Wine, the old man won't have to change it so much!" The old man looked on his face.

I said: "I have felt your Dao soul just now. The purity of this Dao soul is simply not enough. If you don't take a hundred and eighty patch, you really can't balance it, and this patch will follow the cultivation. For the diligence, as well as the cultivation technique cannot balance all the spiritual roots of the attributes, after all, it is indispensable to continue taking it. If you don't use Fallen Heaven Wine to change it, what can you use to change it?"

"Then it depends on what you want, I don't have that much wine anyway!" the old man said rascally.

"Old man, we are neither mentors or apprentices nor relatives or friends. The point is that you are not a beautiful woman. Tsk tsk, you are too capable of tossing! Also, even if I am unlucky, you can show me a few days, as long as you do as promised. I will give you a Heavenly Patching Pill every day, how about it?" I said along the way.

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