Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7354: :press

"One patch a day?! Is this true?" The old man was taken aback, still worried that I would lie to him.

I took out a pot of Patching Heaven Pill and shook it in front of him and took it back: "I believe it this time? But I can't give it to you right away, because you didn't act according to the rules just now. I will give you the Heavenly Patching Pills first. You are afraid that you won't give me the promise, so I will calculate the number of these Heavenly Patching Pills based on the number of days."

"Huh, if I show you a home, you can give me so many Heavenly Patches. Isn't it because your home is not good?" The old man looked suspicious.

"It's not easy to guard against others, but if it's you, I believe that even the Lord of the Sky City can't do anything with you, right?" I chuckled.

The old man thought for a while, clapped his hands and said: "Okay...no, you first talk about the situation of your family, don't provoke the city lord of the sky city at that time, I will offend people for you."

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm just a treasure pavilion in Tiancheng, that is, the new pavilion owner of Tiancheng. It's just that I will be away for a period of time during this period. In order to prevent competitors from making trouble, it is natural to find a temporary guest to watch. Now, if you are willing, now we have signed the blood contract, if not, then pat the **** and go." I said.

"The new pavilion owner of the Tian Pavilion? I heard that Qin Ping was killed by the villain. It turns out that you are the new pavilion owner. That is reasonable! The old man reluctantly agreed to you, but the ugly thing is that you Set a time first. If you don't come back when the time is up, the old man won't show you the house. Not only that, I have to get something of the same value in this treasure pavilion." The old man smiled slyly.

"It's reasonable." I was about to find a topic to discuss with the old man. As a result, just after sitting down with the old man, someone hurriedly broke into the Duxian Mountain.

I fixed my eyebrows to look at the strange Yuhua Beginner Realm immortal family who had broken in. Before we could ask, he said anxiously: "But Pavilion Master Xia!? I am the Keqing Nazhen of the Tian Pavilion! Please speed up. Back to Tianfang, there has been a disturbance in Tianfang! Everyone sees that the situation is not right, so let me quickly come over and ask you to go back!"

"Oh? The people in Tianfang still couldn't hold back." I looked at the old man and asked, "Senior, we should go back to the Tian Pavilion now. I don't think you will be able to use it so soon."

"You kid, it's really troublesome, I can first say that I will kill one for your Tiange, but I can give you one more Heavenly Patching Pill!" said the old man.

I chuckled and said, "It's easy to say, this kind of money is not easy to make, and if you sell it once, I am afraid that others will not dare to come."

"You need to take care of it! Also, since everyone is reincarnated, don't call me senior, the old man is imaginary!" The old man said with a smug look.

"Making Xuanxu." I chuckled, and then followed the male immortal named Nazhen to fly towards the city at high speed. Xuxuan followed behind me, and after a while, I licked my ears and tickled it, completely without the style of the master.

We were advancing at the limit speed, so it was almost useless for a short while, and we arrived at the door of the Tiange. At this time, the Tiange and the surroundings were in chaos, and a group of immortals were destroyed everywhere like a fight.

There is no immortal family in the Eclosion Realm among the group fights, but the Enlightenment Realm occupies most of them. Of course, the Eclosion Realm has also come, but it is said that their fighting skills are in the outskirts of the east of the city, and now the people who are attacking the Tian Pavilion are all juniors. .

"Senior and Na Zhen went to the outskirts to deal with the two Eclosion Realms. In this city, conflicts below the Eclosure Realm are not allowed, so I'll be fine." After I finished speaking, I flew towards the Tian Pavilion.

Xu Xuan and Na Zhen quickly diverted to the outskirts of the east of the city. I flew into the interior of the Tian Pavilion. I was too lazy to stop fighting along the way, but whenever Tianfang came to make trouble, I would use reconstruction techniques to destroy them. Squeezing the body to explode, only Yuan Ying was allowed to escape. These troublemakers saw me coming to kill the Quartet, and they all surrounded me.

There was a mess inside, but Fu Yang and a few disciples were sitting in town. It was difficult to conquer the Tianfang by the existence of the Enlightenment Realm. It is said that they came to attack the Tianfang because the collision of the Tianfang affected the business of Tianfang.

So this is a business dispute, and even if Uncle Tu and Chi Niang from Tiancheng come, they can't manage it, as long as it doesn't involve the fighting method of the Eclosion Realm, and it does not damage the public facilities.

I rushed all the way into the backyard of the Tiange. This time the Tianfang was destroyed and many treasures were robbed, but I didn’t realize that there would be a large-scale loss, because while deconstructing and reconstructing these immortals, I collected theirs. The storage bag, even the Yuan Ying who had been squeezed out of mana, was put into the bottle.

How many abducted and sold this, anyway, the sky city black market does not do such things less, for bad people, there is no kindness.

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