Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7356: : Dream around

The little girl was squeezed aside indirectly by the old man. She bit her lower lip and looked aggrieved. Although she was twelve or thirteen years old, she was a child after all.

"Oh, this is... this is the sprouting of the earth celestial fruit! My God, is it possible that the water in this bucket has not been poisoned!?" The old man was shocked, and planned to reach out to unlock the transparent lid.

As a result, Le Zhi stretched out his hand and hammered him several times, and said anxiously: "You are not allowed to drive! You are not allowed to drive! You are not allowed to drive away!"

The old man stood up with his eyes wide open, Fu Yang hurriedly guarded the child behind, and said vigilantly: "Senior, the child is ignorant..."

"Pavilion Master Xia! You dare to cultivate the fairy fruit of the Tiancheng forbidden object! Are you looking for death!? You let a little girl watch and play!? Do you know if anyone here vents and runs away Can't fall!" Xu Xuan said loudly.

This is the backyard area. No matter how loud you call it, you can’t get through the big array. So I don’t care about him shouting so loudly. What's wrong with the fairy fruit? Is it possible to still use you to agree?"

"Hey, your kid is really good, but you are not afraid of me spreading it out? By then, the city lord will be the first to catch you! If you don't want me to tell, it's easy. Just give me a martial arts umbrella and I will temporarily release it. Pass you!" Xu Xuan took advantage of the fire and robbed him.

When Le Zhi heard that the old man dared to threaten me, he rushed out from behind Fu Yang, kicked and beat the old man, and even opened her mouth to bite. Needless to say, her cultivation level must have done nothing to Xuxuan. It hurts, but also because the opponent's body is solid and the teeth hurt.

Regardless of the old man's fragile appearance, in fact, he can't help it even if he is afraid of the realm of enlightenment.

"You threatened me, but have you thought about the consequences? I asked you to guard the house, not to be a thief." I said coldly.

"Who made you so stingy!? The old man is just asking you for a martial arts umbrella. Looking at your eyes, you are about to kill the old man!" Xu Xuan exaggerated.

I snorted and said, "Everything goes to one yard. I am not because of money, but because of my behavior. I warn you. If you use this as a threat again, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

"Then you give me a weapon!" Xu Xuan, the old man, was too constrained, and he didn't listen to education at all.

Le Zhi didn't know anything about him, so he stared at him angrily and shouted: "The bad guys go out! The bad guys go out!"

The old man was too yelled, so he immediately covered his ears and said, "The old man is not a bad person! This Xia is much worse than the old man!"

"You're bad! You're a bad guy!" Le Zhi gritted his teeth with anger, and the old man was also depressed for a while, stomping and saying: "If I'm a bad guy, have I saved you?"

"You are!" Le Zhi insisted, and the old man naturally retorted again. I saw that the old and the young had a lot of meaning, and I couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Fu Yu smiled bitterly to me and whispered: "Senior Random Fairy is such a temperament, but it must be the case that Daozhu Xia can't help it. If he is replaced by someone else, he just grabbed it. How can he talk to you? "

I nodded. There is no doubt about this. The old man acted recklessly, completely disregarding the rules of rituals and laws, so he was naturally disliked by others. He is usually very powerful and naturally no matter whether the other party can accept it or not, but now I am under pressure to grab things. It also depends on whether I am happy or not.

I thought about it and said, "Don't think about the martial arts umbrella. At most, I will repair the Tianlong gun for you before leaving, but don't forget your responsibilities, and you have to help me take good care of the family."

Xu Xuan, who was arguing with the little girl, was on the tip of his ears, and immediately said happily: "You said it yourself! The old man didn't force you! Don't forget that there is no benefit exchange here, I only promise you to make up for it. Tian Dan, nothing else!"

I sneered and said, "Are you all the others?"

But at this moment, Na Zhen came in a hurry from the outside, with a sense of horror in her expression. I was thinking about what had happened, but with a bang, Qing Tong was blasted into it directly from the outside!

"Pavilion Master De Xia is taking care of him, and the old man is still sitting in the pavilion! Who dares to make trouble outside!?" Xuan Xu rushed out with a loud shout.

I secretly said that maybe it was Tianfang who came to beg the person who was caught in the bottle by me, so I watched with interest how Xuan Xu fought and taught each other.

However, none of us guessed correctly.

The old man rushed out with only two snaps, or at most a dazed effort, and returned to the spot again, and looked at me with a puzzled look.

"One day in summer!"

Just when I was puzzled, a voice that had kept me dreaming for many years came from outside.

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