Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7357: : Deep snow

"Allure!?" I was shocked, as if I was in a dream state. The unreality made me wonder what to do for a while. I hurried out into the aisle, and a woman was standing in the aisle in front of me. The end.

I was stunned to look at the familiar body shape and the eager gaze, suddenly I didn't know whether to meet her, or just stand here and wait for her.

Pretty like spring, pure face like jade, fragrant mist and clouds, beautiful eyes like rosy temperament, no matter how many times I look at it, it is as if it is printed in my mind, like a snowy city, so she can look down on the beauty of the world.

Every step I moved was extremely difficult, she became even younger, and she entered the world of wasteland again, and she was so perfect that I was a little embarrassed at this time.

"Xia Yitian!" Her voice was filled with searching and panic, the demure and delicate flowers shining in the water without losing the force of heroism, stood out from the call.

How I wish she could scream again, but I can no longer control myself, I walk forward, I want to hug her immediately!

Whoosh, but it was this small aisle. The next moment I saw only the empty aisle, and there was no trace of Xue Qingcheng anymore. It was a short time before I was stunned again. Is all this a dream? Drunk too much wine?

This is impossible!

"One day in summer!"

Just as I was in a daze, the voice of Xue Qingcheng came to mind in the backyard. It turned out that I didn't fall into a dream just now, but she was in my stunned state, and she had already passed me by!

I hurriedly turned my head and turned into the backyard. At this time, wearing a purple dress, my thin back was facing away from me.

But at the same time, she was facing the boy Fu Yu. Fu Yu looked blank and at a loss for a while. After all, the woman in front of her was too beautiful, and she was so embarrassed. It was Fuyu's son-in-law who was used to seeing beauties in this Tiancheng city, and he didn't feel suffocated.

"You're Xia Yitian?!" Xue Qingcheng's voice sounded again, her head slightly raised, as if with a hint of questioning.

"I...I'm not..." Fu Yu looked at the woman in front of her blankly, and then pointed at me behind her.

"You're not Xia Yitian, why didn't you say it earlier?" Xue Qingcheng snorted softly.

Fu Yu was stunned, and then said anxiously: "Shenxue Young City Lord... I am Fu Yu, the one from Fu Cang Mountain, we have seen it..."

Regardless of Fu Yu's self-introduction, Xue Qingcheng turned and looked at me who stood calmly behind. After all, her identity and existence may not care who is who, even Fu Yu is at best taken seriously. Tianjiao is nothing, it doesn't mean anything else, and even she wouldn't treat it squarely.

Standing by my side, Xu Xuan smiled and greeted him, and said, "Young City Master Shenxue, this is Pavilion Master Xia, I don’t know that Young City Master Shenxue is looking for Pavilion Master Xia..."

"What's the matter with you?" Xue Qingcheng then set his sights on me, not to mention anything else, Fu Yu, as an excellent arrogant Tiancheng, is naturally enough to make people preconceived. On the contrary, I want to compare it with a little passerby. A bit.

Since Yuan Ying was formed, I have discarded the appearance of a reincarnated boy. Now I am no different from the cohesive appearance of me in Chuangshitian, so I seem to be in my thirties, a little longer than Fuyu, and a little bit longer than before my eyes. As far as Xue Qingcheng was so immature, it was the uncle and the girl face to face.

"I am Xia Yitian." I introduced myself lightly, and at the same time I was a little disappointed in my heart. It seems that Xue Qingcheng was reincarnated here like me, but she became the lord of Shenxue Young City, maybe she has no previous memories at all, so she looked for me Maybe I just heard my name from others.

"You're Xia Yitian? Impossible!" Xue Qingcheng's eyes widened, and the pair of beautiful eyes that opened wide after surprise made me a little bit unable to look away.

"It's like a fake replacement, I'm Xia Tiantian, did you disappoint Young City Master Shenxue?" I tried to suppress my emotions and said calmly.

"Then you know Xue...no...impossible, how could you possibly know it." Xue Qingcheng almost blurted out first, but finally denied himself directly.

I was shocked and immediately said: "Snow Qingcheng."

At this moment, the girl in front of her almost took a step back subconsciously, shocked and panic flashed in her eyes for a moment. This reaction undoubtedly shows that she knows what these three words mean.

"What Snow Qingcheng?"

"Who is Xue Qingcheng?"

Fu Yang's disciples behind him talked a lot, Xu Xuan saw this scene, and then went to Xue Qingcheng's side, and whispered: "Shen Xue Young City Lord, do I find a quiet place to say these things? Pavilion Master Xia also has them. There are many secrets, but it is not convenient to tell them here."

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