Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7365: : Self-disturbance

"Straighten up?" I smiled. This is indeed a bit of suspicion of overreaction. It seems that her elder brother Shenkong may really be alive. Facing the son who suddenly appeared, he would definitely be shocked.

"Yes, he muttered to himself the name of my elder brother in surprise, and then hurriedly flew with other disciples to find it, or what do you think?" Xue Qingcheng said.

I condensed my eyebrows for a while, and then asked: "How did you behave at that time?"

"Naturally, I am very surprised, but I know that someone must be suspicious, because he has never entered the Celestial City, how can there be a big brother suddenly appearing?" Xue Qingcheng looked very confident.

I shook my head and said, "You are so smart, why did you cheat your father?"

"What are you talking about? Why was I deceived?" Xue Qingcheng asked in surprise.

"Think about it for yourself. Even you know the operating mechanism of the Heavenly City Protection Array, and you also know that no fairy family can fly in without invitation, and your eldest brother has found the relics, how can you have tokens? Things that prove your identity come in? You know the truth, don't your father know it?" I smiled speechlessly, his overreaction meant that he was determined in his heart, and the expression may not be the inner facts, but for his daughter.

Only when I am nervous can I prove my nervous concern for deep space, and it is precisely this that I expected to make such a strategy.

Thinking in reverse from a certain guessing direction, maybe his eldest brother is more likely to be bad luck, and maybe this city lord knows it.

Sure enough, after what I said, Xue Qingcheng suddenly shook her body and looked at me with an incredulous expression. Seeing me nodding expressionlessly, she finally fell into contemplation: "How could this be..."

"Hehe, if your father is not with you, I am afraid what he should do and what else he will be doing. How could he straighten up and eagerly find your eldest brother? He is so scheming, how can he not know when he should Performance, when should I cover it up?" I laughed.

"You are so cunning!" Xue Qingcheng gritted her teeth.

I shrugged, and then said: "Aside from anything else, Fenglan City is afraid that it has entered the territory of the Demon Race. We are afraid to go north, and we have to speed up. As for other things, let's talk along the way?"

"Yeah!" Xue Qingcheng summoned a divine weapon similar to a magic whip after speaking.

With a look of surprise on my face, I watched her kick the magic whip, and then asked: "This is something that is like a sword but not a sword, and it is from your memory? I remember that there is no such magic weapon in the Bahuang Weapon."

"This is my unique weapon! It is indeed made according to memory, why, can't it?" Xue Qingcheng looked defiant.

"This is called a sword whip, and it is indeed a magic weapon she likes to use..." I smiled bitterly, but in my heart I had confidence in the girl in front of me. She has the memory of Xue Qingcheng, but it is another way to protect her true self. The form of surviving, which means that she has her own independent memory as well as Xue Qingcheng’s memory. The reason for the lack of integration is that the amount of information is extremely large, so she is in a state of special growth for the purpose of protecting herself. .

So I actually don’t need to deliberately activate her memory. It is cruel and unrealistic to let her restore her memory now. She can accept it, but cannot integrate it. Only when her memory is accommodated and grown can she accept it. More past memories that belonged to her.

This is because Xue Qingcheng itself has lived for an unknown number of years, has seen countless things, and the huge amount of memory exceeds the limit of the normal birth of a new life body, so it will digest part of it every period of time as it grows. Relatively speaking, Shenxue now has a lot of memories that Xueqingcheng has continuously conveyed, and there will definitely be more in the future. I don’t have to be a mediocre person to help her. This may be to help her, or even vice versa. Walk the way.

After I figured this out, I suddenly became enlightened. I feel that I should be more tolerant towards the current Xue Qingcheng. Even if it is some refusal, there are different habits from the past. What harm does it matter if I accept it?

"How do you know so much? Are these Thousand Thousand Worlds and Three Thousand Avenues true? Can you tell me more?" Xue Qingcheng said curiously.

"I've said on the road, use my flying machine, so that you can free your hands." I summoned the flying sports car, this thing has been improved by me, so the speed is not too slow.

After inviting her to sit on it, I flew north at a very fast speed, took over the Tiange, and obtained a lot of the distribution area of ​​the blood veins from the old lady Qinping. It should not be difficult to find Fenglan City.

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