Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7366: : Old billet

Flying in the demon realm is like traveling in gray clouds. The strong demon energy of Tongtian Mountain makes the road to Tianyuan Mountain range very dark, but after traveling for a long time, there is no other feeling except the gray feeling. .

During this period of time, I also told Xue Qingcheng about the story of the Great Thousand World I experienced and my understanding of Three Thousand Avenue in a simple and clear way. One in the world is as huge and emotional as the Eight Desolation World, and even a little bit longing for the thousands of worlds.

And the laws of the Three Thousand Dao are complicated, and the power that can often go against the sky has played a purpose for her to broaden her horizons. The world of Liangyi is also huge, but compared with the real Zen Daotian, it is really not the same. , Because the current Liangyitian is just a microcosm, not the complete Liangyitian universe.

In addition, the communication between us has become easier. We are no longer as cautious as we were when we first met, and even occasionally couldn't help but laugh out because of the interesting stories I told.

"By the way, before, my photo and I asked about the purpose of this trip to Amagi. Because of the rush of time, they didn't mention it. I don't know where your Amagi destination is this time?" After getting acquainted with each other, I couldn't do without Will also ask some secret things.

"What? Now when I mentioned her suddenly, did you like my little photo?" Xue Qingcheng asked with a mocking expression.

I was stunned, because suddenly I remembered the days of Liushentian, but I woke up just as soon as the gods shook. Now Xueqing City is very young after all, it can even be said that it is still a girl, so I laughed and said, "More than I like taking pictures. I still like you very much. What's wrong?"

"Huh?" Xue Qingcheng flushed with all the questions I asked, and then couldn't help rolling his eyes at me, and said, "You really are abusive."

"Affection?" I smiled speechlessly, and then said: "Who asked you to ask me that first?"

"How else should I ask you?" Her face was full of doubts.

I smiled and said, "You can ask, do I like you."

"You...huh! Do you usually talk to people like this? Isn't that abusive?"

"Then if you didn't ask me this just now, wouldn't I stop being sentimental?" I shook my head and smiled bitterly, which suddenly made her a little bit at a loss as to how to answer.

"You are so cunning. How long have you lived? Why are there so many weird, incomprehensible answers? My father, my elder brother would not speak like you, my father was always in front of others. He looks upright, although he occasionally makes jokes, eldest brother is the best, gentle and gentle, there are always many things to make me happy, but it is a pity..." Xue Qingcheng sighed.

"Where did you say your elder brother would go?" I asked.

"I don’t know. When he left, he took an urgent task, saying he was looking for a treasure in the world, but he didn’t return as soon as he left. In the end, the disciples went to him and only brought back some of his relics...I From that time on, I felt that I suddenly became sensitive. Some things that I didn’t think were like before, but also some irrelevant things... Alas, I really hope that I have thought more about it. Even after my mother died, this This feeling is getting stronger and stronger." Xue Qingcheng looked embarrassed.

"So you often avoid your father because you have become sensitive, right?" I didn't rush to ask the question of where to go to Tiancheng, but wanted to understand what the city lord did.

"No... Actually, sometimes I think he is testing me, and even I think he has nothing to do with my father, not my father... Do you know that I am actually innate and spiritual?" Xue Qingcheng asked.

"I know, so your father and you don't actually have any blood relationship, right?" I bluntly expressed my thoughts.

Xue Qingcheng suddenly looked at me in amazement, fearing that he was also frightened by my outspokenness.

Until she was infected by my sincere gaze, she hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Well... Once, he vaguely mentioned to me that my mother was not there and had no blood relationship with me, and even held me for no reason. In the hand, I told me that my mother and my brother will be gone, and only I will be in the city with him, saying that he wants to be with me forever, and not just being a father and a daughter. If I need it, not only Only in normal times, he is still willing to assist me in my cultivation when I am frustrated. Do you know what auxiliary cultivation is? Cultivation is a personal matter. I wish I would hide alone, so I was frightened at that time."

"Old nasty billet." I snorted coldly.

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