Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7367: :alert

"Ha... what is the old scumbag?" Xue Qingcheng chuckled, then flashed his eyes to look at me.

"That's... it means that you are inferior in nature. I am afraid that his thoughts do not come in one day or two days. Maybe you have such thoughts long ago. It is simply despicable when you are feeling empty." I endure I couldn't help cursing, this day the city lord of the city is not serious, and the idea of ​​hitting his daughter is not his own, but this is too refreshing.

"At this time, you are filled with righteous indignation. Why don't you think about yourself when you are abusive?" Xue Qingcheng stretched out her finger and nodded to my forehead. I deliberately leaned in and let her finger directly touch me. She was so frightened that she quickly shrank her forehead, and said anxiously: "You! Emotional!"

"Haha, I'm just satisfying you, don't you want to try my sensuality?" I laughed.

"You are so boring." Xue Qingcheng said angrily, but he seemed to think of something again, and said: "But you are not the most exaggerated, do you know what happened afterwards?"

"Huh? Something else happened? This old nasty kid is so shameless!" I showed a hideous look.

"Hey, look at you, what's wrong with me and I haven't been caught by him, look at you anxiously, why do you care about me so much?" Xue Qingcheng couldn't help but giggled.

Hearing this, I knew that the dirty city lord did not succeed. I sighed in relief and joked: "Do you care if you are not good? Is it possible to kill you?"

"That's not good, I hate people saying that this is not good, that is not good, if you dare to talk nonsense, I can't spare you!" Xue Qingcheng frightened me with fangs and claws, seeing my face waiting for you to come. She snorted and continued talking about what she was going to say: "That's what he said at the time. It would be nice to be a boy if he said that he was the heir of the Celestial City. It's a pity that I am a girl. Then I said why a girl is a girl. Can't it? He said that girls will always have some decisions that are different from men, and that there will be women's benevolence. Seeing that I was not convinced, he gave me an idea and asked if I could give birth to a boy and inherit the Celestial City."

"It's omnipotent." I took it with a sneer, now I already know what the next sentence might be.

"I said I will naturally have a sweetheart in the future, isn't he still there anyway? In the end, do you guess what my father said?" Xue Qingcheng stared at me as if testing me.

"Isn't this old obscene kid saying that I want to have a baby with you?" My forehead appeared involuntarily.

"You... why do you always speak so frankly? Your thoughts are so nasty?" Xue Qingcheng glanced at me contemptuously, and I could only stretch my hands and said: "Before you were not serious. You expect him to find out later, but it is only a moment. How can this kind of thing engraved in genes be easily changed?"

"What is a gene?" Xue Qingcheng asked curiously.

"This is not easy to explain, let's talk about what he said first." I said with concern.

"He said that I am the spiritual root of the congenital two rites, how can I have a child with someone else? If I am just a person, then the child will still be burdensome after the birth! I was shocked that he would say this, I was very unhappy to ask, then I should He didn’t immediately say what kind of man he was looking for. He said that if I was ready, he would tell me. Later, I rejected him all the time, but he would find all kinds of reasons to get close to me and give I instilled some weird opinions, or maybe I was too sensitive. In fact, which father doesn't want his daughter to marry a better man than himself? At least he can't be worse than himself, right?" Xue Qingcheng asked rhetorically.

"Are you stupid? He retreats to advance and wants to subtly influence you! How can the old slab be so clever that he can say something abrupt to annoy you? You still call him father, isn't it because he is good at disguising? If you don't pretend one day, it's probably the time when you can't do anything with him!" I said dumbfounded.

Xue Qingcheng looked at me in disbelief at first, and finally sighed, and said, "Why don't I know what you said? It's just that I have refused to let myself listen to the answers deep in my mind."

I secretly said that it was true, her hunch, intuition, and even instinct to refuse are not inexplicable, but as Xue Qingcheng's memory gene is rooted in her mind, when she wants to pursue the answer, she instinct gains The answer.

Just like the thousands of worlds, the knowledge of the Three Thousand Avenues may be derived from the self's thirst for knowledge.

"He has always been very purposeful. This is the reason why I am naturally wary of him. Step by step until now, I have never thought whether it was all designed by him? Do you know? The moment I left the Celestial City , I suddenly felt relieved, I didn't even have the idea of ​​looking back at Tiancheng..." Xue Qingcheng said sincerely.

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