Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7368: : Earn and lose

Because I left a clue to Fenglan City, I took Xue Qingcheng all the way north and flew in the desolate Demon World for seven or eight days. I finally arrived at the first scheduled stop. If not unexpected, it should be nearby. There will be some clues left by Fenglan City, and often only I can understand these clues.

Landed in a basin, I checked the terrain and environment here, and as expected, the traces of Fenglan City were very obvious. Of course, if you can't find the direction it is heading now, it is likely to go in the opposite direction.

I searched for a while, and as expected, I found a clearly man-made sign on the edge, with some weird runes written on it, guiding me to fly to the northwest direction, which did not surprise me.

Xue Qingcheng and I could only follow the diagram to find out. After about three days' journey, we encountered the same stone in a basin suitable for docking. This stone has more information, so Xue Qingcheng studied it and said, "It says above. , Fenglan City was attacked by Demon Cultivator, but before they entered the city, they had already formed... Zhentian formation... Then they headed north, their speed could only slow down, and Demon Cult's contradiction to Feng Lan City deepened? Windy Lancheng dispatched a part of the scout team adapted to this demon realm... well, two of them were missing..."

"It's impossible not to send a scout. When I get here, even the map is very vague. Not everyone can survive in the Demon Realm." As I said, I secretly said that she can read the text inside, indicating that she really has snow. The memory of the allure.

Xue Qingcheng thought for a while and said, "Map? I have it."

"You have it? Why didn't you take it out earlier?" I couldn't laugh or cry, and she said speechlessly: "I didn't think you understand, besides, you didn't ask me."

"I only have a rough map, not a detailed map." When I took the map, I pointed at our location and said: "We are at this location, and according to some rare news bought from the shop at a high price, now the wind Lancheng should have gone to this area most likely to have earth blood."

Xue Qingcheng glanced at it and said, "Here? This is now one of the domains of Demon Cultivation. Where is the news from you? Or is it that Feng Lan City is preparing for a real decisive battle with Demon Cultivation?"

"What? This place has become a realm of demon repair? This is the secret message I got from Wufeng City." I said depressed.

In fact, there are still a few maps of the mine veins that Qin Ping gave me, which are quite reliable. However, I entered the Celestial City after Fenglan City left, so I still act according to the old plan. Now it seems that if I don’t intercept it midway Fenglan City will soon run into Mo Xiu.

No wonder there will be nuisances of magic repair along the way.

"Wufeng City? How far away is the news? I have a few mineral veins discovered by Tiancheng, and two were bought by Tiancheng. In fact, there are a lot of blood veins in the Tianyuan Mountain Range, which is definitely compared with Tianjing. Not as good, but you should also know that the celestial crystals are also formed by the condensate of earth blood. The greater the content of earth blood, the more likely the celestial crystals will appear. Therefore, priority occupation is natural. Of course, if it is proved that there is no celestial crystal, the value will be It's not too big, because Magic Cultivation can't refine this thing." Xue Qingcheng said.

"Can't be refined? Why?" I curiously asked.

"Magic repair does not have the materials to refine its alchemy, and it is not suitable, because this demon domain is full of demon energy, so the birthplace blood, if the earth blood is forcibly refined here, the multi-attribute aura will cause the fryer to enter the pill furnace. Refined, in addition to where there is no magical energy, there must be a unique treasure that removes impurities. It is so, and the cost is terribly high. It is definitely twice the price of Tianjing, or even unskilled, five or six times. The cost may not be able to be trained, let alone the lack of mass refining, it is not cost-effective at all, after all, the earth blood is a solution, but the sky crystal is a crystallization!" Xue Qingcheng said.

"Well, so the blood of the earth will play different roles in the hands of different people, and only the heavenly crystal is a ready-made valuable thing." I concluded.

"Yes, we Tiancheng and Moxiu bought these earth-blood veins, in fact, to prepare for them. Even if it doesn’t work, after a hundred and eighty years, it’s not known that it will crystallize because of the demonic climate. It is also possible to find a low-cost refining method ten years later? Not to mention the excessive mining of celestial crystals, it will definitely only become less and less. The value in the future may be the same as that of self-refining, or even lower than the price after refining. If you want to be higher, then do you say who will earn and who will lose?" Xue Qingcheng said.

"It is said that other treasure pavilions also bought some mineral veins, not only Tiancheng. It seems that your ideas are still very advanced." I laughed.

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