Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7369: : Shuma

"That's not it? But I don't have the right to mine the mineral veins of our Celestial City. That right is only for the city lord, and I can't do anything without his orders. Now the mineral veins are guarded by magic repair people. Once who dares Occupation, it is estimated that you will see more magic repairs without collecting much. Do you plan to **** Fenglan City? Or do you plan to mine it legally?" Xue Qingcheng asked.

"What's legal or illegal? Muxianzhou's Demon Realm was repaired by them? What's a joke? The things of heaven and earth are naturally shared by the heaven and earth creatures. What they say is theirs is theirs? Besides, if it weren't given by the Muxianzhou Alliance If you serve it, the magic cultivator will have this opportunity?" I sneered.

"Hey, it's my idea to serve the Muxianzhou Alliance. Who made them so arrogant? Now Moxiu donates part of the mineral veins to us free of charge, and also does business with our Tiancheng treasure pavilion, and sells some mineral vein collection rights. It's because of this." Xue Qingcheng said.

"After all, the Zhongyuan Mountain Range belongs to everyone, but you can't let anyone monopolize it. You know the situation of my Fenglan City. We can't do things like Ganju, and we can't do it, because everyone is waiting to be fed." I secretly said that I am worthy of being my woman, and even if the rule of the entire Jiuzhongtian and Chuangshitian do not meet, it will be the trend of the times to come here.

"Then you can only rely on ability." Xue Qingcheng said proudly.

"By the way, do these demons listen to you?" I asked.

"Why should you listen to me? Now that I have come out, I can't use the identity of the Young City Lord of Tiancheng. You should save the province." Xue Qingcheng said.

As we moved deeper into the Demon Territory, in the airspace where the third basin was located, we found Fenglan City, which was parked in the air and did not descend, and occasionally we could see bursts of flashes and black dots flickering above the clouds.

I glanced at Xue Qingcheng next to me, and said, "The conflict is still indispensable, and the magic repair is eyeing our Fenglan City."

"Of course, Mo Xiu does not allow any dissidents to break into the Demon Territory. Like us, they are avoiding anyone trying to cross the Tianyuan Mountain Range." Xue Qingcheng said.

"It's because every person who crosses the Tianyuan Mountain Range in history will bring disasters to Mu Xianzhou, right?" I have been in Tiancheng during this period of time, so I naturally understand this common sense that everyone knows.

"Yes, the short thousand years, the long thousands of years, the countless Muxianzhou sect relics are proof! Although these have brought us opportunities for the city, sometimes such opportunities may be completely destroyed." Xue Qingcheng said.

I put the sports car away and rushed to the Fenglan City area quickly. Snow Qingcheng is fast. The cultivation base of the Eclosion Realm Great Perfection is not a joke, and it is still a spiritual root of the innate liangyi, which means her strength. To beat me at the moment.

There are nearly a hundred demon cultivators attacking Fenglan City, which is not a small number. They are both men and women, and their dresses are no different from ordinary immortals, but because they are in the demon realm all year round, they absorb the complex aura of the demon realm. Most of them are mixed spiritual roots plus single or multiple spiritual roots.

The more impurities, the more difficult it is to cultivate. However, being able to survive in the Demon Realm also allows them to cultivate at the fastest speed in Muxianzhou. This is also a question of choice. The Immortal Family of Muxianzhou uses pure spiritual energy for cultivation. The best practice method, but it is often necessary to practice outside the area covered by the magic energy, which means that the aura is not as abundant as this.

But the demon cultivators who can enter here do not have this concern. They accept all the demon energy here, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to get confused.

So although they look the same as Fanxian, they have taken too much devil energy and the impurities cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore, the spiritual veins on the face and neck, and even under every inch of skin on the body, will show a black-gray tone. , So on the whole, it is ecstatic at first.

If the devil energy can be eliminated in time, this phenomenon will naturally not occur. Unfortunately, fish and bear paws cannot have both. Years of elimination process and rapid training speed, if you know the choice, you would have joined the Muxianzhou alliance long ago. Now, how can you be willing to be a magic repair?

Hundreds of demonic cultivators are all at the lowest level of God becoming Dzogchen, and there are a few that are obviously in the realm of enlightenment. It can be seen that all the elites have come out. After I rushed up, I could not help but immediately expand the realm of Taoism, and it was harvested in an instant. Under the powerful decomposition ability of Deconstruction Technique, a fairy family in a divine transformation realm, the Nascent Infant scurryed everywhere.

There was a burst of cheers from the disciples in Fenglan City.

After I entered the middle realm of enlightenment, the first stage of eclosion is no longer my opponent. The middle realm can fight with me. As for Xue Qingcheng, I can't beat it, but it does not mean that other eclosion realms can suppress me. , So these immortal houses in the Divine Transformation Realm are almost indistinguishable from ants to me.

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