Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7370: :master

"Sky City! It's a disciple of Sky City! Everyone, go back!"

"Can't conflict with Tiancheng! Everyone should go back to the fairy lord!"

I found out that I had acted outrageously. Although a group of magic cultivators were filled with indignation, the difference in strength was too great, and they were immediately allowed to act as birds and beasts. Even the immortal family who had enlightened Dzogchen did not dare to stay here. In addition, they had no hope of attacking Fenglan City and the flare of retreat. After opening, none of them remained in place.

I took a look at Xue Qingcheng's service, she was still dressed in Tiancheng decoration at the moment, no wonder the demons were shocked.

Xue Qingcheng didn't take it seriously, because Feng Lancheng was attracted by her attention, so she floated outside the dock and looked around where the large array could not reach.

There are some unfamiliar disciples and elders in the dock, few of which are familiar to me. It should be that everyone hasn't put the magic repair in their eyes.

They were very surprised by Xue Qingcheng's appearance in white and scared off all the magic cultivators. At the same time, the disciples who saw her appearance were shocked. After all, the appearance was so exquisite that it was so beautiful that it was unique in the world.

Many disciples felt that the gods descended to the earth, and a few of them knelt on the ground immediately, praying.

Xue Qingcheng watched this scene, couldn't help but smile, and said to me: "I am so like a goddess?"

"It's very similar, even in my heart, there is no difference between you and the goddess." I said sincerely.

Xue Qingcheng was stunned, and then giggled so that the branches were trembling. The blush on her face was like a blooming flower, which was intoxicating. Her appearance could indeed be called the Qingcheng, but I also smiled. At the time, she suddenly looked stern, and said: "Sentimentality."

My smile stopped abruptly, and I shrugged helplessly. Anyway, this misunderstanding must be deep. After all, I have some memories that Xue Qingcheng showed her, and I will be more or less impressed with me, so I will inevitably be slanderous.

"Well, let's enter the city quickly, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to do." I said.

"Anyway, you can't leave me alone. Whatever is the matter, whether it is confidential or not, I have to participate in it! Understand?" Xue Qingcheng warned me.

"Well, don't worry, I have absolutely no secrets from you, as long as you want to know, I will tell you as much as possible, after all, I asked you to follow." I said.

"This is what you promised." Xue Qingcheng followed me into Fenglan City very quickly.

At this time, not only Sana and Zhilin, but Xianli, Huxia, Lingzhao, Nanjin, Sana, Meiyao and others also hurriedly arrived. Other new forces, such as Nanxue, were also involved. I am welcome to return.

Of course, I was arrested and sent to Sky City but I was able to return, which surprised them.

So just after I landed, a group of women suddenly cried and mournfully gathered around, holding me one by one for fear that I would disappear suddenly. Among them, Nanxue looked at me pitifully and said, "Dao Xia is finally fine. Otherwise we don’t know what to do."

Nan Jin hugged me and said anxiously: "Everyone seems to have lost their backbone, waiting for you to come back."

But anyone who wanted to enjoy me alone was turned away. Xianli looked at everyone and said, "Calm down. There must be something more important when the Taoist comes back. What are you bothering him for? What's the matter, I'll talk about it when I'm free."

Hu Xia snorted and said, "Xian Li, Dao Master is not your junior, and you are not our senior, so don't make air with us."

"You! When did I put on airs? I'm just telling the truth! Now we enter the Demon Realm, every step is like walking on thin ice, you want your children to love, and I will not stop you when you find another chance!" Xian Li replied politely.

Huxia was naturally not convinced, including Lingzhao also holding hands and mocking: "Don't you need us to welcome my brother when he comes back one day? We get close to him, and it's natural to worry, I don't think there is anything."

"I always think we should be more reserved. You can talk about this kind of thing later, right? Xianli?" Miss Zhilin estimated that she was already in the same party with Xianli.

"What? If you want to be reserved, just be reserved. I don't usually see you being reserved with your brother for a day? Don't let us see you bashfully approaching your brother again!" Nan Jin should have been divided into another level.

"Okay... everyone calm down... Shouldn't we go ahead and talk about it?" Mei Yao was about to resolve the conflicts, but because the voice was too small, it couldn't get in at all.

When I leave this trip, the big guys will inevitably split up without a mediator. In addition, they all have a certain amount of resources and supporters. It is not difficult to imagine the formation of competition.

However, the pattern of their separate camps fell apart immediately without me mediating them.

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