Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7373: : Planting trees

"It's hard to say, do you remember that jade bucket?" I said, taking out the jade bucket. Although the ground fairy fruit in the bucket was still immersed in the water full of tiny bugs, it seemed that there was no change, but it was obviously gone. A lot of it, it is very likely that the inside has been seeded, the reason is very simple, the seeds have absorbed the nutrients of the earth fairy fruit.

"There are bugs? This...this is impossible! How did you find the bugs that can make the earth fairy fruit multiply!" Xue Qingcheng asked in horror.

"Hehe, your father tried every means to poison these insects, but he didn't expect the force of nature to keep them alive. As the so-called wildfire burns endlessly, spring breeze blows and regenerates, no, the sky is endless." With a wave of his hand, he took out the music fairy flute, and played a song according to the growth state of the earth fairy fruit.

With the diligence of my cultivation, when I play this flute, I will no longer have the feeling of rapid decline in spiritual power. This can make me sound more stable when playing. Sure enough, the ground fairy fruit dries up quickly because of the sound of the flute. The insects were also affected by the sound of the flute, and they shuttled more and more. They collected nutrients from the fairy fruit to build a nest for themselves, and indirectly helped the fairy fruit to pollinate. This is tantamount to a situation of mutual benefit.

As the earth fairy fruit was completely covered with a lot of seeds, I took one of the earth fairy fruit out of it. After cutting it open, there were a total of seven or eight seeds inside.

"This is the seed of Dixian Fruit!? It looks so weird!" Xue Qingcheng exclaimed and took one and placed it in front of his eyes. This kind of fish looks like a small fat octopus, but also a bit like a big one. The octagonal octagonal, in short, the strange shape and the grown-up fairy tree is indeed similar.

I felt the vitality of one of the seeds, and then threw the remaining seeds in my hand into the water, and then played the fairy flute. These seeds felt the sound of my flute, and as expected they began to absorb the energy in the water and emitted the first More tender shoots.

As the speed and rhythm of my playing accelerated, it didn’t take long for all the seeds to survive. Not only were they thrown into the land of water, but even the seeds in the jade bucket began to absorb the contents of the bucket. Energy makes the water inside become more clear and scarce.

Xue Qingcheng helped put the seeds in the bucket into the water of the place where the water was hidden. These immature buds immediately began to grow continuously. Place, let them grow independently.

At this moment, I was also sweating a little, because Xue Qingcheng placed these seeds too far apart, so I had to keep increasing the effect of the fairy flute, so that the Yang Shen Dan in my body was not enough.

However, the thirty-odd celestial trees are only about one or two meters in size. If they are to reach adulthood, they won’t be able to squeeze me dry.

"It's better for me!" Xue Qingcheng looked anxious, and stretched out his hand to ask for the fairy flute.

"Will you?" I was funny in my heart, and paused. This is Xue Qingcheng's temperament, and that's how husbands and wives should follow suit. ;

"Why don't I? You just come and go only those few tunes, can't I still handle it well?" Xue Qingcheng snorted, then took the flute directly, and carefully wiped it off with his sleeves. Spit, and then said: "You can't make money for your promiscuity."

"I made you laugh." I smiled awkwardly, but I remembered the kiss we had when I left Liushentian that year.

"It's not funny." Xue Qingcheng said, playing with a serious face, not to mention that she is good-looking, it seems that playing the flute is also top-notch, don't look at her straight face, the flute is actually light and ethereal, and you only need to linger. In time, the fairy tree under the water grew at an incredible speed!

The powerful but soft power of the flute covered the entire hidden water area, which made the earth fairy tree become more and more ingrained, but even Xue Qingcheng could not withstand such a huge consumption, and soon it was already on the forehead. Lost fine sweat.

To be able to perform this level at one time, my admiration for her can only be described in terms of high mountains and standing up to her feet. It is indeed the true spiritual root of the innate and dual rites. This terrifying strength is beyond my reach now.

Seeing that she took out a few two-finger-sized pills to restore her spiritual power, I immediately took out the Yangshen Pill and said, "Would you like me?"

"No, there is a strange smell, I won't eat you." Xue Qingcheng just took a look and immediately rejected me, instead taking his own medicine.

I smiled awkwardly. It seemed that Xiao Tun's sheep feces could not attract Xue Qingcheng, but for such a beautiful person, the thought that she would eat this made me feel blasphemous.

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