Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7374: : Tiansi

The insects in the jade bucket have successfully built their nests, and they don’t look too big, about the size of a soybean. As the flute continues, a bunch of smaller larvae are exploded in the soybeans. They are also the same as the ground fairy tree. Breeding, not many at a time.

I don’t want the fairy trees to multiply endlessly here, more than 30 trees are enough, so I took back the jade bucket and prepared to put the bugs in the jade bucket in the Tibetan world and seal it up for future use. need.

Taking advantage of Xue Qingcheng to ripen these fairy trees, I was able to observe them carefully. The roots of these octopus-like tree roots began to show signs of fruiting. Although it looks very immature, the possibility is already there. , Which means it will bear fruit soon.

And each celestial tree is now more than 20 meters in size, intertwined and intertwined, and quickly squeezed the water body up. Although this water reservoir is wide, it is not endless, and the rise is also an inevitable trend. The end of the rhizome of the earth fairy tree will never grow on the water, so it now looks like a giant vine all over the water.

Originally, this place was only the depth below the knee, but now more than 30 celestial trees have raised the water surface a lot. Once the result is reached or even the same level as the sky city, the water surface may not be knee-high.

After a few days, I don't know how many medicines were added, and even Xue Qingcheng and I played in turns, and finally each plant of the fairy tree was tens of meters in size.

"Yes! There is a fairy fruit!"

While I was playing, Xue Qingcheng, who was enjoying the fun of cultivating big trees, found the first fruit to bear fruit in the water far away from me. This also means that the ripening work is almost over because of excessive urges. Ripe will cause the fruits to rot in large numbers, and the fruit trees are not yet intertwined, and they can be distributed more widely, so that it will be easier to collect and pick in the future.

The amount of the 30-odd celestial trees in fact is not too exaggerated. It is definitely not as good as that of Tiancheng that can feed the 72 Peaks, but this is also a very large amount. It is no problem to feed Fenglan City. , After all, not everyone among the disciples has the cultivation base to digest it.

After seeing the fruits picked by Xue Qingcheng, I continued to play the fairy flute. It didn’t take long before more fruits began to mature and could be collected. Of course, as the tree extracts too much energy from the water body, the energy of the water body starts to appear slightly weak. It also made me stop playing.

"The land of hiding water is bigger than our heaven city. Such a large body of water is not enough to absorb and purify more than 30 celestial trees. No wonder my father poisoned these insects. The meeting is over. You have to know that the place where you hide water is Yunmeng Immortal Sect's self-operation for so many years, and you have obtained such a large body of water." Xue Qingcheng reminded.

"Well, thirty or so is too exaggerated. It seems that a part of it must be cut off." I smiled bitterly.

"Of course, according to my thoughts, the seven may be the limit of this water hiding place. If there are more of them, they will not be able to grow in the end because of insufficient supply." Xue Qingcheng analyzed.

"It's a shame." Of course I believe her calculations, but now I have cut down nearly 30, which is really a shame, after all, it took so much effort.

"Unfortunately, what's the use, and there is no solution." Xue Qingcheng looked helpless.

I thought for a while and said, "Or there are other ways."

"Oh? What can I do?"

"Just rebuild the entire Yunmeng Xianzong." After I finished speaking, I took out the token and transferred to the Yunmeng Xianzong's inner sect, where Xingtian Division was located.

Entering the Xingtian Division, Xue Qingcheng looked at the spatial display in front of her, and it was inevitable that she was a little shocked, but I was immersed in the expansion of the Xingtian Division.

All the areas that can be expanded are opened by me. Except for the land of Tibetan mountains and the land of water, even the Tibetan world has expanded for me. This means a greater energy consumption, and the pressure on Fenglan City should be It will also increase sharply, but it is also to increase the energy of the water source in the water reservoir.

After doing all of this, I said with a sigh of relief: "The place where the water is hidden should be able to support the growth of these more than 30 small trees. When they are big enough, I think we should have found a place to keep them alive. It's a way."

"What you did seems to be directed at Zhongyuanzhou. Are you not afraid of Tiancheng? Even if you bypass Tiancheng and go to Zhongyuanzhou, how can you guarantee that Mu Xianzhou will not be angered by the forces there anymore? Next, send the fairy family to slaughter all the sects again?" Xue Qingcheng's eyes were full of questions.

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