Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7382: :justice

Bai Cheng also said to the side: "Yes, now everyone is looking for you to be fair. Only when the master speaks, Xiao Tun can listen. I don't recommend feeding it anymore. It can't be nourishment. It is not suitable for making weapons... ,what can we do about it?"

"One day, brother, it's stinking, and I don't know what's the use. This little Tun pulled a lot, melted the ground and the formation wall, and had to use rare gold and iron to make a reinforced formation pool before installing it. "Nan Jin said silently.

"Everyone has been refreshed in the three views. In the past, many immortals liked to follow Xiaotun's ass, waiting for something to drop out. We didn’t see it, but we could pick up a leak. Now everyone sees it too much. "Huxia couldn't help but smile.

I looked at Xiao Tun, who was lying on the ground and unwilling to move, with a look of lovelessness. I couldn't help but shook my head, and then said: "This thing must be useful, but everyone hasn't noticed it for a while, Xiao Tun. There is nothing wrong with what is pulled out, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure."

"Then, according to my brother's intention, we still have to eat it? Then, don't we have to build more ponds to hold it?" Nan Jing said anxiously.

"Oh..." A group of women retched suddenly.

Xue Qingcheng on the side also frowned and looked disgusted, but my words undoubtedly made Xiao Tun suddenly raise his head. Now it has grown very big, like a house, eating and drinking Lazarus and people. It's not of an order of magnitude. Building a special pool must be very laborious. After all, these weird substances not only dissolve the large array, but also dissolve most of the substances, so the storage bag can't fit.

"Young City Master Shenxue, what can you do?" I smiled.

"What can I do? I really convinced you. You all treat this dragon's **** as a baby..." Xue Qingcheng looked at me speechlessly.

I gave a dry laugh and took a look at the surrounding production lines. This is a place dedicated to storing ground blood. So currently hundreds of huge special pools are built to store ground blood, and they are still under construction, extracting a land obtained from a mineral vein. The amount of blood is very large, but now everyone can't refine them, which means that it won't work if you don't swallow them, otherwise they will not even be as good as waste.

Because currently we don't have a way to purify it into a celestial crystal, let alone any other use. Otherwise, the demonic cultivators have already been developed now, and will not send a small number of people to guard it.

"Now we have stored so much ground blood, but it's completely useless. If the disciples don't have merits and don't want to work at all, we have to find a solution as soon as possible," Lingzhao said.

"Yes, the auxiliary materials used in alchemy are all treasures that can eliminate the devilish energy of the Tianshan Mountains. Not only do these things need to go deep into the demon realm, but you also need luck to find them. When the amount of use adds up, the market value is even crazy. The price of the crystal is one price, how can we digest so many pools? Should we continue to purchase these auxiliary materials? Should we stop and find an effective formula before continuing?" Miss Zhilin held her hands there and tried to find a way.

"Well, let's stop now. The market supply chain is not balanced. We rashly continue to acquire, but we are taking a lot of money." I smiled bitterly.

Xiao Tun saw our embarrassment, staring at the pool full of blood and sighing.

After looking at the blood of the ground in unison, Xiao Tun and I immediately looked at the black dung floating in our hands. It was inevitable that we were depressed, but just when I was about to give up this matter and prepare to go to the Demon Realm. When Ling Xiancheng was looking for some information, an idea flashed through in an instant.

I walked to one of the pools of ground blood, and under all eyes, I threw the black dung in my hand into the purified pool of pure ground blood.

"no, do not want!"

A group of women were almost in unison. After all, the two came together. In terms of their cleanliness, it was a kind of blasphemy. It was unthinkable to throw the dirtiest things into the purest blood.

Even Xiao Tun snarled at the vigilant canine, and he felt it couldn't accept this move.

"A mouse **** will spoil a pot of soup, but we still have hundreds of ponds, don't we?" I was not blocked by their drinking at all. After a pause, the **** was thrown into me. In the blood pool!

Everyone had a complicated expression. Some covered their eyes and didn't want to look anymore, some covered their mouths in amazement that I had actually done it, and some watched this scene with nasty fun.

Even Xiao Tun was crying after roaring. It must never eat this pool of ground blood again. It never eats its own shit.

But then, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

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