Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7384: : Scattered wealth

The sky in the depths of the Demon Territory looks like ink stained, and it is said that only when the scorching sun is in the sky does it look like dusk throughout the year.

It is noon in Winter, and Xue Qingcheng and I are standing under Lingxian City and looking at it. We can already see the bright lights in the city, which looks like a lively night market somewhere.

Xue Qingcheng next to me is wearing a special purple dress that I made for her. It will never tire of the night. In addition, under her white jade neck, there are strips of purple ornaments that resemble magic patterns extending out at first glance. It's no different from Moxiu, and it's even more mysterious.

The purple-red eye pupils are even more difficult to distinguish from the previous ones, except that they are a little younger, and there is indeed a slight difference with the King of Allure, who stands proudly in the top of the Genting in my mind, but young is better than young, immature and budding. Waiting to be released, at least this is my first contact with this young Snow Qingcheng.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen enough along the way? Is it that good-looking?" Xue Qingcheng snorted, her voice not without complacency.

Of course I know this is not an angry word. If she doesn't like me, how can she have a hint of pride in her tone? So I boldly said: "Yes, it looks good. If you are the beauty of Ling Shuang Aoxue in Tiancheng, then you here are the beauty of Leng Ye, I can't resist."

"Hmph, I will say that with others, I don't believe your abusive affection." Xue Qingcheng gave me a look after speaking.

Of course I am now in disguise as well. Apart from my white hair, my eyes have also turned purplish red, and the green veins all over my body have turned black, which is no different from ordinary magic repairs.

We have also encountered several magic cultivators along the way. After a simple exchange of money, we asked about some of the magic cultivators' status.

There are four big cities in the Demon Realm, namely Lingxian City, Wuxian City, Banxian City, Qingxian City, and a temple-level city called the Last God City, also known as the Last Temple.

The magic cultivators here originally did not call themselves the magic cultivator, but called themselves the last immortal, only because they believed in the last god, so they called themselves the last immortal. Later, because of the historical changes in the outside world and self-development, they gradually regarded themselves as the last immortal. Moxiu came to call each other.

The Moshen Temple is a place of pilgrimage. It was originally just a temple. It is rumored that there is a huge statue of Moshen serving there, and the servants also boast of Moxian, they are also the most powerful sect in the magic cultivation, called the Moshenzong. However, with years of development, the temple is now not only used as a temple, but has gradually become a holy place for religious gatherings.

The basic function of the four magic repair cities is the market, so that the magic repairs can supply local supplies, and cooperate to deal with the invasion of the Muxianzhou sect. They are listed in several key passes of the magic domain, which is convenient Coordinate and manage their respective regions.

As for maintaining the security forces of a city, it is the major demon sects. For example, the security of Lingxian City is mainly based on the Xianxian faction, supplemented by the joint management of the small and medium sects.

Over the years, the demon cultivators have hugged each other to deal with Mu Xianzhou, and the various sects are under the control of the end gods, so it has gradually developed into the rule that only those who believe in the end **** can be qualified to enter the four cities, as for not serving The last **** will become the object of being excluded.

I originally thought and Xue Qingcheng could get in with just a little dress up. In fact, this possibility is almost non-existent. The lord’s guide can only enter the temple, otherwise, he can only kneel and worship the statue from a distance, and cannot enter the temple for pilgrimage.

Of course, in order to be able to walk through the Demon Realm smoothly, I did not find a way, that is, I mixed into it as a hermit of the Demon Sect.

According to legend, Demon's Hidden Cultivator is a mysterious branch of the Last Divine Sect. Thousands of years ago, the Clan of Demon Hidden existed on the dark side of Demon Cult. These divine hermits were powerful and appeared in distress several times.

They either rescued the Moxiu Alliance that was annihilated by the various sects, or brought some powerful treasure to solve the extinction plague of Moxiu, or they offered the temple supreme techniques and opportunities, etc., but legend has it In the end, omnipresent will let this divine hermit disappear in the long river of history, as if he had never appeared before.

The source of this news was revealed by the two Eclosion Realm Immortals I had arrested before, and it seemed to be plausible, but it didn't look like a fake.

So after a little scrutiny with Xue Qingcheng, we hit it off and created a special outfit for the Shenyin clan, preparing to become a wealthy boy of the magic repair this time. After all, Muxianzhou is in constant chaos today, first the Muxianzhou Sect Alliance. , After arriving at Fenglan City’s invasion of the Demon Territory, and Tiancheng staring at him in the air, it just happened to be the meeting.

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