Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7385: : Shenyin

Xue Qingcheng is an exquisite skirt that is incompatible with Moxiu's dress. No matter where she stands, it is a scenery line. In addition to her terrifying cultivation base, even if the Moxiu doubt her, they dare not take it lightly. excuse me.

Although I am a bit more ordinary, standing next to Xue Qingcheng is like a horse, but I also wear Xue Qingcheng in the same Hanfu style. The jade pendants are very sophisticated in materials, and the hanging piece is made of peeping stone. , With the old "Hidden" sign, for fear that others will not know my identity.

Our appearance in this ancient Lingxian City naturally attracted the attention of the guards outside the door, but because the Xue Qingcheng cultivation base was unfathomable, these guard disciples were also a little confused.

At this time, of course, I did not hesitate to stand up first, frowned and said, "We are the hermits, and we are going to see you the leader of Lingxian City now."

The guards looked at each other, as if they didn't know what we were talking about. One of them said in a solemn way: "Two seniors, may I ask what kind of divine hermit... We really don't know."

"Forget it if you don't know, let's go into the city and find it ourselves." I waved my hand and said.

Several guards suddenly became embarrassed when they heard this, and saw that we were about to break in, and decisively bite the bullet and stopped us.

"Senior, wait a minute... Our Lingxian City needs to be admitted by the Last Temple, and the sign issued by Lingxian City can enter... Two passable signs? Or you are the seniors of which sect. If the sign is lost, we can help to go to the sect. They came to meet the two." One of the guards said embarrassedly.

I snorted coldly and said, "We, the hermits, have not entered your Lingxian city for many years. We have followed the wishes of the previous generations of the hermits and came to tide over the difficulties for your final clan! If it is delayed, I'm afraid you will mislead others and yourself!"

Give me such a bluff. Several guards were frightened. They whispered and dared not drive us away. One of them proposed to report to the Xianxian faction. Another thought that we should be invited into the city first, but because everyone was blocked at the door, it attracted us. Many magic repairs stopped.

Xue Qingcheng’s rate of turning his head back is simply amazing. The more and more immortal families gathered together, there was a lot of discussion. I looked impatient, and immediately took out six heaven crystals and threw them to these guards: "Look at how many of you and us. If you have fate, these few sky crystals will be given to you as a chance, but if you stop us again, don't blame me for turning your chance into a disaster."

Several guards caught the Tianjing I threw, and suddenly smiled. The one who was still going to report it, couldn't move at this moment.

Celestial Crystal is the best currency in Demon Realm. How can the guards usually see it? So this benefit is simply huge. When they heard that the opportunity was about to turn into a disaster, they immediately gave way. After all, Xue Qingcheng didn't say a word, but the cultivation base was real. If it is really a hermit, kill them. A junior, that's nothing more than a kill for nothing.

In addition, the immortal families on the side have different levels of cultivation. Listening to me claiming to be a divine hermit, it suddenly exploded, so the guards believed it again.

One of the guards hurriedly said: "Senior Divine Hermit, some of our juniors didn't know how to come here, but they did not intend to obstruct them. Since you are going to find the Xianxian faction, then my two colleagues and I should lead the way, lest Seniors go the wrong way. ,how?"

"Okay! Rarely you kid on the road! Come on, reward!" I took out two more heaven crystals and stuffed them in the hands of him and the colleague who was pulled around. They were overjoyed, but they didn't grab them The four guards of the mission shook their heads at this moment, and a group of volunteers hurriedly came over.

There is no lack of irritating guards who said anxiously: "Senior God Hermit! The two of them lead the way. Naturally, they need someone to guard the left and right and the rear. You see, seniors, there are so many immortal houses, this person is very inconvenient to crowd. Can we keep them out?!"

When the remaining guards heard this, the chick nodded at once. With a soothing look, I took out four celestial crystals and said, "Very good! It's rare for you group of last immortals to go on the road like this. , Come, come, reward!"

The guard who said just now to lead the way saw that all six of them had found a job to follow me, and immediately said: "You four are following, then who is guarding this city gate?"

"Damn, I'll be handed over in a while, who loves to guard, who guards! After so many years, except for the envoys from the sky city last time, do you think any of our people are here? This is the predecessor of the hermit, even if It’s to stab the upper teacher, and they will only praise us for going to the Tao! How can they say that we are not?"

"Isn't that? We haven't collected a Celestial Crystal for a year, and the senior gave us two crystals as soon as he shot it. Are you so long-winded to ask you to do something?"

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