Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7391: : Religious

When Lin Mi was ready, the immortals had followed us violently and were unwilling to leave. Seeing Lin Mi was speechless, she couldn't help learning the exercises in the divine canon.

"It's no wonder that the immortal families in the city actually learned the heavenly divine canon for free. How can you not be grateful to the hermits? But we are going to the end temple at this moment, can't these immortals take all of them, right?" Lin Mi smiled bitterly. .

I pointed to a group of Beiqu Xianjia who was under pressure at the door and said, "If you take it or not, they will go by themselves. For such a great opportunity, apart from grateful to us gods and hermits, who should they be most grateful for?"

"The Last God? Yes, why didn't I expect it? They are going to worship the Last God of the Last Temple! I actually forgot this." Lin Mi hurriedly replied.

Following the flow of people heading to the Temple of the End, we soon reached the tail position of the Tianyuan Mountain Range, which is the highest peak of the legendary Tianyuan Mountain Range.

This mountain was extremely majestic, and it was also so cold that the creatures stopped. The huge temple was excavated on the mountainside, and the gate followed the mouth with its fangs, which looked solemn and solemn.

The giant statue of the end **** on the mountain peak should be sculpted by the immortals after the end of the gods. It is easy to see his shape in the north underground of Yongye, and this end **** is the only one who raised his hands and held it in his hand. The idol of the round lamp is like a beacon to illuminate believers in the dark, so it looks very impactful.

The mountain where the temple of the end is located is deserted, and even the guards are scattered, but there are few who dare to go up the mountain, and most of the immortals will worship under the mountain.

In the thousands of years after the end of God’s retreat, stone houses and bazaars have been scattered here, and even a large-scale market has been formed. This has also caused a surge of people under the mountain and increased a lot of popularity.

We have seen many people kneeling towards this sacred mountain, extremely religious, a group of demonic cultivators who followed me have already prayed all the way before the entrance of the market, and I can’t help but show it, but bow down. It's impossible, it's enough to pretend to be a polite.

The Last Shenzong knew of my arrival a long time ago, so he sent two senior deacons from the early stage of Emerging Realm to receive us. Although these two senior deacons doubted the identity of me and Xue Qingcheng, because of the many followers, they did not dare to treat us. He was skeptical on the bright face, but looking at their looks, it was obvious that they were mainly observing us.

The mountain was near, and one of the senior female deacons smiled and said: "The Hermit of God, we have arrived at the last Shenzong. Please bathe and change clothes in the Shenchi below the mountain, and then follow us into the temple to meet this generation of the last Shenzong lord."

"Is the Hermit of God no exception?" I asked curiously.

The deaconess glanced at Xue Qingcheng, turned her head and answered me patiently: "Yes, those who are not in the temple must bathe and change clothes before entering the temple, otherwise they will be regarded as unclean and defile the gods. s eyes."

Looking at the expressions of these two deacons, I felt that I was a servant serving Xue Qingcheng. After all, only the appearance of Xue Qingcheng could be worthy of the title of the Hermit of God. I look ordinary and look like I was just for purses. That's it.

But this does not prevent me from cursing the ghost rules secretly. It is estimated that Zhong Yuanzhou was sent to work hard and slaughtered the entire Xian family of the Mu Xianzhou sect. I never expected that a group of gods and sticks in later generations would set up a memorial to him. A lot of rules, right? If you know it, I'm afraid I can jump out of the coffin.

If you don’t behave a little sincerely as a hermit, you can’t do it.

So Xue Qingcheng, Lin Mi and I came to the front of the sacred pool together. The sacred pool was already icy just as it approached. Seeing my strange face, the deaconess introduced: "The ice in this sacred pool is The Ten Thousand Years of God Ice transported from the mountain does not need to enter the pool, but only needs to bathe in its mist, which can increase the cultivation level and remove the magic energy."

"That means it's not really soaked in water, right?" I looked at Xue Qingcheng and asked in a low voice, "Shall we soak together?"

Xue Qingcheng glared at me and gave me the word ‘rogue’, and then Lin Mi and the female executive with a smile on their faces went into the sacred pond to bathe in the mist in advance.

At this moment, Lin Mi's confidants have begun to find a place to stay here. After all, they can't enter the temple, so now only me and the male deacon are standing outside.

I saw that the male deacon had a serious face, and immediately took out five or six yuan of heavenly crystals and stuffed them into his hands: "Brother, I'm sorry that there were so many people just now. Now I'll give you a meeting gift. It's you who sent us here. It's a hard work."

The male deacon was stunned for a moment, and his face was full of laughter, with an expression that was still sensible of me.

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