Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7392: :forage

After chatting with the male deacon for a few moments, the other party soon got acquainted with me. I told me what I saw and heard after entering the city, and the male deacon immediately gushed out and explained: "What you said, how do we know that the Shenzong Sect? But you have also seen that although some of them have no images, they are still very shabby, and even stay here for many years, but the people of the last **** who come here to worship are all pious generations, and we are not good to treat them To drive away, it’s up to them to wander around Shanxiafang City. Occasionally, there are a few crazy people. As long as they don’t run into the mountains, they are left alone. We don’t care if the rest gather here to do business, as long as they don’t go up the mountain. ."

"Oh, in other words, city planning is not yours, right? It's like random construction? By the way, it's like hanging some dried meat pillars over there?" I pointed to a bunch of them and hung them. The pillars of dried meat look very spectacular.

"Hehe, we don't care about this, as long as it doesn't hinder others to walk. If some ruthless crossings are smoked, it will be an old punch. It seems that if you dare to do this, most of it is ruthless." The male deacon explained. .

"Then if I erect an iron pillar here, it shouldn't matter?" I pointed to an open space in front of the stairs up the mountain.

The male deacon smiled, and then said proudly: "Naturally it's up to you, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to make the day. I'm afraid that this pillar may not be moved away."

"Hey, maybe I'm standing there with the iron pillar, you have to separate some guards to watch, do you believe it?" I think he is so confident that he needs some eye drops.

The male deacon sneered and said, "How is it possible? Don't pit me here anymore. Even if you are the hermit, you are just a little hermit. If you change your status, I'm afraid it's not as good as my child. You can't do what you say. Counted."

I chuckled, and then recruited the huge iron monument a dozen meters high from the storage bag, and then with a bang, I pierced the culet into the center of the clearing. Now the male deacon was dumbfounded. I don't know how to react at this time.

The iron stele is the same as the one in Lingxian City, and as soon as it stood up, it attracted a group of onlookers. The words on it were all common words, so the magic cultivator could easily recognize it. Seeing the general outline, of course this group of magic cultivators It was shocked in my heart.

Of course, they are not as easy to fool as Ling Xiancheng. After all, I haven't spent any money here, so I doubt it.

"It's the divine canon of the hermit!"

"It's a divine canon! Unexpectedly, the hermit of the gods has set up a divine canon in the last temple!"

"Look at it! It's a divinity!"

"Since I have practiced the Divine Canon Mind Method, I am about to get rid of demonization!"

"After a while, I will not be affected by the devilish energy! What are the daoists waiting for?"

The group of men, women, old and children who followed me all knelt down in front of the iron stele of the God's Codex piously and worshiped. This is a real benefit. You must know that although the Last God is in their hearts, prayer can strengthen their beliefs, but after all, they are not as good as the Codex can be used. superior.

So when the immortals who came with me saw this thing, they immediately took the initiative to help sell it. This is also the human instinct to become helpful after receiving the favor.

After being amended by these immortal families, the immortal families of the Last God City eagerly stepped forward to try to learn the spiritual canon. It didn’t take long for a group of people who practiced the canon to sit on the ground, including the male deacon. At this moment, they have not recovered. After passing by, he walked up to the iron stele and put his hand on it.

I have tried it in the Eclosion Realm, and the immortal family who is studying the divine canon is even more out of control. There are three floors inside and three floors outside. The iron monuments of more than ten meters are surrounded into a ball. The male deacon is so scared that he hastened to call the guards to maintain it. Order, and when I calmed down after doing all this, he saw that I was watching him laughing, he suddenly became embarrassed, and respectfully took out the Tianjing, and said to me: "The hermit of God, please forgive me. The immortal is not guilty, but the immortal has surpassed... these heavenly crystals will never dare to accept the immortal."

I blocked his hand back and said with a smile: "You can meet with me, you are already blessed by the last god, when you have this opportunity, take it, the last **** has already agreed."

"Really? The last **** is supreme!" The male deacon was extremely happy, and a group of guards were all too envious. I was not stingy. Every guard had a crystal.

As for the people present, I had to take out the broken spar and throw it out, let them pick it up one after another, and the whole city of the last **** fell into a carnival.

The people still have it, let alone bribe the seniors. When the male deacon went in to bathe in the fog of God, I inevitably developed his online presence and took out a lot of Tianjing to give him gifts.

As the saying goes, the soldiers and horses have not moved the food and grass first, and before entering the temple, I have already reached into the temple.

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