Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7401: :answer

Of course Xue Qingcheng knew what the old woman wanted to do, so she looked at me, and I knew that I was walking too fast, and I was bound to be suspicious, so I said, "Well, first go to see the last god, and I'll give you some tips. "

"This is really great! Thanks to the enthusiastic help of the hermit! This sect master is very grateful!" The last sect master is happily not, of course, this is only superficial. This benefit does not require money. I am lucky to have it. Who cares ?

The Right Spirit King smiled, and then took the initiative to lead us to the highest loft. Sure enough, a painting was placed in the middle of the hall. On it, a person in the painting, who was similar to the statue of a **** in the four cities and one hall, suddenly appeared on the paper. Walking with the sword, it looks quite bold, but to me, this is definitely a narcissistic person. Who would hang his portrait in the middle of the hall?

I took a look at the inscription, which was written with the words "Liuyu", including the seal.

"This painting was painted by Immortal Liuyu, the first-generation Sect Master of the Moshen Sect. He painted Moshen so majestic and majestic, which really opened my eyes!" The Sect Master of the Moshen Sect happily said.

I bowed to the last god, and then said: "If it is the person, I should bow it, but the portrait is always a portrait, but it cannot be as good as the deity in case."

Although the Sect Master, the Right Spirit King, and the Left Spirit King were shocked, they quickly expressed their understanding, because even Xue Qingcheng is like this. She usually stands high, without the experience of bowing her head, how could she worship a person who stood in the way? God?

Including me, the Genesis Heaven Overlord, it is impossible to see this little guy in his eyes.

"Okay, I can almost find this special place." After I finished speaking, I looked at Xue Qingcheng.

"Then I will come first." Xue Qingcheng is also a person with past life memories, and in these two ritual days, it has been many years longer than me. Therefore, the knowledge of the two universes each accounts for a part of it. Even if the problem here comes from China. Yuan Zhou, but she can't be bothered.

Sure enough, while Xue Qingcheng pinched fingers and meditated on the tricks, she also walked the streets and lanes the size of a football field, bypassing several roads, and finally came to the small forest area close to the attic, and finally stood there. In front of a humble tree.

"I'll choose this tree." Xue Qingcheng surely glanced at the Mo Shenzong Sect Master and the Left and Right Spirit Kings who were already shocked.

"This... this... how is this possible? I am deeply impressed with this tree, because the former suzerain did not know how many years the former suzerain stayed under this tree... But that was also because the former suzerain found it, God Hermit, you How did you find it?" The Sect Master of the Last Shenzong was shocked.

"I don't know what's special about this tree? Can the divine hermit answer one or two?" King You Ling couldn't help asking, at this time he was too shocked.

Xue Qingcheng showed disdain and said, "Why should I tell someone who doesn't believe us? Even if I tell you, would you believe it? So you should do your own research."

He directly kicked an iron plate, and the King of Right Spirit was unavoidably embarrassed, and the Sect Master of the Last God Sect looked hard and said: "I also ask the hermit of God to forgive us. We had to doubt the identities of the two because of our stability. The two of them can actually see the mystery of this place, and it is natural that the hermit is undoubtedly... You Lingwang, don't you quickly apologize to the two hermits?"

Although the right spirit king looked unwilling, he still said with a flattering look: "It is the spirit king who has dim eyes and misunderstood the two divine hermits. He also hopes that the two divine hermits can ignore the previous suspicions and point us to the end of the immortal. The legacy of the last **** so that we can understand the wish of the last **** is still unknown."

Seeing that Xue Qingcheng was unwilling to accept the apology, Sect Master Mo Shenzong immediately looked at me and said shyly: "God Hermit, please point us Moxian a future!"

In my heart, I was actually very curious that God would make such a tree here. This position does not seem to play any role, it is more like something to cover.

"Our Sovereign has also studied this tree for many years, and even every reptile on it, any bird that falls on the tree, and the flying leaves that fall on it, all study its direction one by one, but it is still unknown. In such a big place, the clue is finally here. We are really unwilling. If the divine hermit can find something special, the spirit king will be grateful here too.” Zuo Ling King couldn't help but said.

Including Lin Mi, with an expression expecting us to find a solution, I know that if I don't open this secret now, it will not be enough to prove my ability.

And I can't decrypt them without any conditions, don't move a little bit, how can it be my style?

So I said: "I can answer you the secret of this tree, but there is a request, I can open it, but you can't see it, you can only study it after I open it."

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