Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7402: : Anti-domain

Hearing what I said, the King Youling was immediately unhappy, and said a little unhappy: "What is the truth about the hermit? It is natural for us unrelated people to ignore it, but if you open this tree, the lord But you can't watch the whole process, so who knows how you can solve it? If you continue to decrypt it in the future, wouldn't you lose a link?"

"Hey, Youling King, look at what you said, the hermit of the gods already knows how to solve the mystery, so I don’t let everyone see it. Naturally because the method cannot be easily shown to others, that is the skill of the gods’ hermit. We saw , Isn't it possible to become the hermit of the gods?" Zuo Ling ridiculed.

The King You Ling snorted and said something more. The Sect Master of the Last Shenzong looked at me unmoved, and immediately said: "If you don't look at it, you won't read it. As long as you can solve the mystery, if the answer is There is a riddle, and this suzerain also recognizes it."

I chuckled and said, "If I were to solve this mystery, wouldn’t there be any remaining puzzles? It’s for your own good not to let you see it, lest there are places that need to be violently dismantled, and you will block the wrong time out of thin air. It fell short."

"Untie it all?" The Sect Master of the Last God Sect was startled.

King You Ling said with a distrustful expression: "How is it possible? The past divine hermits, at most, point out one or two possibilities, how can they solve them all?"

I secretly said that this matter is too full to say, so I said: "After thousands of years of deciphering, it has been solved seven or seven eighty-eight. I just kicked the door at the door. Think about it first."

"Solution! Of course you must solve it!" The Sect Master of Moshenzong hurriedly decided, but he still said with some worry: "In case...in case the Taoism of Moshen is hidden in the final mystery..."

"Don't worry, I am not very interested in that. If I really want to have it, I will definitely give it back to you. I am a hermit, not a treasure finder." I waved my hand with a disdainful expression.

"Okay! The divine hermit is the divine hermit, and this sect master is sincerely convinced." The last sect master saluted me, then glanced around and said, "I just don't know where we should retreat?"

"Hehe, except for our divine hermits, you all retreat back to the passage. Before I say you can come in, no matter what the movement is, you can't look inside, let alone enter it! If you dare to violate the agreement, you will come by yourself. Solve these mysteries," I said decisively.

The Sect Master of the Last God Sect and the King You Ling looked at each other, including the King Zuo Ling with a puzzled look on the side of Lin Mi, but obviously there was no other choice.

As a result, under entanglement, the Sect Master of the Last Divine Sect still took people outside of Xue Qingcheng and me, and waited until I flew up to the sky to see that they had left the land of Divine Hermitage, and then flew down.

"What is your idea?" Xue Qing said in a strange way.

"Arrange the formation." I chuckled, and then immediately circled the football field, looking up and down, and found dozens of suitable places for the formation.

Xue Qingcheng followed me all the way, looking confused, and when I stopped, I had already taken out a gold-making furnace, took out a pile of peeping stone materials, and then made it in the gold-making furnace. A batch of long sticks similar to lightning rods were installed.

There are runes everywhere on these sticks, and each rune is different, but they complement each other, and it can absorb the energy of the large array here. Unless the power of the large array here completely disappears, the stronger the large array, the stronger it is. The greater the energy.

After completing the eighty-one long sticks, I arranged them in accordance with the pattern of the big formation here, and in turn arranged a big formation similar to the Zhentian formation.

Of course, if it’s the Zhentian Array, it would be too small to underestimate my current array research ability. This is an improved formation of the Zhentian Array, which can achieve complete spatial elimination in an area. With this, In the big array, I can control a few of them in series to isolate and exterminate an area.

I used to use this kind of countermeasures to prevent accidents from time to time when I was in Jiuzhongtian. This is also afraid of something terrible here.

After doing all this, the space in the football field has not changed at all, but I swiped at a loft, and only heard a few chicks, the loft was instantly plunged into an angular destruction cut!

Seeing this scene, Xue Qingcheng's face was inevitably pale with surprise: "This is... space cutting?"

"It's an anti-domain cutting array. As long as the domain exists, my large array will exist, specifically to prevent the end of God from coming." I sneered coldly.

Xue Qingcheng was dumbfounded: "What did you say? The end of God is coming? Is this possible?"

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