Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 4404: : Netting

I helplessly stretched out my hands and said, "How about I'm here waiting for you to slowly solve the big formation?"

Xue Qingcheng's head suddenly shook his head like a rattle: "No, I'm not the end god, and I'm not that boring! You quickly untie the big formation and see what's better."

I took a look at the disk, and in order to save trouble, I decided to unlock the terminal all at once. Once the terminal is unlocked, it doesn’t matter if the other sporadic black spots cannot be unlocked, so I pointed to the darkest one. , Said: "All the sporadic small arrays are black dots, and after the black dots are lit, the line energy will extend to the next stagnant energy point. Pointing to this black area, I think this should be the terminal. I decided to bypass all the star points and light the terminal directly. What do you think?"

"You ask me? Who am I going to ask?" Xue Qingcheng looked confused, but still glanced at the pan, and said: "But with so many points, you originally planned to light up the terminal directly, right? If this is the case, but the other dots are not lit, will something happen?"

"This...I don't know anymore. Maybe I turned on the terminal, and other points were also turned on. I'm not sure, anyway, it shouldn't be broken anyway." I happily said.

Xue Qingcheng looked at me with a weird look, and finally said, "It's up to you. Anyway, it's not my family's big formation. It's up to you how you want to explain it."

I looked at the sky in the middle of the array, and then shot out a ray of light without hesitation. This ray of light instantly submerged into the clouds, but in fact it just plunged into the upper mountain. This is a stimulus for me. The pillar of the center!

The next moment, as if the sun came out of the sky, the rays of light shot down from the sky, followed by layers of clouds and smoke surging from the direction I shot them. These clouds and smoke were first transparent, and then gradually turned white and gray. Finally, Strong to black and purple.

When I looked at the formation, this area was completely lit by me. Xue Qingcheng's expression changed suddenly, and he hurriedly asked, "Did you touch any mechanism? This dark purple cloud of smoke seems not right. Ah."

The white rays of light descended into darkness as the sky was dyed black and purple, and the sky was dark, and the earth would naturally inevitably fall into the night scene.

Just when I was about to calm Xue Qingcheng, suddenly, a huge coffin slowly landed.

The coffin appeared purple and black, with weird spiritual patterns all over it, and the lines continued to shoot the coffin directly from various areas. Our location, and the location where the rays were emitted, began to wither gradually, and the building began to collapse. , The road began to collapse, the trees turned into fly ash, and the fish, insects, birds and beasts disappeared one by one in panic.

Including the scenery of mountains and rivers, any area where light is shining out is then plunged into a period of bleak ruin, as if it has been drained of power.

I looked at the array and deliberately placed the delta area directly in several areas where light can be emitted. This is to block some inconspicuous rays with anti-fields, and as a result, these areas really maintained their original appearance.

Of course, I didn't activate the points before, and there was no problem at all. The flowers and trees are not bad, and the bridge and the water are still the same. These are the areas that have not been cracked.

The rays gradually guided the coffin down. Of course, this weird scene did not stop the Sect Master of the Last God Sect. He did not keep his promise, not only ran in, but also followed with the left and right spirit kings.

"What's going on!? What's going on here!" Sect Master Mo Shenzong watched the coffin fall from the sky in shock, anxiously burning with fire.

King You Ling stared at me with a panic expression, and said angrily: "The Hermit of God! What have you done! What the **** is this coffin!?"

I chuckled and said without embarrassment: "Isn't this coffin the coffin of my last god? Pious people! You should worship! Instead of questioning what it is!"

Say this to me, the King You Ling suddenly couldn't speak. He looked at the coffin and didn't know whether to kneel or not. On the contrary, the Sect Master of Shenzong squatted and lay directly on the ground, doing a set of pious worship.

King Youling and King Zuoling glanced at each other, and did not dare to neglect to follow and worship. King Youling didn't forget to ask me why I didn't worship, and I'm not stupid. He secretly asked me why I worship this old ghost at the gate? Of course, he lied that Xue Qingcheng and I had already worshipped.



Thunder lightning flashed, and the weather was astonishing, but the purple-black coffin did not continue to fall, but was like a spider web. In the end, it was pulled by countless silk threads, and finally stayed in the center of the mountain space!

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