Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7405: : Kozue

"My god! We are your pious people. My **** will come, and I am waiting for it!" The Sect Master of the Last Shenzong was shocked, and the left and right spirit kings also muttered some words of begging for the gods.

I looked at Xue Qingcheng, and I saw a trace of surprise and alert in her eyes.

"Do you think this is the last god?" Xue Qingcheng said with a weird expression.

There was a sneer at the corner of my mouth, and said, "I knew that the ghost would not die so easily. It is a place of divine hiding, but it is also just a way of separating and sealing himself by some special means by himself. , Did you see those threads, one by one poured into the purple-black sarcophagus, what did it light up?"

The injection of the lines is not messy, but directly fits the holes listed in the sarcophagus, and finally shot into the coffin, and the arrangement is also very structured. It looks like a landscape, but in fact, if they are all lit up, they will be formed. It is the shape of the human body, so it may be a sign of the end of God's resurrection.

"It seems... that the last **** is adopting energy for some kind of resurrection ritual? What can we do? Should we smash this sarcophagus? We can't wait until he is resurrected to do it again, right?" Xue Qingcheng said with an eyebrow.

"Haha, do it now, can you guarantee that you will kill the gods, the unfamiliar sect master, the left and right spirit king, and not let the black dragon outside find out?" I couldn't help asking.

Xue Qingcheng shook his head and said: "If it is destroyed, I am afraid that I don't know how much disturbance it will cause, and when I just went up the mountain, I saw the gifts from the upper and lower believers to the end god, but they were all the heavenly crystals you gave them. Even if it is fragmentary, the number is really amazing. After these celestial crystals are put into the huge altars of the gods, they all turn into energy. Do you know where they all flow into? Naturally, it is the energy pool under the mountain. After steaming up, and finally supplying the big formation here, these believers are crazy. We gave them money, but they transferred all the money here."

"So, we have to get involved, and we still have to do business with them?" I chuckled and scolded these cultists as fanatical.

Xue Qingcheng nodded and said, "That's not it? Besides, the coffin is ventilated on all sides, and energy can easily be poured into it. This is just for guidance. Do you think it is useful to destroy? This is just a shell, and the inside is as far as I feel. It is not physical, so it has been preserved for thousands of years. After all, if the Taoist God does not operate effectively, the energy will have dissipated long ago."

"The signal has made so many preparations. If it hadn't been expected for a long time, I'm afraid that it will really condense his true body. By then, Mu Xianzhou will have to suffer from Tiancheng, Fenglan City, or the sect forces, but he To hide part of the spiritual veins of one’s Taoist gods with a mystery, and finally resurrect with the power of a group of cultists. It’s crazy, and I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed. Now I conceal part of the spiritual veins. He is destined to not condense the complete Taoist gods. "I can't help but sneer.

"This is what you call a missed collision." Xue Qingcheng said happily.

I shrugged my shoulders and didn’t comment, but it’s always because I was careful just now to avoid accidents. If I didn’t have any preparations, I would solve all the puzzles. As a result, the full version of the coffin was activated. At that time, the **** of the end came and we were here. It will be dangerous.

After kowtow, the Sect Master of the Last God Sect brought the left and right spirit kings to the vicinity of the coffin quickly. These rays looked like entities, but in fact they were nothing more than energy threads.

However, when I use my hand to block it, it instantly penetrates the Taoist **** and rushes straight to the coffin. Xue Qingcheng and I also approached the coffin cautiously. However, before we got there, we only heard a loud bang. The whole coffin was exploded by seven. All of a sudden, including the Sect Master of the Mo Shenzong and the left and right spirit kings who were approaching were blown to the side!

At this moment, all the rays of light were shooting chaotically, or even staggered. In the center of the coffin, a phantom was panting and looking at us with gloomy eyes.

"The last... the last god?" The Sect Master of the last **** sect couldn't help asking.

The left and right spirit kings also squatted their bodies, although they were ashamed of their faces, they were still flattering.

I looked at the coffin with ecstasy, learning from the fanaticism of the believers. The expressions must be exaggerated and exaggerated, but Xue Qingcheng was expressionless. I couldn't help but want to remind her with my elbow, but let her avoid it. NS.

It seemed that Xue Qingcheng wouldn't touch me even if he didn't recognize me. Xue Qingcheng wasn't stupid. She put her palm on her chest and made a pious expression.

The slightly thin silhouette of the body gradually became clear after the purple-black smoke disappeared. He looked more than 50 years old, with erupting beard and hair. Although it seemed awe-inspiring, his thin body was obviously unable to support it. From this tolerance.

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