Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7411: : Magic Dragon

Moshen couldn't help frowning: "It's actually a different sword repairer. If you are a **** hermit, you are considered qualified. I have to be willing to give in easily. Fortunately, I will also let you taste the power of my Divine Destruction Sword! "

"Try it!" Xue Qingcheng smiled coldly, and the monstrous Dao Soul power spread out. The speed is not only amazing, but the strength is staggering. This is the only thing I have seen since I came to the world of Liangyi. I have no doubts. She can ruin this sacred mountain!

Moshen felt this terrifying power of heaven and earth, and he couldn't help it. He mobilized his own power. As a result, even though Moxiao was full of feathers, it was not the same as Xue Qingcheng's full of feathers, even if he was in the demon realm. , Integrating the surrounding resources into one, but the qualifications gave Xue Qingcheng a second kill, not to mention that the resources of Tiancheng were not comparable to his Demon Realm.

Feeling the huge gap, Moshen did not dare to neglect. With a big hand, countless lines underground immediately gathered into his body, and then the light gathered into a purple-black lightsaber, plus his already slashed face, look. It really looks like that.

I know very well that Xue Qingcheng is strong at the moment. Of course, Moshen is also not weak. This is because he is in his own big formation, which means that this is his domain, and his home game has obvious advantages.


Xue Qingcheng uses the sword and whip to move through the clouds and the water, and the moves are exactly the same as before. The first blow must take the enemy's head, and the end **** uses the divine sword to block the attack, but still directly hit the ground with one blow!

He gritted his teeth and rushed forward, but Xue Qingcheng had been waiting for a long time, the sword stick that had been charged for a long time pierced the ground directly, Mo Shen stood up in tatters, and instantly returned to normal, and his strength was obviously receding rapidly. After that, the restoration was completed by retrospective immediately.

The breath change brought about by this terrifying recovery ability was very obvious. My expression condensed. It was clear that the Moshen was forcibly reforming and strengthening myself, and if I continued to fight like this, I might really play the Moshen.

So I hurriedly said: "Sister! That's the end god! It's our end god! You stop it, let's go to work quickly, and we can't conflict with the end god."

"I, no, I want." Xue Qingcheng finished speaking, and rushed to the eyes of the last **** once again in a flash. The whip quickly bombarded, only a horrible sound was heard, and the ground was scattered with cracks.

However, this crack is obviously much shallower than before, and looking at her with the same strength, the traces of the ground crack are actually getting lighter and lighter, it can be seen that the end **** is about to merge with his domain.

Although Xue Qingcheng is an insider, her combat experience is not comparable to her peers. The experience from her predecessor will involuntarily inspire instantly when she wants to use it, so the next moment she improves her attack method.

The pressure of Heaven and Earth’s Spiritual Roots suddenly dropped, and they all began to converge on the whip. This huge pressure made the Moshen unable to breathe for a while, and several attacks, if it weren’t for the Devil’s Sword in his hand, it came from the underground reserves. Thousands of years, almost inexhaustible power, I am afraid it has been blasted to pieces by now.

Xue Qingcheng's unilateral attack failed to break the defense, precisely because she was not shaking a person, but a sacred mountain full of energy.


And at this time, the dragon roar suddenly came from outside, and the ferocious black dragon suddenly appeared in the sky, opening its mouth and spouting a black beam toward Xue Qingcheng!


The earth was burning and the devilish energy was boiling. The magic dragon could actually breathe a demonized light beam. Obviously, this mountain guardian beast was not simple.

Some mysterious species have been with Tongtian Mountain for many years, although they cannot coexist with Tongtian Mountain completely, they can use special energy to store the magic energy on the unique scales, and use it immediately when needed. .

Xue Qingcheng was in a fierce battle with the Moshen. At this time, a beam of light attacks continued to follow and chase her, making her heart irritable, and she was too lazy to pay attention to the Moshen, and immediately rushed up against this light beam!

The black dragon flared its teeth and danced its claws, and its devilish energy was soaring, which was similar to Mo Shen.

The Moshen was unilaterally pressed, but now he had a helper, he was relieved immediately, but he did not fly up immediately, but absorbed the power of the heavens and the earth more, and the Sword of Extinction gradually became darker!

I secretly said that if this continues, Xue Qingcheng will suffer from the enemy, and she will not listen to me, so I can't control that much now. What if they hurt my woman?

I immediately aroused the power of Dao Soul and pointed at the black dragon in an instant. The next moment, the black dragon's eyeballs banged and exploded directly!

With the convergence of the most powerful reconstruction techniques, the black dragon could not withstand such an attack, and it was this kind of harassment that suddenly gave Xue Qingcheng a chance!

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