Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7412: : Blasphemy


Xue Qingcheng, who had rushed into the air, hit the whip relentlessly, and with one blow, the black dragon opened the scoop on the spot, and the brain and blood spattered out, and the black dragon fell from the sky with a scream!

"Ah! My prison dragon!" Mo Xiao exclaimed, and hurriedly chased after him. Seeing the tragedy of the prison dragon, he hurriedly sent out his hands, and countless energy immediately gathered in the prison dragon's body and stopped it directly. In the air, but also continuously transported into its body!

Xue Qingcheng didn't stop there, the pursuit continued, the sword whip was slammed, and the sacred beast screamed for his life!

Mo Shen stared at this scene with a dull expression, while Xue Qingcheng still pointed at him with a sword whip with an unruly expression, and said coldly: "It's your turn."

Moshen's teeth gritted and groaned, and at this time it was obvious that I was really angry. I condensed my eyebrows and thought, since the secret path has reached this point, I don't intend to continue to consume this Moshen.

Thinking of this, I kept doing it, and the power of the whole body reached the limit, and I couldn’t care about the left and right spirit kings being dumbfounded, and instantly used the body technique to reach behind the end god: "Since the end **** is not the real end god, We **** hermits should fulfill the duty of safeguarding the reputation of the last god! Blasphemers, we should wash them away with our lives!"

In a moment, my Dao soul domain spread, and the infinite deconstruction technique all pointed to the end god, and its whole body was instantly infinitely decomposed, but after all, the end **** is also the immortal family of the feathered great perfection, and most of his own power is still Coming from the sacred mountain, he immediately wanted to recover his body endlessly, even if it was decomposed extremely fiercely!

"You are not..." Xue Qingcheng saw the terrifying sight in front of her, and it was inevitable that she was shocked by the way I attacked.

"You! Do you dare to do something to the deity! You are definitely not the **** under my seat..." The last **** yelled, but under my attack, he continued to disintegrate, and saw him roaring there, in order to make He shut up, I didn't give him the slightest chance at all, the deconstruction technique was released endlessly.

The Yangshen Pill on my body was consumed extremely quickly, including the storage. Although Xue Qingcheng didn't dare to approach it, it constantly blasted the attacks of Liangyi attributes from a long distance. The husband sang his wife and helped me block all his attacks. Live so that I can use domain power on it endlessly!

The last **** slaughtered all the sects of Mu Xianzhou, the strength and experience were quite terrifying, of course, he would not be easily killed by the two of us. He was smashed by us several times, but he was always stronger several times because of the power of the mountain.

In the end, Mo Xiao’s body strength had been completely changed. He smiled, still reorganizing in the endless decomposition, and even jokingly said to me: "I have to say... Mu Xianzhou has now come to have to. ……When cleaning up, you didn’t expect your kid to hide the deepest, but...it’s useless, this deity will let you see and see what is true despair! Zhongyuanzhou and Muxianzhou are more than just a line of separation! Let you see, what is the power of ascension!"

The next moment, a huge power is on the earth, transpiring from the ceiling, the original broken beauty at this moment, except for the traces of cracking, there are only black divine lights that shoot out. I feel this terrifying divine power, I know This was definitely not something Mu Xianzhou could possess, so what he mobilized was probably the power he had stored when he came from Zhongyuanzhou.

"No! He wants to mobilize the power of ascending to immortality!" Xue Qingcheng said hurriedly.

"Hahaha...hahaha...it's too late, let me see how you resist! It's all because of you. I originally planned to use the power to ascend to the immortal, but now I use it ahead of time!" The last **** laughed coldly, before me. After moving to murderous intent and desperate, he also realized that he might really be killed by me and Xue Qingcheng.

If it is destroyed, there is nothing, so now he must stop the loss.

"This is the hole card you haven't shown? It's useless, your power of ascending to immortality, I will help you make good use of it." I said in a low voice, took out the formation plate in my hand, and pressed my palm directly on the plate. !

In the next moment, in the eyes of the last god, all the light beams of the power of ascension seemed to be reflected on the mirror and bounced back. The energy was trapped in a transparent triangular or square array and it was impossible to get in or out. This is my array. The column worked.

At the end of the day, God has made a lot of preparations, but why am I not?

I blocked all the power of ascending to immortality, even the power of the original mountain was directly blocked. The reason why it was not blocked immediately at the beginning was also because I wanted to see what other assassins he had. As expected, At this time, it is most suitable to start the large array, because the large array blockade requires energy, such a terrifying energy, it is destined not to last long!

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