Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7413: : Heart

I didn't give him the slightest chance. After I almost broke his connection with the big formation, my deconstruction skills continued to release, and his energy evaporated faster and faster. Together with Xue Qingcheng's cooperation, he was completely incomprehensible. Cuo, watching his own energy become unstoppable like letting water, panic made him lose his judgment and directly wanted to flee to the left and right spirit king.

"Left Spirit King! Right Spirit King! What are you still doing here in a daze! Why don't you help the deity!?" Mo Shen roared.

The left and right spirit kings, who were at a loss, were also confused. Once I and Xue Qingcheng had the upper hand, and secondly, the gods have joined forces for us to fight like this. Although they may have some effect when they enter, they will inevitably give Lose it.

So these believers don’t have a crooked buttocks in the face of life and death. They know that they are going to die if they know there is a dead end. Then they can’t be the spirit king. Seeing the end **** being chased and killed by Xue Qingcheng and I, they all pretended to be stupid. .

"He is not the end **** at all, but the evil god! What are you doing in a daze? Do you really think the end **** is still alive? This is just the evil **** sealed by the gods at the end of the year! Or is the end **** in your mind like this? My elder sister accompanies me? It's ridiculous!" I asked in a cold voice.

Upon hearing this reason, King Zuo Ling immediately clapped his hands and said, "Yeah! We were blinded to this evil god! I agree with the hermit who helped us to do so much for the last immortal to shine in the annals of history. But this evil **** came down but didn’t do anything. He just wanted to ask for everything. Who said he was not an evil god! Only an evil **** would do this!"

"King Zuo Ling! You!" After hearing King Zuo Ling's blasphemy against the gods in front of him, King You Ling inevitably exclaimed, but seeing my gaze, she immediately knew the difference in strength, so she gritted her teeth and said, "This is possible. It's really not the end god! The end **** is so lofty and great, how could there be such a request!"

"Then what are you waiting for? When will we wait if we don't help our divine hermit annihilate this evil god?" I asked.

Left Spirit King made a decisive decision, and immediately blasted out a bunch of black fires, which caught up with the end **** and burned, and Right Spirit King also stomped his feet, and put a few sharp blades towards the end **** with his hands, although there was no It caused damage to the end god, but it also indirectly slowed him down!

Xue Qingcheng's sword flogged so that the last **** was screaming, and I continued to destroy his energy. The last **** had no strength to fight back, so he could only say anxiously: "This deity! This deity still has many secrets of Central Origin Continent! You guys! You can’t kill the deity! The deity can tell you all these secrets! Including the Taoist treasures buried by the deity! I want to come in Muxianzhou!"

"Of course I understand how you want to live, but too many people don't want you to live anymore, because you are a Cthulhu." I sneered, and immediately increased the release of deconstruction, the next moment the Taoist God of the end **** could not bear it. My continuous strength finally disappeared completely.

In order to prevent this guy from hiding a trace of immortality, I took out a bottle and directly used reconstruction technique on a certain range, compressed all possible range energy to the size of the bottle, and then put it into the bottle. Relieved.

"Well, the Cthulhu's ambition was completely wiped out by us, but it is a pity that Sect Master Moxiao! He died in order to destroy the Cthulhu, and even caught the Shenlong!" I said with pity.

"Yes, it's a pity, I can't think of the Sect Master... The Sect Master died heroically. What can we do with the Shenzong in the future?" Zuo Lingwang looked at a loss.

"Now our Demon Realm has finally come to the end of the gods and descending the canon, so many things are in the ascendant, how can the dragons be without a leader? So, for the time being, I will guide the direction of the end of the gods. Can lead the last Shenzong's suzerain, what do you think? And during this time, I will go to Fenglan City to bring better welfare to our Demon Realm. Of course, I will take out some supplies before leaving. , Used to preach to you here and make some efforts for the stability of our last Shenzong." I looked at the left and right spirit kings, and threw a pile of sky crystals the same size as a small hill on the ground.

The left spirit king's eyes were shining, and even the right spirit king was shaken at this moment.

"According to the hermit, when it comes to the heart of the spirit king, I will use these celestial crystals for the stability of my last divine sect. I promise, even if my sect does not have a sovereign for the time being, relying on the divine might of the divine hermit, There won't be the slightest mess!" King Zuo Ling promised, walking in front of the pile of celestial crystals, unable to move.

The Right Spirit King looked at the place where the Last God had disappeared, and sighed quietly, and said: "This Spirit King will also go all out to make efforts for the peace of my Demon Realm, and I also ask the Hermit of God to believe it."

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