Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7418: : Lucheng

"Are you..." Xue Qingcheng observed the melancholy in my expression, and couldn't help asking again: "You will compare me with Xue Qingcheng, right?"

I hesitated and said, "It's unavoidable, isn't it? But now I suddenly feel...or it's just my selfish thoughts, I can't be too harsh."

Xue Qingcheng looked at me earnestly for a while, then turned his head to face the front, and said, "Although you are undeniable, you are really gentle, exactly like the hazy Xia Tiantian in my memory. Sometimes I will be very I hate him, all the thoughts that I often want to reject are flooding, but now at least I have changed."

"Huh?" I was stunned, and then couldn't help but smile: "I really didn't expect that, I thought you would love me very much."

"You!" Xue Qingcheng glared at me, but seemed to feel that the next words might hurt me, so he said quietly: "I...I actually refuse these emotional memories instinctively. Although I know many things inexplicably, there are Unnecessary thoughts that come out of time always make me feel protected, do you know? In the process of growing up, the last thing I need is the illusion of being protected...because when you want to be protected by someone , Even if he knew it was impossible, he would still think of the person named Xia Tiantian, who might be by his side to protect me. If it was you, would you relax?"

After listening, I couldn't help but stunned, my heart seemed to be tightly pulled together, and it took a long time to spit out the three words'I'm sorry'.

On the contrary, Xue Qingcheng was shocked by the sudden apology, and quickly said, "No...why are you doing this suddenly? You...sorry, I didn't mean to say that. Actually...when you were away, it must have been somewhere The place is for Xue Qingcheng, so it is very hard to find, so even if you did not show up in the end, I should understand it, and then, didn’t you come here in the end? So I often think about it, and I can’t bear to blame you. ."

"Everything I have done is not as good as what you would endure. I failed to protect you. It is my fault. Don't worry. I will not say these things that misunderstand you anymore. According to you The life you want is just fine..." I said with emotion.

Xue Qingcheng has endured too many things, but I failed to share the burden for her. This has led her to recklessly preach to the Dao. If it weren't for such a burden, how could she appear in the world of Liangyi? .

In the final analysis, I really failed her. Why do I now demand that I can immediately get the happiness I once had?

Xue Qingcheng looked at me in a daze, then chuckled for a long time, and said, "Haha...what, are the old people so sentimental nowadays?"

I looked at her with a wry smile and said, "It’s just a feeling of contrast. A few years ago, you were older than me and I don’t know how much older you are. Now, after so many years, I’m not much older than you. right?"

"That's not it? Okay, from now on, we're tied." Xue Qingcheng's big eyes are very clear, and the sweet smile is like a spring breeze.

"Okay." I smiled freely, and couldn't help thinking that this would be fair to her. There are some things, just let the flow go, as long as she is in peace.

Sitting on the colored dragon, looking up, the world flies by under my feet, and the person sitting beside me who is thinking about it day and night, just looking for it, is obviously better at this moment than ever.

Fenglan City.

I summoned all the leadership to carry out the layout of the Demon Territory, and then after the demon cultivators set foot on the Fenglan City, everything went according to the original plan, except for the matter of finalizing the earth fairy fruit and the peeping stone crystal mine, there is also The distribution of the mining area and various transactions are also arranged step by step. Moyu can solve many of the resources that Fenglan City needs. The cooperation between the two parties is good for everyone. In addition, Xue Qingcheng and I are the hermits of the gods, so we negotiated Almost I will guide, and the rest is enough for Lin Mi and her team to conduct commercial activities in Demon Realm.

During this period of time, after Fenglan City has matured the earth fairy fruit, breakthroughs abound, not only the Divine Transformation Realm, the Enlightened Dao Realm, but even the Eclosion Realm, some people will soon be able to break through. After all, I have brought back a lot from the Celestial City. Materials and classics play a key role in the rapid growth of cultivation.

I didn’t stay in Fenglan City for too long. I brought a few sky crystals with the number of hills, as well as the earth fairy fruit that was several times more than before, and came to Tianlu City with Xue Qingcheng, Zhilin, and Nanxue. Fangshi.

Tianlu City can be regarded as the largest bazaar in the Northern Territory. Not to mention the crowds, the huge city is enough to have a sense of oppression.

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