Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7419: : Redeemer

In accordance with the agreed contact method, we found the Tiancheng connector who was already here on pins and needles.

The big man looked at me and Xue Qingcheng and almost didn't cry: "Two ancestors, you finally pity me and rushed back. If I'm late, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back and report that you were killed in the two missions."

"What did you say?" Xue Qingcheng frowned and glared at him.

The look in his eyes made the big man hurriedly crying and said, "It's not to report you, it's the two famous guys, or I won't go back after the task, I won't save my life."

"Huh, what is there to be afraid of? Isn't the time too late?" Xue Qingcheng hummed lightly.

"Yes, yes... Young City Master Shenxue, can we hurry back?" the big man asked hurriedly.

Xue Qingcheng gave me a color, and I glanced at Tianlu City, coughing lightly and said: "Everyone is here, and there is no need to worry about one more day or one less day. Isn’t there still time? Let’s set off at night, yes, You should be familiar with Tianlucheng, right? Show us the market here."

"This...well, I'll lead the way." The big man didn't dare not agree, so he could only bite his head and lead us to the bazaar.

Xue Qingcheng is now covered with a veil. After all, it is too good-looking to attract people’s attention, but it is easy to reveal its identity. And we said that we are going to the market. Actually, it is because Zhilin has to connect with the Yuelin Club of the market. Fortunately, here to create a road to trade with Tiancheng.

Fenglan City now has a huge cash flow, and of course it is indispensable to buy, buy and buy. Of course, the intervention of mysterious funds will also inevitably rebound.

Not long after I took Xue Qingcheng with Nan Xue and Dahan to go shopping, the dark line of Yuelin Club found us and told us that Miss Zhilin was blocked in the exchange. The opponent's master came from the Zongmen Alliance. The dark line level is low, I don't know what to do.

I nodded and prepared to go and take a look by myself, but Xue Qingcheng had to join in the excitement, and Nan Xue was unwilling to fall on her own, so she had to follow along.

Where did the big guy dare to cause trouble here, he looked at me wanting to cry without tears, and said: "Two ancestors, you must not cause major troubles. I dare not show my face and participate. Please keep some hands. "

I waved his hand and asked him to wait at the post house first, and then took Xue Qingcheng and Nan Xue to the exchange.

In fact, I can't get rid of this matter. I took the initiative to intervene in the business environment of Muxianzhou, where the water is deep. In addition to the Yuelin Society and the Earth Snake, it is also the place where the sect forces occupy the most important place, the Yuelin Society. The boss is here, who are they not blocking you?

When I arrived at the largest exchange in Tianlu City, it seemed to be dead and calm, but in fact, there were already high-level guest officials and elders of the sect. The dark line of the Yuelin Society carefully told me the cause and effect, and then disappeared among the crowd of onlookers.

Xue Qingcheng and I looked at each other, too lazy to hide any whereabouts, and strode towards the exchange gate.

The next moment, a group of elders stopped in front of us immediately.

"Come back later, the exchange does not welcome customers now." The wary middle-aged man said coldly.

Seeing this posture, Chang Xian turned his head and left. I laughed and said, "We will redeem people."

"Redemption?" The middle-aged man was stunned, and a woman beside him hurriedly said in a low voice, "It should also belong to Yuelin Society."

"Hehe, I brought it to the door by myself. It's okay, let's go in." The middle-aged man smiled triumphantly, and then motioned for the three of us to go in.

Entering the most magnificent exchange in the Northern Territory, the lobby with a height of 20 or 30 meters is enough to be shocking, not to mention that there are bar counters for various transactions everywhere in the hall, but the staff has already withdrawn. At this moment, it is the high-level elders of the major sects who look at us with a vigilant look.

These immortal families are the immortal families of the realm of enlightenment, although they are nothing to us, but there are all higher than my cultivation base, and it is considered that all the major sects have come out of the nest.

Ms. Zhilin sat down at the bar with her long knife, and when she saw Xue Qingcheng and Nan Xue, I came in, she suddenly became energetic.

I glanced at the immortal houses around me. The highest cultivation base was an old man who actually had the cultivation base of the Feathering Realm. He half-squinted his eyes and watched us come in, but his face changed when he saw Xue Qingcheng.

The so-called expert watching the doorway, only the Eclosion Realm can see the real cultivation level of the Eclosion Realm. At this moment, Xue Qingcheng is simply a god-like existence to him.

"In the downwind, it is a sin for the seniors to come here and never welcome them." The old man did not dare to neglect, and hurried over to salute.

Xue Qingcheng didn't even look at him, and said to Miss Zhilin, "How long will you sit there?"

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