Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7420: :indignation

Xue Qingcheng's words made the old man of the Feathering Realm stand there with embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

"But...but they want me to find someone to pay the ransom...or else..." Miss Zhilin knew Xue Qingcheng's strength and smiled honestly. Of course she didn't dare to refute at this moment, but it is necessary to state the facts.

"Hey! I want to leave without taking out enough Tianlu City!? Do you think that our Tianlu City was opened by your Yuelin Society? You don't even want to leave!" Another middle-aged man was afraid that he didn't know how powerful Xue Qingcheng was. The big thorn came over.

"Shut up!" The old man turned pale with fright, and instantly stood in front of the middle-aged man, slapped him away.

I snorted, and said indifferently, "Fengqi Fellow Daoist, you saved a person with this slap. Let's talk about it, what about your sect alliance first?"

In order to keep the business in Tiancheng, it is not a good thing to have a head-on conflict. It will only accelerate the fermentation of things. In the future, I will be gone, and it will be difficult for Yuelin Society to stand firm.

Only when the same strength and mutual benefits are combined can the business be stable and long-term.

"This is..." Feng Qi saw that I had explained what I was thinking, and hurriedly came over to see him. Even though I have just entered the late stage of enlightenment, the pressure is not simple at all.

"Fengqi Taishang Great Elder, I am the itchy teeth you have always hated, but I only hear the name, the city lord of Fenglan City, Xia Yitian." A weird smile appeared at the corner of my mouth. How can I not recognize the identity of the other party.


"One day in summer!"

"The lord of Fenglan City!"

A group of elders and Ke Qing suddenly turned pale with fright, all of them pulled out of their postures. While being very vigilant, they were also looking at the face of the wind, but most even the fully armed Xianjia had their legs shaking. After all, What Feng Lan City has done during this time has already made them feel horrible.

The immortal family who went to crusade all came back in despair, and many sects have entered Fenglan City without any return. Of course, they didn't know that they were all collected by me, and they thought they were all dead in my hands.

Therefore, the reputation of Fenglan City has changed.

"You are the lord of Fenglan City Xia Yitian! Do you know where you are?! Dare to break in here, don't think that you can easily step out of this door!" Feng Qi looked at me while his eyes were on the snow Allure.

"What are you looking at? This matter has nothing to do with me." Xue Qingcheng pulled Zhilin's hand and said, "Let's go. I'm not interested in participating in his own affairs."

I smiled awkwardly. After all, Xue Qingcheng is the young master of Tiancheng, and there is also Tiancheng's business network here. It is natural not to help. Anyway, the strength gap lies in that. Apart from the matter of Shangmo God, I really didn't help her.

I surrounded a group of immortal families, and the wind chuckled coldly, and said: "Hehe, the old man said that the Yuelin Society must have an inseparable relationship with your Fenglan City. Today it seems that you are sitting firmly, you Fenglan With the city hand stretched so long, with the crazy expansion of the Yuelin Society during this period, do you really think that our sects are all fools?"

"I don’t know if it’s a fool. Isn’t it fair competition for everyone? It’s not all of your sect’s efforts to attract so many immortals to Lucheng? It’s not easy for everyone to exchange resources. Look at you, Now I’m in the Eclosion Realm, isn’t there any Heaven-Mixing Pill or Sun God Pill left in my body? Unhelpful Immortal Fruit, Heaven Crystal, etc., should I enjoy it too? Not to mention losing thousands of years and being collected by Heavenly City. I guess you’ll rarely see the Peeping Stones that went there? If our Fenglan City didn’t stir in, would there be so many good things?" The earth fairy fruit in the glass box was taken out.

A group of immortals were filled with righteous indignation, and were shocked by my words and the bunch of babies on the bar.

"But the pattern that we have stabilized over the years has been disrupted by your Fenglan City. Now that we are living in a crack, what is the advantage compared to that?" Feng Qi finished coldly, and seemed to think of it again. Regarding the matter, gritted his teeth and said, "Besides, I understand the blood feud of the young master Chi Chong of Wind City, should we just swallow it like this?"

Fengqi is not a fool to be able to sit here, of course it is precisely because of his cleverness that he will lead Zhilin out.

But just because of this, it also means that he can be discussed, as long as the benefits are sufficient.

"Don't come to this set, Chi Chong ran into him to find his death, did I tell him that you can't come over, so you can stop him?" I sneered coldly.

In the face of my arrogance, not only the wind rose, but a group of immortals also jumped and cursed with anger.

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