Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7543: : Shensha

This time, my technique used a lot of force. After all, I already felt the solemnity of the spiritual energy of Zhongyuanzhou, which means that the space barrier is thick. Fortunately, I did not keep my hand. Although the effect of the instant attack was not as shocking as I imagined, But all the Xianjia who chased over were shocked.

Being able to destroy the space means that the terrifying effect of this spell on people, even if they are in the fairyland, it is impossible to resist a blow.

Unless they are also wearing the same Ying Tianyi that Si Zhengxian Qingyao is.

But not everyone can collect all the treasures in one. According to the discussion of a group of old monsters just now, it should be selected from a group of immortals to go to Muxianzhou, and the others will either give out treasures or give up to others. conditions, otherwise who would take up the position of Si Zhengxian?

That's gone forever.

"Who's afraid? I don't need this, it's for your own sake. At most, I'll put on this cloak anyway." Although I still think of her when I feel the danger, Xue Qingcheng still doesn't want to. Wear what others have used.

"I have changed this cloak, not only the color, but also Ying Tianyi has also been remodeled. The spirit pattern has been removed and new materials are used, so you can treat it as brand new." I laughed, In fact, saying that she has changed everything is to lie to her, and I am inclined to absolute pragmatism.

"I want a brand new one. You should keep Ying Tianyi to save your life. I'm not a fool. If you change it, you can't wait to give it to me." Xue Qingcheng said with bright eyes.

I smiled silently, it seems that this little goblin can't be deceived, so I didn't dare to neglect at this moment, and put on Ying Tianyi directly, because the group of old monsters behind them were not idle, and after bypassing the space where the space was cracked, immediately All kinds of attacks were thrown over, and there were a few that were surprisingly fast, closing the distance step by step. If I didn't do something, I would catch up sooner or later.


I blasted out the sky-collapse technique again, and Xue Qingcheng didn't do anything because I hugged her at this moment. She just felt that the moment I started, her speed skyrocketed, directly pulling a group of old monsters away.

This little girl is smart, and I also seem to have known such cooperation, which is probably Xue Qingcheng's deep-rooted fighting instinct.

"This time it's my turn to take you to fly." Xue Qingcheng said as he activated his cloak to fly quickly, and I didn't hesitate to use my strength to create obstacles for the enemy, and Xue Qingcheng was very shrewd. If you don't fly in the direction, after a while, you really get rid of most of the fairy family!

It can still attack under fast movement, which immortal family can stand it, so these immortal families chase to the end, and they are all unconvinced, and their hearts are full of hatred.

"Stop for Lao Tzu! Don't run!"

"If you are caught by this old man, you two juniors will be slashed by a thousand swords!"

"Don't think that the old man has no temper! Stop now and still have a little life!"

Of course, escaping is not the way to go. It is enough to get rid of most of them, but I am not sure to get rid of the remaining few, not to mention that Xue Qingcheng is only in the Ascension Realm. Even if she has a cloak, her speed can barely reach Ascension. It is only the threshold of the realm, and it is still far from those who are catching up.

Moreover, using a cloak to move around Zhongyuan Continent consumes a lot of power. She is in a perfect ascension realm, and even the breath here is just adapting to it. If you replace it with other non-liangyi spiritual roots, her spiritual power has already been exhausted.

Looking at the fine sweat on her forehead, I broke away from her embrace, and then swept back instantly, a blow of the Heaven-Breaking Technique slammed into one of the old men who were chasing after me!

The old man hurried to dodge, but the huge range of the sky-collapse art still cut a trace on him!

boom! The waterfall-like beam of light kept falling on me, and I looked unhappy at the fairy who blasted out this intensive beam attack, and instantly pulled out the Sword of Extermination!


The sword power rushed out overwhelmingly. This was not a simple sword-drawing attack when I was in the Ascension Realm. Now I still have a firm control over this sword, and this force is also unimaginably powerful, and it directly repelled all attacks, even The five immortals who were besieged were shaken back!

Xue Qingcheng clenched the Tu Xiao sword in the distance. Now it is impossible to say that she is not nervous. In the face of so many super geniuses of the same rank, even if I am strong, she will be worried.

"I didn't expect it to be this God-destroying sword. It is rumored that Ye Xian's ancestor was refined from the God-destroying sand in the depths of the Tongtian Mountain Demon Realm. When this sword came out, the world was destroyed. Now I can't think of the Tuxiao sword of the same material coming back! Look! Laiqingyao really died in the hands of the two of you!" said a male fairy coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, who is married to him?" Xue Qingcheng couldn't help but correct at this time.

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