Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7544: : Temple

Xue Qingcheng's rebuttal didn't let the Xianjia present take it to heart. Everyone had already seen me carrying her to the temple anyway.

And now everyone is focusing on me and the Exterminator Sword, there is no time for him to care, Xue Qingcheng can only fall into an awkward silence.

I didn't stop. After releasing the sword power of the Extinguishing Sword, I immediately approached the nearest immortal house, and blasted the nearest immortal house with the sky-breaking technique. With a loud noise, the space was densely cracked, and the immortal house could not escape. , the body is directly torn apart!

Although the old immortal had defensive treasures on his body, he did not kill him in seconds with one blow, but only slightly injured him.

After being evaded by the other party, I was about to pursue it, and several other immortals immediately surrounded me, blocking the gap, and all kinds of attacks came violently.

These attacks are all acquired attributes of the two ceremonies. After all, if you can survive here, you are no longer an ordinary genius. Climbing to the fairyland is also the highest realm in Zhongyuanzhou, because it means that you have to carry out the act of ascending to the fairyland, and then the realm is fundamental. It is not something that the Xianjia here can understand.

All kinds of law attacks, and law treasures all slammed into me, I immediately pulled out the Exterminator Sword again, and shook off these attacks again!

In fact, it is also the most effective way to use the magic energy that is stronger than any breath to brush off these attacks, because if they can play the law that surpasses these magic energy and makes it above it, it already means that they are far from proving the Way. It's not far, but obviously the Xianjia here are not qualified enough.

Although they are the few who have caught up with us, it can only mean that they are fast enough. As for other immortals, there must be stronger ones, and they should be coming soon.

After pushing them back the second time, I stopped chasing them and now want to kill them unless they are alone.

Although it is innate, it is still difficult to kill several people at a time. After all, I have consumed most of the energy of ascending to the fairyland. Now is not the heyday. If I fall into a fierce battle, I will probably die here.

After making up my mind, I pulled Xue Qingcheng into the sea of ​​clouds again.

As we continued to rush into the unknown, the face of this world gradually took shape in my mind.

Zhongyuanzhou is not so barren that it only has heavy spiritual energy. Countless exotic flowers and plants also grow here, and they are more colorful than Muxianzhou. Among them, purple and black plants are the most, followed by blue and blue. Most, green and red are also available, but relatively rare.

As for the color of the land here, it tends to be purple-yellow, and the humidity of the air will vary from place to place.

And in some places, there are many mountains, many rivers and streams, and there should be plenty of groundwater sources, so that the scenery here looks more like a fairyland.

There appear to be signs of artificially intervening growth in several places, and there appear to be distinct lines of zonal divisions as they occasionally cross from zone to zone.

In addition, there are occasional encounters in the area that are either beautiful women or young fairy families, and even some spirit beasts and demon spirits who take care of vegetation and collect fairy fruits in the area, so I conclude that Zhongyuanzhou can become a fairyland. The place should be jointly managed by a group of ascending fairyland, and then the tool creatures under their command will execute the order.

Because when I crossed a relatively special medicine field, I saw three or four identical fairies, with standard movements and similar actions, so at first glance, it was a clone or a paper servant.

After flying for about half a day, in the end, only three immortals were left chasing me, and they went around a lot. In fact, I deliberately wanted to return to the temple. This is also because the temple should be the middle yuan. core of the continent.

After all, facilities such as the entrance to the cave can be seen in every area, spanning six major areas, which is already half a day's journey.

Seeing me stop suddenly, the three immortals were stunned, but after I launched the attack the next moment, they could only passively defend.

"Little brother! You can really toss! This is flying around in a big circle, what are you trying to do!?"

"Why don't you fight! We three beat you one, you will definitely suffer! Why don't we stop and talk now?!"

"Isn't it? We were chasing you and wasting a lot of Ascension Power. Why? You should have lost a lot, right? Well, you go to the temple with us, and now you don't come. , and quite powerful, why don't we be a guide and introduce you?"

I stopped the Heaven-Breaking Technique that was going to be blasted out, looked at the three of them with a sneer, and said, "Okay, leave one person as a hostage, and the other two will go to the temple to introduce us. If anything happens, we can also have one. Assure."

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