Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7549: :Serve

Seeing that the time was ripe, I said coldly, "Miaozhu, I don't know what you are planning to do, to send Qingyao as Si Zhengxian, and to impose the method of extermination on Muxianzhou again, do you want us to Is Zhongyuanzhou once again in a state of depletion of luck? No matter how many fairy grasses we plant, how many medicinal herbs we refine, how many mines we dig, and how many monsters we kill, we may not be able to do it anymore. Immortal Ascension! Don't you know whether the success of Immortal Ascension is a two-way street!? In addition to having enough luck to ascend to Immortal, the lowering of the luck above is actually a major reason!"

As soon as I said these words, the scene suddenly became uncontrollable.

"Miaozhu! You dare to do this vicious thing, aren't you afraid of the anger of the gods?!"

"Yes! This is the reason why we can't ascend to immortals!"

"If the cause and effect of the world is broken, how can you let him go!"

"Friend Xia said the resonance of heaven and earth, my father also said it! This is definitely a conspiracy!"

"Could it be that the temple only wanted to receive the incense that we enshrined in order to cut off our path to immortality?!"

The temple Zhu was stunned, and was speechless for a while, and when he saw more and more people saying that she was not, he reacted and said quickly: "It's not like this! Immortals! The temple is determined, They were all made with ancient methods. How could it be that this temple Zhu did it privately? Those are definitely not the power of this temple Zhu Yixian! Moreover, the former Si Zhengxian was destroyed at that time, and it was proposed that another Si Zhengxian be elected to Muxianzhou. , is also the common strength of all of you, why is it now a matter of this temple's blessing?!"

Of course, a group of immortals refused to turn him over, and once again blocked the words of the temple blessing.

"If you didn't propose this, which immortal family would dare to agree?"

"Yes! It's what you did, we just follow blindly!"

"Yeah, when you are a temple congratulation, you always think so!"

"I suggest that in the future, as Daoyou Xia said, no more Si Zhengxian should be sent to slaughter the immortals of a continent!"

"I agree too! Now that it has been raised for thousands of years, it has begun to come up to the fairy family again. How can it be wrong again and again?"

"The road to immortality cannot be interrupted any longer! You should listen to what Daoyou Xia has to say!"

I have brought out a bunch of evidence this time, and everyone is in the process of seeking change. At this time, the goal has been achieved, how can I give up on this? So I immediately said: "Let's do it! I propose to remove the temple Zhu, and everyone will choose me as the new temple Zhu of the temple, to be in charge of the temple's decision-making! I can guarantee that not only will it not affect everyone's interests, but even within three years, I will also let Zhongyuanzhou create a successful immortal family! If I can't do it, I will revoke my temple blessing position! What do you think?!"

"Have a successful immortal family within three years?! How is this possible?!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to succeed in ascending to the Immortal in 30 years! Within a few years, I don't know how many souls have been destroyed!"

"That's not it? The last one was the ancestor of the magic vine, right? Ouch, the fourth heavenly tribulation has not been overcome!"

"Fellow Daoist Xia, don't talk too much! How come you don't understand!"

"Don't think that temple blessings are enshrined in major territories, you think you have made a lot of money, what can you do for three years?"

I smiled and immediately said to everyone: "If I become a temple blessing, not only will I guarantee a successful climb to the fairyland within three years, but I will not accept any offerings from everyone, and even make everyone's interests greatly increased compared to previous years. And I promise everyone to open up more territories so that everyone can get more seats, of course, I can't do it for nothing, I want to participate in the competition for seats with everyone! What do you think!?"

"What? Don't worship?"

"This is good! Work for nothing, don't make offerings, where can I find such a temple blessing?"

"Hey, but he's going to compete!"

"Participate, participate, fair competition, who is afraid of who?!"

"That's right, otherwise, Miaozhu will be fooling around and commanding all day long, and there will be salaries waiting to ascend to immortals. Who doesn't want to be such a good position?!"

"This is what a temple blessing should look like! I support Xia Xian's family!"

"I support it too!"

The voices of support came one after another, and the old man of the temple was so angry that his face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: "The temple and the temple are decided by more than half of the immortals in the territory. Do not obey the law! Do you want to be punished by heaven!?"

Although everyone disagreed, but many people calmed down again, I sneered and said: "The temple law was set by the predecessors, but the predecessors are also people! If I am a temple blessing and change the law, I will be punished by heaven, and I will be punished. Let God punish me! As long as everyone supports me, I am willing to serve everyone! My promise will definitely be fulfilled!"

The cheers and approval suddenly became a film, and the angry Miaozhu old man shouted and took out his treasured sword and slashed at me!

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