Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7550: : stir

Of course, not everyone can be a temple blessing. I knew that this temple blessing was no small matter.

"The old man killed you boy!" Miaozhu gritted his teeth and roared, and the power of the law of ascending to the fairyland spread out immediately. The power of this law seems to have a huge attraction, which is obviously a magnetic law derived from the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the immortals immediately avoided it, and they all hid aside.

The old man Miaozhu stretched out his hand towards me, and the tyrannical suction immediately pulled me directly towards him. The power of this imperial object is indeed very powerful.

The knife that I don't know what to forge is also dark purple. It is very likely to be a special ore from Zhongyuanzhou. The effect of this is a powerful attack energy.

Even if I was slashed at the fairyland, I couldn't bear it. Of course, I couldn't let him run into it, so I instantly pulled out the Exterminator Sword!

The demonic energy of this God-destroying sword is obviously stronger. With me as the center, the surrounding area is under the amplification of demonic energy. The old man in the temple wished me to **** me so that he saw my sword unsheathed immediately. Banyue Zhan slashed towards me!


This long-distance attack collided with my Exterminator Sword, which immediately caused a storm. We fell into this storm, and the shield was obviously shivering when hit by the devil!

I didn't stop, and immediately blasted a blow to the temple at close range, only to hear a bang, the other party's protective shield suddenly cracked, and he was so scared that he quickly stepped back and drew a knife to spread the space of these cracks. The strong tacit understanding completely bridges the space, which can be regarded as a simple solution!

Of course, the strength of this old man is more than that. After I continued to bombard the sky, he immediately dragged me to the cracks in the space blasted by the collapse, intending to let these cracks kill me, but he did not expect me at all. When I climbed to the fairyland, I used the law of space to enter the avenue, so these space cracks have no effect on me at all. My body seems to be countless particles that can be bridged at any time. As long as the consciousness is not destroyed, it is basically difficult to I kill, this is also the advantage of space law.

Seeing the scene that pulled me closer to the space didn't work, the old man Miaozhu's eyes suddenly widened, but it was too late. My Exterminator Sword was pulled out again, and it collided with his sword in an instant!

With a click, the old man Miaozhu roared angrily: "Old man's knife!"

"Don't you want to pull me closer? I'm not here?" I know the weaknesses of the magic weapon. I still know where the sword is weakest, so even if it is a sword, I can easily Smash his sword!

In addition, the material of the Extinguishing Sword is definitely much stronger than this sword. After the weapon was smashed to pieces, the terrifying demonic energy immediately affected the old man Miaozhu. The demonic energy evaporated his body surface, and the closest position immediately turned into particles. Disappearing, these are signs of a rapid disappearance of energy.

But of course it wasn't over yet, I immediately launched the Sky Bombing Technique and blasted him directly!

The old man Miaozhu took a hard blow and immediately fled backwards. All the immortals were shunning him. I knew that if I didn't kill him now, it would definitely be a big trouble later, so I immediately chased after him.

However, he didn't expect that the old man's escape was fake. Seeing me chasing after him, he turned around with a pot in his arms and grinned: "Boy, you are young after all! Come into my blood-turning pot!"

The black and purple copper pot looks very classical, and I don't know where it came from. I only saw it rolling around in the old man's arms, and suddenly the old man's tyrannical suction pulled me straight towards the pot. pull!

I immediately used the split air escape, but no matter how powerful my escape method was, it didn't seem to be as strong as the suction of this pot! This feeling of being dragged away made me a little admired.

But he has a baby at the bottom of the box, don't I have one?

The sleeve in my hand flicked, and after the printed letter flew out, a strong light suddenly erupted, and the dragon of the end, the size of a mountain, immediately blocked the front of me and the old man. The huge dragon was not digestible by this blood-turning pot at all, because No matter how big it gets, it can't hold this poisonous dragon!

Even Mo Shenlong directly wrapped the old man and the blood-turning pot, and the violent poisonous gas rushed out immediately, only to hear the old man screaming again and again, unable to stop the stirring of the dragon, the huge power and terrible poison made it on the spot. The power of the old man Miaozhu was quickly consumed, and this power was also absorbed by the letter, which became a nightmare for the immortals present!

"Little friend! Hurry up and let the old man go! The job of Miaozhu is yours! The many treasures of the old man are also yours!" The old man of Miaozhu wailed.

But with this kind of feud, how could I let him escape?

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